UPDATE: NO LONGER WORKS. Blizzard changed the level of the coffee.
Wahu 12/18/10
This weekend I took my cooking to 525, so I started to look at available feasts. It turns out that you can get a feast through guild achievement. A Broiled Dragon Feast can be had by cooking 5000 item level 85 cooking recipe for the "Set the Oven to Cataclysmic" achievement. The Seafood Magnifique Feast requires catching 10k fish from pools for the "That's a Lot of Bait" achievement.
We were able to get one of these yesterday. It would have been difficult to fish 10k fish from pools in one day, so I focused on the cooking achievement. I started to look at which mats I could buy on the ah for what cost. It turns out that I was looking at spending a significant amount making the required recipe. None of the mats were cheap to buy enough for 5k cooked items, if you could even find enough on the ah.
There was one exception, and you probably want to jump on this quickly as things change in this game. Starfire Espresso is a level 85 item that will count. You just have to make 5000 of them. Here's the good part. The beans are available from the vendor next to the cook dailies, and the water is at the innkeeper. Both are vendor items of unlimited quantity.
Even with the mat situation solved, 5k coffees is a lot of cooking. I wasn't timing it, but we did it very quickly and it was fun. Also, we didn't exploit any bugs and played by the rules.
Our method:
You need two people. Put a watch on the guild achievement, so you can keep an eye on how you are doing.
The first person is the cook. The other is the runner. The cook will park himself at the Guild Bank, with one tab cleared out for transferring stacks of mats and cooked coffee. The cook should have a Chef's Hat equipped, so that he is cooking at maximum speed. He will be keeping a cooking fire going, or it's a good time to get that little Ragnoros pet from the Blizzard store (you can use him as a cooking fire).
The second person is the runner. He will be supplying water and beans, 500 of each at a time. This person will load the Reagent Counter addon, and set his buy amount for water and beans to 500 each. Also load Auctioneer, for it's Automagic autoselling module. He will also need around 1k gold, even though the mats are vendor items.
Both should have their bags emptied before beginning.
The runner visits the innkeeper and the cooking supplier to load up on 500 water and 500 beans. When you open the vendor, you will need to wait maybe 10 seconds for the addon to automatically buy the mats. You will see 500 pop into your bag.
Fly back to the bank and unload your mats into the empty bank tab. Now, the cook starts cooking and doesn't stop. He takes the mats from the guild bank, and replaces them with cooked coffee.
The runner's job is to keep the cook cooking. You take the cooked coffee out of the bank, and keep making runs to the vendors to resupply the mats in the bank. I kept a certain amount of coffee for myself, but had to start vendoring it eventually. I used the Automagic module from Auctioneer to autosell the coffee while at the vendor buying my next batch of mats.
That's it. Keep cooking and you will have your Guild achievement. It probably took us about an hour. It was a lot of fun. Now I am just waiting for guild rep to be high enough to buy the recipe. The hard part is done.
Get cooking. If they change the item level of the coffee, or otherwise change it, you will be waiting a lot longer for your guild to have a feast.
Edited, Dec 12th 2010 7:19am by dadanox
Edited, Dec 18th 2010 10:07pm by dadanox