As the Karnak server has trimmed its fat many Linkshells are diminishing...
If you are an active player and want to join a Linkshell that is organized, knowledgeable, mature, self maintaining, active, and gaining strength each day... Your Linkshell choice should be simple, The Alliance.
• Want to fight NMs? We do it.
• Want to join a R20, R30, R40 leve party? We do all of them multiple times a day.
• Need help crafting an item? We have the highest community ranked crafters on the server.
• Ventrilo? Yes we have it.
• Check out our website
Our Linkshell is devoted and committed to one Linkshell on the server. We don't offer pearls to part-time members. This makes our Linkshell stronger than most, and you always will know who's on.
We have a dedicated loot system we use to hand out NM drops that gives everyone a chance to obtain gear based on Linkshell activity, Length of time in Linkshell, and Main Class item need. This is all voted on by a majority of the Linkshell leaders and delivered to the player of choice. If you paid for the faction and receive loot for your main class, you keep the item.
There is one negative thing however... SE only allows 128 members in a Linkshell and our slots are filling up quick. We have only 20 slots left in our linkshell. Join now, or you could miss the boat... which of course when LS companies come out... our Boat will rock!
/tell master woods