Just curious to see whos still sound back from when I played.. which was from about March 2004 to Oct 31st 2009
surely some of the old school players from back there are still around. most people back then knew me as I was kinda hard to miss,.. lets just say I had quite the reputation lol.
Also incase anyone wondering no Im not planning on making a comeback anytime soon. Id have to much to do/catch up on if I did.. such as leveling all 12 of my 75 jobs to 99 and all 8 of my 50s to 99, then getting equipment for em and refully meritting them all.. that sounds like way too much work, though Ill admit I would lot to have at least ween how WoTG ended, last think I remember doing was WoTG fight against caith sith when Liseete helps you and caith sith can summon atomos.. think that was like mission 24
But yeah rather than play catch up Id rather just have a "fresh start" which Ill be doing with FFXIV ARR when it hits for PS3 next year, so if anyone planning on playing that (or already does), remembers me and wants to be "stuck with me" for another 4+ years (lol) let me know (though I plan on starting on a new server that allows newbies only so that everyone else will be starting out evenly and one the same foot as opposed to having pre existing high levels already around doing stuff and having an established community/economy.