I remember back during my early XI days something struck me, in a very disappointing way.
I was a (can't remember the specifics so I'm approximating here) lv ~30 Taru WHM. I had up until this point been wearing a bunch of mediocre gear. Then I had a RL friend hook me up with all top notch healer gear... So I'm thinking, this is going to be awesome. With my average gear I was healing ~100 MP per cure... then I put on all this super expensive gear and I was expecting to see some nice rewards in terms of my healing ability.
What did I get? A measly +2 per cure on HP.
I feel as though the fun in games, especially of the MMO variety is to be able to "strut your stuff" so to speak. If you have amazing gear, there should be real tangible differences between you and the guy with junk armor on.
Now I know with DDs this may have existed, and those with awesome gear may have been much better (I had several 75 DD jobs I just can't remember how much gear played a part,) however I know with my healer, especially in the low and middle level ranges, gear had minimal effects on the efficacy of your characters ability.
A second thing I'd like to see... Please, please, please, SE. Make it worth my while to get my fishing and crafting levels up. In XIV 1.0 this was done miserably. I had a capped fisher, and there was little to no market on which to sell my goods. They need to get this right from the very start!