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Answer my quetion if you can about F2PFollow

#27 May 17 2013 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Yep i agree on what you say sandpark. My suggestion that subscription affects it, is because from experience i have seen that the younger the player the more of a douchebag he will be and since he is a kid that means his/her money are limited thus they normally stay in the range of F2P games. Now by that i do not mean there aren't a*** from the age of 18 and above, god no but i tent to believe they are more civil than a 12 year old boy that just discovered he can say anything he wants in the internet without his parent ever know thus no fear of punishment.

I can see what you mean about youth. A youth has less perception of what real consequence is in most cases. Kidnappings, date rape, molestation, peer pressure, inexperienced handling of emotions, etc, etc.
#28 May 17 2013 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
It isn't always only the youth that never grows up either though.
#29 May 17 2013 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Damn that is pretty nasty. And yea as i said being over 18 doesn't make you a better guy just like that. An adult can and in most cases will be worse than a kid.You can sometimes guess when the one that is insulting you is a kid or an older person. Douchebags come in all ages i am afraid.

Edited, May 17th 2013 6:07pm by Teravibe
#30 May 17 2013 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
LoL true strike! I guess that man got his revenge but for what gain? He showed one young boy out of millions that you can't get away from being"A child". At the cost of disgracing himself and his family and will probably have trouble finding a good job if he does plan to work.
#31 May 17 2013 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
Well, that escalated quickly.
#32 May 17 2013 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Ok, yesterday i downloaded Tera Rising since i saw it went F2P after it failed and because they told me their F2P system wasn't that bad. I downloaded and started playing. Well before i start saying anything i must say this is the BIGGEST WoW clone game i have seen in ages. So anyway i just made a panda sorcerer for the laughs (wow anyone?) and joined the game. I am lvl 12 at the moment and while the game is ok i guess for a clone there is one thing that annoyed me as hell, the chat.

The size of immaturity i have seen in there is really surprising. All the time people chat in global chat and 2 out of 3 times you will read comments of the kind "want to sell a bag of d**s" or "want to sell your mum" or "you are a f**g" etc i don't want to go into more you get what i am saying.

So ultimately my question is this. Is the game full of 12 year olds that think they are da boss cause it just happened or because it went F2P? The last payed MMO i played till a week ago for 2-3 years was eve online and we didn't have this kind of convos and if i were to guess why i would say probably cause it was payed and because its for more mature players since its hard.So i really want your thoughts into this.

Seriously if this is what people want from ARR i would rather shoot my leg than play it. The community in Tera is so bad that it makes me NOT wonna play the game. I wanted to stop discussing the F2P vs P2P thing but after this experience i will say again and again that i rather ARR fail than go F2P and have the kind of community Tera Rising has.

I'm sure I will get karma bombed for this, but this thread seems very very biased and propaganda based. Though I can only offer in-site during the time I played when it was P2P. Tera a WoW clone? it's combat mechanic is way different. Actively targeting to hit a mobs weak area, and dodging out of the way. That was the one thing I liked about the game, was always moving around trying to get the edge on, flanking mobs and bosses was fun. Yes there were similar qualities to WoW, heck even SE is incorporating some of these ideas into ARR, why re-invent the wheel right! Secondly tera was released before WoWs expansions mists of pandaria. So if anything WoW copied Tera in regards to pandas. I can't comment on the community post F2P, but I can tell you the community was not worse than any other MMO I've played with a general/world chat. WoWs Barren chat, Rifts general chat, GW2 general chat, Teras General chat... all of them are flooded with such immature and Vulgur comments. That's why I usually filter general off as soon as I start a new MMO. I do agree with your thinking of Eve online. Due to it's steep learning curve, and the fact you can loose everything if you die; it most likely turns away most casual players.

Edited, May 17th 2013 6:42pm by crazyorc
#33 May 17 2013 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
sandpark wrote:
Douchebaggery exists in game and real life. The more people playing or you are around. The more likely you will see asshats. The payment model doesn't affect this.

Fear of loss or the pain motivator is what keeps people in check. Any game be it P2P or FTP will always have douches. Unless the internet police cut them off from playing. Douchebag is more prevalent on the internet due to no social tension.

Yes. And when you have to buy a new copy of the game after you get banned, you might rethink being a total douche, right?

Free to Play breeds idiots because there is no penalty. Sure, you lose our progress, but you aren't really committed to this game anyway right? You can just make a new account. If my FFXI account got perma-banned, I lost not only time, but the cost of those subscription months, plus the cost of the game.

Edited, May 17th 2013 6:54pm by Louiscool
#34 May 17 2013 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Well i loled with the propaganda part. Would you feel better if i remove my personal thoughts for the game? And i am serious here i will. I never intended to say anything about the game. If you took the time to read my other posts you would see that i actually like the game.The fighting system is in fact different than wow and i am well aware that it has also been awarded. But again as you will read other posts in this very thread you would see that i said that the game has unique elements. The reason why i didn't mentioned them? Because the thread has NOTHING TO DO with Tera as a game. My argument was for the community that in my belief is bad due to the game being F2P.

I still stand with my comment that it is a WoW clone for various reasons but again you are missing the point of the whole thread.

edti: Also enough with the damn panda, as i was already corrected and responded that i didn't know and i was wrong. And one last thing now that i think about it, since when stating my own personal thoughts on a game from my own experience is propaganda?Did i lie? The game has several wow elements which makes it a clone.How big of a clone that is up for discussion i agree. Nevertheless i will remove my thoughts if you felt so offended and manipulated.

Edited, May 17th 2013 7:02pm by Teravibe
#35 May 17 2013 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
237 posts
Well how I viewed this thread was as a well released bout of white knight propaganda, considering the recent threads debating P2P vs F2P. Seemed to me like a well released bout of bashing another games community. I do admit I skimmed some of your other comments, and missed some pertinent information for that I apologize. As for your other posts in other threads I can not comment, as I do not remember any of the top of my head, nor do I have will power to riffle through threads and read them.

Maybe I just have a bitter taste in my mouth from the first release of this game, I was a die hard supporter and thought to myself it will get better, this can't be what they are releasing. As such (because I was one at one point) I loath white knighting now. I feel they do nothing but put rose tinted glasses on (and duct tape them on other people). But I feel an apology is due, and so I am sorry for missing the point of your posts and thread. BTW Teras pandas 10x times better than WoWs
#36 May 17 2013 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
In a Free to play game, you can just keep making characters- well, for free. Pay to play has more of a permanent loss. So it does matter on some level. I've never been banned, so I don't know if they keep your information on record to prevent you from registering again.
#37 May 17 2013 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
121 posts
The community in TERA was the way it was when the game even first began. General chat was filled with immature people from day one.
#38 May 17 2013 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Teravibe wrote:
The game has several wow elements which makes it a clone. How big of a clone that is up for discussion i agree.

/puts on best Spanish accent... You keep saying this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Maybe I just have a bitter taste in my mouth from the first release of this game, I was a die hard supporter and thought to myself it will get better, this can't be what they are releasing. As such (because I was one at one point) I loath white knighting now. I feel they do nothing but put rose tinted glasses on (and duct tape them on other people). But I feel an apology is due, and so I am sorry for missing the point of your posts and thread. BTW Teras pandas 10x times better than WoWs

It's funny, because I felt exactly the same way that you did when 1.0 released, and I was really pissed when the game didn't improve immediately. I think, however, that you are mistaking white-knighting for general excitement and anticipation. As far as the P2P vs. F2P argument, I and many others have stated it in this thread why we don't like F2P. I like to earn my gear, even just the aesthetic stuff. I don't want to buy it in a cash shop. I also want players that I know will be playing for a long time, not players that will jump ship the second they smell another mmo. Lastly, I don't want to have to pay to get ahead. Cash shops encourage buying XP boosts and other such boosts that I'd rather not even have in game, or if they are there, make them an actual part of the content... like they were in FFXI. So there ya go, I think those are very understandable reasons why I want P2P and not F2P. Based on reading the thread, I know I'm not the only one.

Edited, May 17th 2013 8:44pm by BartelX
#39 May 17 2013 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Catwho wrote:
Think about the age of people who don't have $10 to spare for a video game each month, and thus are concentrated in F2P land.

There's your answer.

XI has a very wide range of ages. The bulk of us started in high school or college, but many of my friends are in the 30-60 age range now.

#40 May 17 2013 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
Louiscool wrote:
I have MAYBE 10 people on my /blist in XI, 7 in XIV, at least 50 in League of Legends.

Time played:
XI - 300 days (I checked the other day)
XIV - 1.5 years-ish
LOL - 5 months

Lets play Legue! I will be Nice.... Muahahaha
#41 May 17 2013 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Ostia wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
I have MAYBE 10 people on my /blist in XI, 7 in XIV, at least 50 in League of Legends.

Time played:
XI - 300 days (I checked the other day)
XIV - 1.5 years-ish
LOL - 5 months

Lets play Legue! I will be Nice.... Muahahaha

Haha, and if you don't I can always make it 51.
#42 May 17 2013 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
Louiscool wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
I have MAYBE 10 people on my /blist in XI, 7 in XIV, at least 50 in League of Legends.

Time played:
XI - 300 days (I checked the other day)
XIV - 1.5 years-ish
LOL - 5 months

Lets play Legue! I will be Nice.... Muahahaha

Haha, and if you don't I can always make it 51.

Smiley: lol You know i have nobody on my ignore list on Legue Smiley: lol
#43 May 17 2013 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
I'm getting annoyed by the accusation of white knighting in this thread. We're allowed to praise SE and Yoshi P for what they've done to ARR, especially those of us who have been in the alpha or beta and seen first hand the improvements.

I'm not allowed to discuss the crap that I've seen first hand they still need to improve because of the NDA still in place for that content. Trust me, I've given them an earful in the appropriate places. (One of those posts was like a page long rant about - aw, dammit. See, I can't even say that! Smiley: bah)

We're allowed to compare and contrast the communities of games we've been in. I've stuck with XI for nearly a decade now because the community is fairly mature, calm, thoughtful, and reasonable. I've avoided the majority of other games because my brief experiences with their communities was more or less the opposite.

Edited, May 18th 2013 12:28am by Catwho
#44 May 17 2013 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
383 posts
Catwho wrote:
I've stuck with XI for nearly a decade now because the community is fairly mature, calm, thoughtful, and reasonable. I've avoided the majority of other games because my brief experiences with their communities was more or less the opposite.

While I respect your opinion, I tend to notice that most people who have played XI share it.

I, personally, have never noticed that big of a difference in the communities once you get set in the game. FFXI is comparatively smaller than other games, so the fact that there are more people, just might mean there's exponentially more idiots.
#45 May 17 2013 at 10:48 PM Rating: Excellent
crazyorc wrote:
Well how I viewed this thread was as a well released bout of white knight propaganda, considering the recent threads debating P2P vs F2P. Seemed to me like a well released bout of bashing another games community. I do admit I skimmed some of your other comments, and missed some pertinent information for that I apologize. As for your other posts in other threads I can not comment, as I do not remember any of the top of my head, nor do I have will power to riffle through threads and read them.

Maybe I just have a bitter taste in my mouth from the first release of this game, I was a die hard supporter and thought to myself it will get better, this can't be what they are releasing. As such (because I was one at one point) I loath white knighting now. I feel they do nothing but put rose tinted glasses on (and duct tape them on other people). But I feel an apology is due, and so I am sorry for missing the point of your posts and thread. BTW Teras pandas 10x times better than WoWs

This topic is not new, it's been beaten to death over and over. Well released indeed Smiley: tongue
#46 May 17 2013 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default
Just like everybody is allowed to critique the game.... Oh wait....
#47 May 17 2013 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Teravibe wrote:
Ok, yesterday i downloaded Tera Rising since i saw it went F2P after it failed and because they told me their F2P system wasn't that bad. I downloaded and started playing. Well before i start saying anything i must say this is the BIGGEST WoW clone game i have seen in ages. So anyway i just made a panda sorcerer for the laughs (wow anyone?) and joined the game. I am lvl 12 at the moment and while the game is ok i guess for a clone there is one thing that annoyed me as hell, the chat.

Popori pandas were available in TERA before there were pandas in WoW. Perhaps Blizz is making WoW a TERA clone? Doubtful.

The game has it's share of '12 year olds' just like any game. If you don't like what you read in chat, you can disable it. Real talk, I had an issue in XI where a player who was upset that I beat him to claim a mob went nuts on me and spammed my chat with insult and profanity. The GM I contacted gave me the same advice I just gave you. Use your blacklist/ignorelist and turn your "I'm not 12, but I don't want to hear their thoughts" parental settings on Smiley: glare

I purchased and played TERA through the subscription fee era and those people still existed, at least; I suspect they did but I wouldn't have known because I had general chat disabled. Just my opinion, but player behavior isn't related to subscription fees. A game being F2P doesn't inspire immaturity.


Thin skinned people on the internet? The irony of your forum name and it's association with this post Smiley: sly

Pandas have been part of wow lore since WC3... As for the topic, i believe all communities are the same, there are some trolls, some idiots, some mature people, to dismiss an entire community based on a world chat is kinda silly anyways, i have seen people joke around in shout in FFXIV, but that does not mean the entire community where idiots or immature etc etc.
#48 May 17 2013 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Ostia wrote:
Just like everybody is allowed to critique the game.... Oh wait....

You're allowed to critique the game, you're not allowed to be an ******* to everyone else. If you like I can just ban you outright. I'm sure the cheers would be deafening. Personally I'd like to give you another chance.
#49 May 18 2013 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
412 posts
I had 0 people on my black list for FFXI and FFXIV. Any other MMO I played, I really didn't communicate with people much, so I didn't block anyone as well. It's just me, but I consider that list to be very serious. For some reason, I have yet to come across a person that I just wish to never hear.

I remember my brief incarceration in FFXI. I solicited the help of many people in Jeuno to spam /random via shout. They actually complied, and we were promptly ported. It was... an experience. That my first, and last attempt at trolling. Ahhh youth Smiley: laugh
#50 May 18 2013 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Just like everybody is allowed to critique the game.... Oh wait....

You're allowed to critique the game, you're not allowed to be an @#%^ to everyone else. If you like I can just ban you outright. I'm sure the cheers would be deafening. Personally I'd like to give you another chance.

Define being an ******* to everybody else... You yourself stated that
It's a good point, and so I think I'll just expand on this and encourage civility as much as possible (for an internet forum) from everyone. This includes conversations with Killua, Ostia, and those others who may not agree with the current forum majority. Mrmoderator you need to chill out too.

I like our forums, I think we have more intelligent conversations than some others, and I like not having to step on necks if I can help it

Yet we all know we treat killua like utter poo.... The times he has been called an idiot far outnumber the ones i have called somebody an idiot.... Smiley: lol

Oh and also those deafening cheers last time you mute me, where disappointing like the flood, i am still not sure which one was more lackluster.
#51 May 18 2013 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Ostia wrote:
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Just like everybody is allowed to critique the game.... Oh wait....

You're allowed to critique the game, you're not allowed to be an @#%^ to everyone else. If you like I can just ban you outright. I'm sure the cheers would be deafening. Personally I'd like to give you another chance.

Define being an @#%^ to everybody else... You yourself stated that
It's a good point, and so I think I'll just expand on this and encourage civility as much as possible (for an internet forum) from everyone. This includes conversations with Killua, Ostia, and those others who may not agree with the current forum majority. Mrmoderator you need to chill out too.

I like our forums, I think we have more intelligent conversations than some others, and I like not having to step on necks if I can help it

Yet we all know we treat killua like utter poo.... The times he has been called an idiot far outnumber the ones i have called somebody an idiot.... Smiley: lol

Oh and also those deafening cheers last time you mute me, where disappointing like the flood, i am still not sure which one was more lackluster.

This is 'murica Ostia. **** freedom of speech, we will censor your ***.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
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