First time any of my posts has been sub-defaulted (back to default by someone who didn't think they were totally off the mark I guess)
The price isn't an initial dive, the price is an artificial high. Look at JC. It's gone up quite a bit because of increased demand and not an increased supply. It's easy to see enchanting has both increased supply and demand right now, and the inflated demand isn't going to last all that long.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Yes, there's still a lot of ICC left to come out, and hard modes on top of that, but on the other hand, I doubt 100% of the wow 80s population is going to see ICC. Just look at this forums, there's some great posters here who state they haven't set foot in a raid for months. The demand is high for new enchants right now, and a high percentage of that demand (which keeps prices up) comes from non-raiders, who won't be upgrading their gear in a hurry (hello t10 being very expensive for non-raiders), and alts who might get a stab at ICC every so often, but which probably have seen quite a few upgrades recently, and will do so for a wee longer. I'd imagine prices will keep going down and have the odd spike when new wings are released, but it won't be as major a spkie as what I've seen in this patch.
LGarth wrote:
Not trying to be mean, but I fail to see how an enchanter gets his profits these days.
If you can't find items to disenchant at a profit other than by going into instances, you haven't been doing it right. If you don't know how to get cheap stuff from the AH, then you are stupid. I was trying to find a different, less confrontational word to describe your position, but I couldn't. "stupid" it is.
I did mention on the OP that yes, there's the AH, and there's addons to help you with that. It's never too late to learn to read.
Enchanters still have the same chance to get greenies/blues/purples, as before, when they used the "greed" button. For all intents and purposes they have the same chance at getting their mats, as before. It's not like, before 3.3, you would just hand gear over to the enchanter to keep, just because he's an enchanter...
And except for people who have nobody to send their greenies to, non-enchanters still have the same chance at getting those mats, as well. Instead of rolling Greed, they roll DE when an enchanter is present, removing the need to send those greenies to an alt, or to roll on shards after the run.
Disenchantnig horribly tedious, so I've never really disenchanted greens for anyone but myself (OH MY GOD I'M GREEDY), though never have I failed to DE for someone a blue or a purple in any run I've made. Interestingly enough, 3.2 and the ability to trade BoP with the rest of the run had changed (at least on my server) the old, "Need if you do, pass if you don't, greed to DE" mantra. For the last 2 months, whenever on an enchanting toon, I'd announce at the beginning I was an enchanter and I'd be happy to DE any blues or purples people got in the run. 99% of the time, people couldn't really be bothered, thus limiting supply. This was not me, but a shift in conduct server-wide, as it was about the same on my runs with my non-enchanter toons where whoever was an enchanter would follow suit and announce their trade. Did this make matts "artificially" expensive? Well, using the term artificial in a video game might be a little far-fetched in my opinion. But anyhow, that was how things were moving along.
This is a great improvement for the customers, and a blow to the supplier's cash flow.
This is exactly my view, which might be a good thing for many, and a bad thing for enchanters.
Before 3.3 hit, I'd greed on BOE greenies, just like everyone else in the group. After the run I'd send my greenies to my Enchanting-alt, or to a friend who's Enchanter, who'd return the mats to me.
Yes, but the existence of greens on the AH proves not everyone does in fact bother / doesn't have, any of those two options.
This change is here to stay for the time being, and that's that. But it's still a bad change for enchanters. Funny how after being flamed for being a greedy asshat or whatnot, as I expected, nobody has actually rebated the main point. I rest my case.