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Weapons in ARRFollow

#27 Apr 08 2013 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
GDLYL wrote:
Intelligent and unique how? Looking at design. It's actually quite perfect.

They could do something different and equally awesome.

GDLYL wrote:
What background music should they play while showing it? Oh I know, the Sephiroth theme. Or, they should have spent time writing a completely new piece. Writing 'good' music is so easy. While riding a chocobo, they play the iconic chocobo theme (Note I said theme), as a cop out, to drive the nostalgia home. They should totally come up with something new. Smiley: rolleyes

You are right, they should have. Playing Terra's music from FFVI is a little bit desperate.

It's all opinions. It's fine if you like it, but I still say it's kind of tacky fanservice.

By the way, my argument isn't ONLY about Magitek (though that is pretty bad, with the direct copy & pasted design and Terra's Theme). The issue is that FFXIV doesn't really have any identity of its own. I like how Final Fantasy games usually create their own thing. They all have something unique about them... what does FFXIV really have that's its own?

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 9:35pm by Killua125
#28 Apr 08 2013 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I'd have no issues with them re-using things from previous games, especially mobs since most of them are repeated anyways. Do you REALLY need that much background story on something like Ruby Weapon sitting alone in a desert? Just plop something similar in Eorza, making it really damn hard to defeat and requiring a large number of players. You think Tiamat showed up for the first time in XI? nope, did anyone care? nope.

Lol honestly I dont care either. The more fan service the BETTER for me! Although that is how I feel I CAN however understand the arguments from others that just throwing stuff out there randomly with no rhyme or reason can seem desperate and at some point yes it will eventualy not make any sense. This is afterall a MMO that tells a story. Cant just have something random out there for no reason. Im not saying make the backstory significant but something cant just be out there for no reason.. Has to make sense to fans and newcomers alike not just be there.
#29 Apr 08 2013 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Killua125 wrote:
GDLYL wrote:
Intelligent and unique how? Looking at design. It's actually quite perfect.

They could do something different and equally awesome.

GDLYL wrote:
What background music should they play while showing it? Oh I know, the Sephiroth theme. Or, they should have spent time writing a completely new piece. Writing 'good' music is so easy. While riding a chocobo, they play the iconic chocobo theme (Note I said theme), as a cop out, to drive the nostalgia home. They should totally come up with something new. Smiley: rolleyes

You are right, they should have. Playing Terra's music from FFVI is a little bit desperate.

It's all opinions. It's fine if you like it, but I still say it's kind of tacky fanservice.

By the way, my argument isn't ONLY about Magitek (though that is pretty bad, with the direct copy & pasted design and Terra's Theme). The issue is that FFXIV doesn't really have any identity of its own. I like how Final Fantasy games usually create their own thing. They all have something unique about them... what does FFXIV really have that's its own?

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 9:35pm by Killua125

I have one question. Thta fan service was just for the producer letter right? I dont think that ACTUAL scene will be in ARR.. Magitek yeah but that exact scene with her theme playing no.. That was just for fun for people watching the letter...
#30 Apr 08 2013 at 7:51 PM Rating: Default
To me it seemed like a unique arrangement for Terra's Theme... I don't think they would create it just for a Live Letter?

Even if I'm wrong on that, I would have rather them come up with unique XIV designs. I think this Square Enix mentality of relying on their old successful titles for nostalgia, and old iconic stuff, is getting stale. They're milking everything to death. Now even FFVI stuff. When will it end?

How about they start creating NEW awesome stuff, NEW iconic designs? or are they not competent enough? My two cents

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 9:53pm by Killua125
#31 Apr 08 2013 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Killua125 wrote:
To me it seemed like a unique arrangement for Terra's Theme... I don't think they would create it just for a Live Letter?

Even if I'm wrong on that, I would have rather them come up with unique XIV designs. I think this Square Enix mentality of relying on their old successful titles for nostalgia, and old iconic stuff, is getting stale. They're milking everything to death. Now even FFVI stuff. When will it end?

How about they start creating NEW awesome stuff, NEW iconic designs? or are they not competent enough? My two cents

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 9:53pm by Killua125

Oh sir...

You should google "Everything is a Remix." You might find it interesting. What you're asking for is something that should only be done in a single player/offline Final Fantasy. A game that is supposed to last 10 years? I think not. Use the job names and classes people grew to love over the past decades. Use traditional icons, but with a completely different story. You do realize that we're going to be playing another game where the world is in peril and we must save it right? Is there any way to spice that up? Change it some how? Make it more AWESOME?

I have a question for you. How would to make the ninja job unique? Actually, any job! I would like you to personally suggest how you could improve or come up with something that hasn't been done before. How much do you add or subtract to it so it's still recognizable as a ninja, but different enough that it's new. Then we can discuss competency. I'm also curious about how highly you think of yourself.

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 10:17pm by GDLYL
#32 Apr 08 2013 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
It's kind of pointless to have a discussion with you. You're not even considering my point of view, and why I would rather see new designs than old recycled themes and copy pasted designs.

Nostalgia is powerful, I get it. I just would have preferred if they didn't copy paste Final Fantasy VI designs and character themes into a game set in a different universe. Your argument is kind of going all over the place. I've stated what I don't like... you like it. Stop trying to turn a discussion into an argument.

And no, I'm not a professional. That "If [x] is so bad, why don't YOU come up with something better!" argument is awful. Sorry that I expect more from a multi-billion dollar company.

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 10:28pm by Killua125
#33 Apr 08 2013 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
122 posts
You have to consider that the design for an mmo and a single player RPG are very different. reusing these kinds of elements [world specific content] in a single player rpg would be short selling the fans, but I think it fits pretty well into the structure of an mmo's design. I think an mmo benefits from filling its world with a large quantity of varied content from older source materiel. The integrity of the story is less of a priority in my opinion, but I don't think it will even be effected if they implement this in a tasteful way that fits with the games atmosphere.

I'm fairly certain that they did say that the music guy at the Q&A improvised it during the session. I don't think it would be that hard to do. So all it is really is the megitech armor which I'm fine with. It's completely different than the original form that we had in FF6, which obviously couldn't match the artwork like this one does. We never got to control one like this. So it's not like they're sticking Terra into the story or anything. Cloud and Sephiroth aren't gonna pop up and start fighting for no reason.

I'm happy with them using these elements more liberally anyway. It sets this game apart from FFXI which chose not to do this. Yoshi-P said awhile back that they'd be doing this. There are actually a lot of things I'm looking foreword to because of this.

Like everything else, if it's well made it will be good.
#34 Apr 08 2013 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
Killua125 wrote:
It's kind of pointless to have a discussion with you. You're not even considering my point of view, and why I would rather see new designs than old recycled themes and copy pasted designs.

Nostalgia is powerful, I get it. I just would have preferred if they didn't copy paste Final Fantasy VI designs and character themes into a game set in a different universe. Your argument is kind of going all over the place. I've stated what I don't like... you like it. Stop trying to turn a discussion into an argument.

And no, I'm not a professional. That "If [x] is so bad, why don't YOU come up with something better!" argument is awful. Sorry that I expect more from a multi-billion dollar company.

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 10:28pm by Killua125

I fully understand your POV. I just haven't had that POV since I was a child. When things always had to go my way, or it was the worst thing ever. It has nothing to do with being a professional. Every single thing wrong with the original FFXIV release had a far better idea. Ideas that were stated repeatedly by fans. You could have easily come up with thousands of ideas that would have been better. Yet, the game was still made public. After watching public videos I realized that I preferred the 1.23 combat system. That tells me that it's personal. It doesn't speak ill of the new system, or make it the WORST THING EVER. I can simply state that I have a preference. That's not what you're doing however, and I won't allow you to claim that you are. Talks of desperation, company destruction, job termination, and nefarious plots to use old material to lure fans in. You're being extremely dramatic/hyperbolic. You're also not very complex, and responding to you is a catharsis from a long Monday. I am entertained, and I appreciate you. Smiley: inlove

Final Fantasy has been reviewed by critics for many years now. When have you heard a critic say, "They need to come up with a new identity for this game. They used that tired old Chocobo theme." The games were considered good or bad by various people, but no one ever shared your POV. In fact, people have complained over and over how they're deviating from what made it Final Fantasy in the first place. (Yoshi's plan that he said publicly is that, he wants people to see Final Fantasy soon as they see this game. How do you think he's going to accomplish that?)You're a pathological complainer, I get that. My argument is still the same. Why change something, simply just to change it? Or more specifically, why change something just because Killua wants it changed? As an intelligent person, when I have an issue with something, I usually assume it's on my end. If it's easy for me to come up with improvements, then I shift it towards the person who created it. If I'm stumped however, then my dislike for it would have to be something personal. You seem to have a personal issue. You can throw around "intelligent and unique" all you like. You are neither, not because I think you're stupid, but because you're wasting it. I'm explaining to you the creative process in relation to our feelings. I don't share your entitlements, therefore I can appreciate the old and the new, even simultaneouslySmiley: eek. You would ignore all the positives and poke at 3 negatives and talk of Revelations/end of days. It's very easy to have a discussion/argument with you. I'm doing you a favor, be grateful.Smiley: smile

Again, there are differences in the FFXIV version of the magitek, and you already posted that they played a "unique" song when they showed the live letter. That is not copy paste. They were both different enough, but still retained enough similarities to remind a person of VI. What you're asking for is what they did in 1.0.

Edited, Apr 9th 2013 1:24am by GDLYL
#35 Apr 08 2013 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Smiley: popcorn
#36 Apr 09 2013 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
Like any thematic element, it is neither an inherently good nor inherently bad idea. It all depends upon the execution.

Having said that, with context to what the games are and their tendency to draw heavily on nostalgia (which is part of what has made the series so great), I think it's a potentially good idea to include them (which is the best anyone can say). They were successful in FF7 and something that people remember fondly. If the new versions successfully honor that tradition, most people will like it.

As for these throwbacks being "desperate", that's an impression informed by their previous failure. Would you say that it was desperate if they did it in 1.0? No. Whether it's desperate or not is irrelevant. By all rights they SHOULD be desperate. The only thing that matters is if it's good.
#37 Apr 09 2013 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
GDLYL wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
It's kind of pointless to have a discussion with you. You're not even considering my point of view, and why I would rather see new designs than old recycled themes and copy pasted designs.

Nostalgia is powerful, I get it. I just would have preferred if they didn't copy paste Final Fantasy VI designs and character themes into a game set in a different universe. Your argument is kind of going all over the place. I've stated what I don't like... you like it. Stop trying to turn a discussion into an argument.

And no, I'm not a professional. That "If [x] is so bad, why don't YOU come up with something better!" argument is awful. Sorry that I expect more from a multi-billion dollar company.

Edited, Apr 8th 2013 10:28pm by Killua125

I fully understand your POV. I just haven't had that POV since I was a child. When things always had to go my way, or it was the worst thing ever. It has nothing to do with being a professional. Every single thing wrong with the original FFXIV release had a far better idea. Ideas that were stated repeatedly by fans. You could have easily come up with thousands of ideas that would have been better. Yet, the game was still made public. After watching public videos I realized that I preferred the 1.23 combat system. That tells me that it's personal. It doesn't speak ill of the new system, or make it the WORST THING EVER. I can simply state that I have a preference. That's not what you're doing however, and I won't allow you to claim that you are. Talks of desperation, company destruction, job termination, and nefarious plots to use old material to lure fans in. You're being extremely dramatic/hyperbolic. You're also not very complex, and responding to you is a catharsis from a long Monday. I am entertained, and I appreciate you. Smiley: inlove

Final Fantasy has been reviewed by critics for many years now. When have you heard a critic say, "They need to come up with a new identity for this game. They used that tired old Chocobo theme." The games were considered good or bad by various people, but no one ever shared your POV. In fact, people have complained over and over how they're deviating from what made it Final Fantasy in the first place. (Yoshi's plan that he said publicly is that, he wants people to see Final Fantasy soon as they see this game. How do you think he's going to accomplish that?)You're a pathological complainer, I get that. My argument is still the same. Why change something, simply just to change it? Or more specifically, why change something just because Killua wants it changed? As an intelligent person, when I have an issue with something, I usually assume it's on my end. If it's easy for me to come up with improvements, then I shift it towards the person who created it. If I'm stumped however, then my dislike for it would have to be something personal. You seem to have a personal issue. You can throw around "intelligent and unique" all you like. You are neither, not because I think you're stupid, but because you're wasting it. I'm explaining to you the creative process in relation to our feelings. I don't share your entitlements, therefore I can appreciate the old and the new, even simultaneouslySmiley: eek. You would ignore all the positives and poke at 3 negatives and talk of Revelations/end of days. It's very easy to have a discussion/argument with you. I'm doing you a favor, be grateful.Smiley: smile

Again, there are differences in the FFXIV version of the magitek, and you already posted that they played a "unique" song when they showed the live letter. That is not copy paste. They were both different enough, but still retained enough similarities to remind a person of VI. What you're asking for is what they did in 1.0.

Edited, Apr 9th 2013 1:24am by GDLYL

Just to be clear, there are no differences in the magitek armor in VI and the magitek armor in XIV, and they played terras theme... I dont see how that is unique is terras theme.
#38 Apr 09 2013 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
Honestly, the repetition and lack of good music in MMOs is a real problem. For games that you're expected to play for thousands of hours, they frequently have about 2 hours of cumulative music. Considering they have about a thousand good tracks at their disposal, from my perspective they're in a position where they can and should be rearranging and using them. They're probably one of the only MMOs that actually has that ability to source music, and they're playing by the same restrictions as every other MMO in the industry (in that for some reason they seem to feel like they have to have completely new tracks). Not smart.

Edited, Apr 9th 2013 1:17am by Kachi
#39 Apr 09 2013 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts
There are differences, they're just really irrelevant imo. He called it unique, not I.

You can still tell what it is even though they're all different.

I agree Kaichi. However, I think it's a good idea to introduce a new composer so someone else can make a name for themselves. That's about the only thing I can say against that. If that composer is bad however... The Piano Collections have always been superior to me, except for To Zanarkand. So a remixing of the song history may not be such a bad idea.
#40 Apr 09 2013 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
I called it "unique" as in it's a new recording of the song. I doubt it would have been created just for 30 seconds in a trailer.
#41 Apr 09 2013 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
FYI, there are about a dozen remixes for Terra's Theme already. My sound, as always, was out when I viewed the video, but they are 1. orchestral remixes 2. an awesome vocal remix that switches up the melody and harmony (from the FF Pray album) and even a pretty crappy rap remix. Even if it's not the original one, there's no need to assume it was made just for the trailer. And even if it WAS made just for the trailer, it could have been the composer having fun.

Did you know there are lyrics to Terra's Theme?
#42 Apr 09 2013 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
Lol, I didn't know about the Rap version. I must investigate.
#43 Apr 09 2013 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
There's a whole hip-hop album that sounded like someone mixed it in their mom's basement that came out two decades ago or so. It's honestly the least worthy of anything anyone has come out with FF music wise and I think Nobue Uematsu denies its existence because he was drunk when he did it. It's called FF Mix. There's also Majestic Mix, which was not done by Uematsu but is instead just a tribute album.

The chocobo theme on FF Mix it is pretty good, though.

#44 Apr 09 2013 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
GDLYL wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I personally don't want a whole lot of fanservice stuffed in unless it actually belongs. It doesn't seem like this belongs.

Using the exact same Magitek design from FFVI and even playing Terra's Theme along with it is already tacky enough.

They forced in an actual LORE ELEMENT for baiting nostalgia. Ehh... it's cool, but no more of that please.

inb4 flame because you love Magiteks. I also do, and I love FFVI, but... if the concept of Magitek was to exist in XIV and they wanted to do it in an intelligent way, they probably could have at least TWEAKED the design of it. Right now it's purely for fanservice.

I thought the Garlean Empire was supposed to be technologically superior. They had magitek machines. This was the lore even before Yoshi took over. As for the tweaked design, why would it matter? There were several magitek machines roaming the fields to fight. They were different in design and function. The wings on the traditional armor have a likeness to the tiny wings on the cylindrical flying machines that we were introduced to in the intro. You're phrasing things in a way that suggests that the introduction of them doesn't fit into the world when they do. What would be the purpose of changing the traditional design? Besides the fact that it would make you happy. Can you give an intelligent reason to change it?

"Garlemald is unsurpassed in the field of magitek, a technology which it exploits with devastating effectiveness in warfare. Unperturbed by their lesser numbers, the Garleans went forth upon gigantic flying warships, bearing powerful weaponry the likes of which the world had never seen. One nation after the next fell before their relentless onslaught, first those of the northlands, followed by the sovereign states of the eastern continent. Employing suppression and conciliation in equal measure, Garlemald indoctrinated the peoples it conquered, thus integrating them into its ever-expanding territory. So it was that the Garlean Empire came into existence." The back story on the Garlean Empire before ARR came into existence.

It doesn't belong you say? Forced you say? It must be interesting inside your brain. I don't care if you claim to love Final Fantasy VI. Changing an iconic design that everyone can relate to, "just because," isn't intelligent. It's actually quite shallow.

The idea of a Final Fantasy MMO is something that I thought would have a large amount of material to work from. Seeing as all inventions use pre existing ideas to build upon. It's actually quite amazing how they @#%^ed up FFXIV. When the classes were released, I did some reading to enlighten myself as to what a pugilist and thaumaturge was. What was wrong with the traditional job names? You had decades of games to get ideas from and you decide to start from scratch? In current MMOs, there is usually an ability to enchant a weapon, giving it extra properties. When Yoshi introduced the materia system, "BAM!" I thought. There you have it, an enchantment system that we expect from a current MMO, but within the Final Fantasy universe. Why would you try to find some other complicated name to call it when you have source material that makes it very "Final Fantasy" in nature?

The Final Fantasy movie was a pretty good one imo. Yet, there was nothing Final Fantasy about it. You could have called it something else and it probably would have had a more positive reception. That's just my opinion. Pure originality is very difficult. It usually takes a genius to pull it off. We've been using that word too much in recent years. That word is reserved for those people who do create wonderful things from almost nothing, or introduce things we didn't realize existed.

Your criticisms are valid as far as you are entitled to make them. What's most common with people like you, is that you couldn't think of anything that rivals or surpasses the things that you critique. Creating a new MMO from scratch would be very difficult imo. There are so many stories that tell it all. How can that new MMO you showed off called Bless, produce fan service? It can't, unless they were known for something else before. If you have a long history of support and love from fans, then fan service is the intelligent thing to do. We all love nostalgia. It makes no @#%^ing difference how YOU personally perceive it. Final Fantasy VI wasn't my favorite, yet I can still appreciate it. The title is called Final Fantasy XIV: ARR. If it's a part of the series, it's not going to be very difficult in finding a reason for it to exist (That's what story writing is for). Instead of calling him Bahamut, they could have just called him "Dragon King" or "The Dragon," and he destroyed villages and landscape with his "Dragon Blast." I feel special already. I'm surprised you're not complaining about the tired, "end of the world/must save it" cliche.

I see no problem with weapons being introduced. Weapons could be something produced by the garleans to fight the primals.
I'd rather have this weapon:
But I don't know how they would retool this one.
#45 Apr 09 2013 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Weapons are already confirmed to be coming in ARR.

Edited, Apr 9th 2013 3:46pm by UltKnightGrover
#46 Apr 09 2013 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
sandpark wrote:
GDLYL wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I personally don't want a whole lot of fanservice stuffed in unless it actually belongs. It doesn't seem like this belongs.

Using the exact same Magitek design from FFVI and even playing Terra's Theme along with it is already tacky enough.

They forced in an actual LORE ELEMENT for baiting nostalgia. Ehh... it's cool, but no more of that please.

inb4 flame because you love Magiteks. I also do, and I love FFVI, but... if the concept of Magitek was to exist in XIV and they wanted to do it in an intelligent way, they probably could have at least TWEAKED the design of it. Right now it's purely for fanservice.

I thought the Garlean Empire was supposed to be technologically superior. They had magitek machines. This was the lore even before Yoshi took over. As for the tweaked design, why would it matter? There were several magitek machines roaming the fields to fight. They were different in design and function. The wings on the traditional armor have a likeness to the tiny wings on the cylindrical flying machines that we were introduced to in the intro. You're phrasing things in a way that suggests that the introduction of them doesn't fit into the world when they do. What would be the purpose of changing the traditional design? Besides the fact that it would make you happy. Can you give an intelligent reason to change it?

"Garlemald is unsurpassed in the field of magitek, a technology which it exploits with devastating effectiveness in warfare. Unperturbed by their lesser numbers, the Garleans went forth upon gigantic flying warships, bearing powerful weaponry the likes of which the world had never seen. One nation after the next fell before their relentless onslaught, first those of the northlands, followed by the sovereign states of the eastern continent. Employing suppression and conciliation in equal measure, Garlemald indoctrinated the peoples it conquered, thus integrating them into its ever-expanding territory. So it was that the Garlean Empire came into existence." The back story on the Garlean Empire before ARR came into existence.

It doesn't belong you say? Forced you say? It must be interesting inside your brain. I don't care if you claim to love Final Fantasy VI. Changing an iconic design that everyone can relate to, "just because," isn't intelligent. It's actually quite shallow.

The idea of a Final Fantasy MMO is something that I thought would have a large amount of material to work from. Seeing as all inventions use pre existing ideas to build upon. It's actually quite amazing how they @#%^ed up FFXIV. When the classes were released, I did some reading to enlighten myself as to what a pugilist and thaumaturge was. What was wrong with the traditional job names? You had decades of games to get ideas from and you decide to start from scratch? In current MMOs, there is usually an ability to enchant a weapon, giving it extra properties. When Yoshi introduced the materia system, "BAM!" I thought. There you have it, an enchantment system that we expect from a current MMO, but within the Final Fantasy universe. Why would you try to find some other complicated name to call it when you have source material that makes it very "Final Fantasy" in nature?

The Final Fantasy movie was a pretty good one imo. Yet, there was nothing Final Fantasy about it. You could have called it something else and it probably would have had a more positive reception. That's just my opinion. Pure originality is very difficult. It usually takes a genius to pull it off. We've been using that word too much in recent years. That word is reserved for those people who do create wonderful things from almost nothing, or introduce things we didn't realize existed.

Your criticisms are valid as far as you are entitled to make them. What's most common with people like you, is that you couldn't think of anything that rivals or surpasses the things that you critique. Creating a new MMO from scratch would be very difficult imo. There are so many stories that tell it all. How can that new MMO you showed off called Bless, produce fan service? It can't, unless they were known for something else before. If you have a long history of support and love from fans, then fan service is the intelligent thing to do. We all love nostalgia. It makes no @#%^ing difference how YOU personally perceive it. Final Fantasy VI wasn't my favorite, yet I can still appreciate it. The title is called Final Fantasy XIV: ARR. If it's a part of the series, it's not going to be very difficult in finding a reason for it to exist (That's what story writing is for). Instead of calling him Bahamut, they could have just called him "Dragon King" or "The Dragon," and he destroyed villages and landscape with his "Dragon Blast." I feel special already. I'm surprised you're not complaining about the tired, "end of the world/must save it" cliche.

I see no problem with weapons being introduced. Weapons could be something produced by the garleans to fight the primals.
I'd rather have this weapon:
But I don't know how they would retool this one.

That's a pretty good idea, sir. The weapons being created to fight primals. It's a bit cliche, but it's the best excuse they could come up with. That, or the old, "Ancient Civilization" one.Smiley: lol If they prove me wrong and do something new, well great.

Oh yea! I completely forgot about that UKG! Thanks~

Edited, Apr 9th 2013 7:30pm by GDLYL
#47 Apr 09 2013 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I'd have no issues with them re-using things from previous games, especially mobs since most of them are repeated anyways. Do you REALLY need that much background story on something like Ruby Weapon sitting alone in a desert? Just plop something similar in Eorza, making it really damn hard to defeat and requiring a large number of players. You think Tiamat showed up for the first time in XI? nope, did anyone care? nope.

Yeah there are weapons in many FF titles:

Final Fantasy 1:
(GBA/iOS version)
Final Fantasy 5:

Final Fantasy 11:

Final Fantasy tactics A2:

etc etc.

#48 Apr 10 2013 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
Depends on what weapons, Weapons from older titles up until VII where just super bosses, not required to beating the game, it was only in VII that they where part of the story, and only in that game, i am all up for them as long as they have no part or role in the story, just a super boss fight like in older FF, because tying them to the story, is even more borrowing from VII.
#49 Apr 10 2013 at 6:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Not sure if these would count, these were in the final battle when the Garlean Empire started invading Ul'dah. Assuming these survived Dalamud, I'm sure we'll see them again.



They're Magitek but they have a "weapony" feel to them, in miniature.

Edited, Apr 10th 2013 7:06am by Wint
#50 Apr 10 2013 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
144 posts
Wint wrote:
Not sure if these would count, these were in the final battle when the Garlean Empire started invading Ul'dah. Assuming these survived Dalamud, I'm sure we'll see them again.



They're Magitek but they have a "weapony" feel to them, in miniature.

Edited, Apr 10th 2013 7:06am by Wint

Sexy ;O
#51 Apr 10 2013 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Wint wrote:
Not sure if these would count, these were in the final battle when the Garlean Empire started invading Ul'dah. Assuming these survived Dalamud, I'm sure we'll see them again.



They're Magitek but they have a "weapony" feel to them, in miniature.

Edited, Apr 10th 2013 7:06am by Wint

Those are Magitek Armors, If you played VI, they look like how Magitek Armors actually looked in battle, with arms and stuff, not the dragon look they got in the CG of the game (The original look)
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