I've been away from FFXIV for about a year now. I purchased the normal edition around 6 months after it's initial release. I no longer have the client downloaded due to a reformat, and additionally no longer have my discs. So my questions are:
A. Does having the original game allow me to join into the Beta currently or at any stage?
B. Is there some sort of early access to the game for people who owned it previous, and if so, am I eligible/when is it?
C. If not eligible to the question above, I have seen all this about the "Legacy Campaign" requirements, can someone explain that to me as well?
D. Where can I download FFXIV 1.0, and will it auto update to 2.0 once it's release?
Sorry for all of these questions. I've looked for answers, I honestly have. However I have a strange eye condition that makes it painful for me to filter through large amounts of words on Forums and such.