Forgive me if this has been posted 38568975987 times already, I searched and couldnt find any threads from within the last 6 months. (If there is one, can a mod close this thread and link me to that thread please?)
I am an old school ffxi player, played it from day one release in the US. (When every JP player you met was max level already <_<) Since the lifting of the level cap from 75 to 9000 (or whatever it is I'm obviously exaggerating) I just couldn't find it in me to play the game anymore. I am sure no one really cares about my mmo life's story so I will skip to the point.
I never bought ff14, but an ex girlfriend I was living with did. I played a character on her account, and really liked the game... until I hit level 20. It was mostly solo play with very few things to do for someone like me who LOVED the old party system of ffxi. I know that SE:E has been working on the game from the ground up to the point of having to completely rerelease it and that piqued my interest.
So I ask my original question. Is 14 worth playing? IE if I bought the game when it gets released again here in a few weeks, will I be wasting my money. I know there are quite a few people bound by the NDA of the beta, and I would never want you to break that by telling me everything about the game down to monster hit point details. I just want to know is the game fun to play?
Will I spend my 50-70 dollars well on this game or will I end up wasting the money like I did on SWTOR? (Seriously. Was it so hard to add a new Operation in each month and stop pandering to the PVPing minority?)
Edited, Mar 28th 2013 5:58am by lightningcount
Edited, Mar 28th 2013 5:59am by lightningcount