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What would you do in this situation?...Follow

#1 May 01 2013 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
So i have posted about different class/jobs that i am thinking about playing and have recieved very good information from the lot of you. But here is the real gist of things. I have 3 room mates other than myself living in the house whom are all going to play FFXIV when it actually releases. I am wondering if anyone can give the best combo for us all job/class wise and maybe a craft for each as well. We are wanting to be able to jump and go do pretty much anything we want as we please when were all on at the same time. This being said we have 4 55inch tv's mounted side by side on our wall with all four HDMIed in through a PS3 which we will play on so communication for the 4 of us will be on point at any time. Im thinking a Tank and a Healer for absolute certain but the other 2 i am kinda up in the air about. In do time we plan to run end game stuff as well as help out the other LS mates to get where they need to be for end game status.

And as for a craft which looks to be most promising for bringing a stable amount of cash flow to help with end game things and helping LS mates out with gear and other needed things?

Im looking for any and all logical options and would like to talk my concerns and things out about the outcome in the end. thank you all in advance and im looking forward to chit chatting about it all with you.
#2 May 01 2013 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
From the sounds of it, you wanted to be a WHM, right?

So you starting off as Conjurer.

One roommate should start off as Gladiator or Marauder for tanking the 4 man dungeon.

The others should be a Lancer, Archer, Pugilist, Thaumaturge, or Arcanist.

Edited, May 1st 2013 3:12pm by UltKnightGrover
#3 May 01 2013 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Im not 100% sure i WANT to be a WHM at this time i just know that im the only one in the house that played XI and from the sounds of it would probably be the best candidate for the job considering its kinda a rough one to persue. My main in Xi was THF and absolutly loved it and really always have played a rogue/thief class in most games so i know the outlay pretty well.
#4 May 01 2013 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
Personally, I believe you should play what you want and feel like playing. Trying to create combinations that work best for a group of friends has a chance to backfire. Life happens> If a person(s) quit playing, then you're stuck with something you don't want to do.

A class/job you want to play is always a lot more enjoyable than a class/job you have to play. Odds are that you all won't want to play the same thing, but should that case arise, someone will have to give up their want and then spend their money on something that may seem dull to them.
#5 May 01 2013 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
If you want the best chance of not having to rely on other people and be a unit, I would suggest Warrior, Whm, and a Damage Dealer.

As for what damage dealer, I have no idea after the class adjustments.

Bard would be helpful, but less dmg.
BLM would be pure dmg, and was a home-wrecker in 1.0
Lancer destroyed face as well.
Monk was one of the best single-target DD's but they are undergoing a huge revamp.
Summoner... we have no idea.

Also, feel free you exchange War for Pld. PLD should be the best tank, while Warrior is a DD/Tank hybrid.

Again, things are changing so who knows.

For crafts, I suggest at least one of you play as a gatherer that syncs well with a craft another of you does.

A good example, one of you levels mining, while the other two level blacksmithing and armoring.

Edited, May 1st 2013 8:07pm by Louiscool
#6 May 01 2013 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
I didnt think about it in that sense and thanks for bringing that to my attention because i plan to play this game for a very LONG time.

and as for Louis with the crafting info... you said blacksmith and armourer was that for a reason as to income or just throwing randoms out there for an example? im seriously thinking about woodworking myself since i have read about this boat building ordeal. so much to think about for this game cause it has so many different possibilities or so it seems... BLAH!
#7 May 01 2013 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Ha, no, Woodworking should also be fine.

In that case, I would suggest Botany, Woodworking and maybe Clothcraft and Cooking (though cooking is also tied to fishing)?

It's hard to speak on how the economy will go and what crafts will do well. I know that mining was awesome for gil, as was Armorer, but I would assume they are trying to correct the imbalances, and house furniture should be a big money-maker.
#8 May 01 2013 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
Haha thats another thing ive been pondering myself... do i grind to 50 to be one of the first there for no damn reason... or do I craft like a mad SOB to be one of the first top crafters to establish an income... ive got alot of things running through my head and thats me thinking of starting on a fresh server of course... what are your plans? if i may ask...
#9 May 01 2013 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Mmoderator wrote:
do i grind to 50 to be one of the first there for no damn reason... or do I craft like a mad SOB to be one of the first top crafters to establish an income...
On a fresh server, generally speaking that is, your ability to establish an income is tied to how the farmers work and what the cash fountains are like. If no one is really farming, you don't have materials. If the fountains aren't flowing, there isn't really money to spread around. Of course, it's a double edged sword since if you don't get in on the ground level then there's more competition when the market steadies itself. Me, I'd work on both. Pick a craft, and try to tailor your leaving around places that you can farm your own materials.

Ground level consumables are best, since people that use consumables use consumables. However, it's also the smartest market, which means competition becomes fierce fast and levels off a lot quicker than other markets.

Edited, May 1st 2013 9:10pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#10 May 01 2013 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Gathering has more immediate rewards, while crafting is more long term.

In the end, being able to gather your own materials has the greatest reward, IMO. I enjoy being self reliant.
#11 May 01 2013 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
618 posts
Louiscool wrote:
Gathering has more immediate rewards, while crafting is more long term.

In the end, being able to gather your own materials has the greatest reward, IMO. I enjoy being self reliant.

Bigger profit comes to mind. Did that in FFxi with cooking. Went out and spent hrs farming mats on something I was going to make, yeah it was time consuming and sometime rather boring, but the turn around of the money I made by getting own mats.... well worth it.
#12 May 02 2013 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
How quickly did they lvling go for gathering per hour if there is a way to explain that...?
#13 May 02 2013 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
I leveled from 1 to 30 in a weekend of SOLID mining. Like, 2 10 hour sessions of mining over two days. Lots of drinks were needed for that..

30-45 (the level needed for Hamlet) took the rest of the week or so, because I work during the week. I also had 99 leve allowances and went through ALL of them.

Lastly, this actually took longer because there were only 4 mining camps, with no way to increase difficulty. That is, Going to a new camp at 30, the exp was godly until 35, where it quickly dropped off until the next camp at 40. It was painful after to out-leveled a camp, but this is something that SHOULD be fixed in ARR.

Edited, May 2nd 2013 3:14pm by Louiscool
#14 May 02 2013 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Were there very many mats past 30-35 that brought a fair amount of incom? Or were most of them right around the 30ish mark?
#15 May 02 2013 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
For a 4 man group, this is my take on it.

tank = Gladiator/paladin
damage dealer = Marauder/warrior or pugilist/monk
healer = conjuror/white mage
support or 2nd damage dealer = bard is good for less damage but good on side healing and buffs. lancer might also be good since they are good DD for groups of enemies in 1.0.

for crafts
tank = armorer and blacksmith. needed to make own armor and weapons.
DD = depending on which you go after. if GLA/WAR go with goldsmithing. you can get armor and weapons from your tanking buddy. goldsmithing will allow your party to have a cheap alternative to getting their accessories. if pug/monk, you may choose leatherworking. pugs often use medium style armor made of leather. Also, some weapons are leather based.
healer = weaver. you'll be making lots of robes and cloth type body pieces and leggings
support = if you chose a bard, carpenter would be good. if you chose a 2nd DD, you might split let one DD take blacksmith and let the tank focus on armorer.

Gathering wise, I suggest you all take up a gathering class at some point. It'll give you a chance to supply yourself with the much needed materials to level your craft and also all the crystals and crystal shards you'll need. Most if not all of you should focus more on mining or botany. Take up fishing if someone chooses to go for alchemy or culinarian.
#16 May 02 2013 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Mmoderator wrote:
Were there very many mats past 30-35 that brought a fair amount of incom? Or were most of them right around the 30ish mark?

Mats leveled well with your craft, so I could use most things fro mining to level BSM, but the money really truly rolled in at 40+ with cobalt ore, darksteel ore, mythril, gold, and the +1 versions.

The way mining and botany work/worked, was the more gathering skill you have, from level, gear, and tool, the more accurate you were when targeting certain items. With enough gathering stat, I could mine VERY specific ores, and target Cobalt with 90% success. Earlier in the leveling, say 38-42, it was a crapshoot on if I would get Cobalt at a certain depth, or an other ore, but at 45-50 I could pretty much garauntee which ore I was finding.

In 2.0, they've said you will be able to select the ore from a list, and it will tell you your % chance for success, so it's similar, but more user friendly.
#17 May 02 2013 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
You all are so helpful its insane... I appreciate all whome have taken the time to post on my topics..
#18 May 03 2013 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
599 posts
It might be good to swap the crafts around. The tank could do one of the crafts for the support or the healer for example, so everyone needs to work together to get better. That way nobody feels like they're not needed.
#19 May 03 2013 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
618 posts
Mmoderator wrote:
You all are so helpful its insane... I appreciate all whome have taken the time to post on my topics..

One thing to realize on that note: Most if not all of us don't suffer from insanity, we enjoy/embrace it on a daily basis!
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