Hello all Fellow Fabulers!
I'm curious regarding what people think the most under played classes on the server are for the North American player base (~GMT+6 playtime).
I have my opinions
#1) Botanist - I have spent some time out in the wood gathering on all DoL classes and Botanist was the only one I've played that does not routinely have 2 or more players working the same area. When I've spent time on Miner or Fisher, there have always been others around doing the same as I. I've also noticed that shouts for Logs are much more common in cities than I've seen for ore and fish.
#2) Armorer - In the beginning it seemed that many people were focused on Armorer but now it seems many of them quit either the game or the class because of the difficulty of making items for gil or skill at later levels (30+). Armorer was initially easy to level because earth shards and earth crystals were the most readily available but the further along in the class people got the harder it was to find the other class materials to continue with the class. I've also noticed that ARM is the most common gear to find up for repair, this may be a reflection of the type of gear people have. It just seems I see more armorer repairs needed in comparison to weaver which also has many items to repair.
No other classes seem to be as under played as those 2 in my opinion, what is your opinion? I do not spend much time in combat and I'm expecting many people to express the opinion that Conjurer is an underplayed class. I don't believe Conjurer is underplayed, I know more Conjurers than any other class in the game.
My opinion on the perception Conjurer is underplayed is, the kind of person that wants to play a class that is more party support than front line damage is also the kind of person that wants to support players in other ways, which equates to someone who spends time doing DoH classes. Many players only want to be a Gladiator, Murader, etc. and focus on killing as much as possible as often as possible which creates a perceived shortage of Conjurers and to a lesser extent THMs. This held true in FFXI and I think it's true here. People that play a game in a support class tend to spend more time working on crafting and other game support pursuits.
What are your thoughts?