56 people have won 100MIL.
That is 5 billion 600million entering ff11.
This is defiantly change the economies of many servers if they are all on one.
If your a winner your probably going to be nagged for money like any celebrity but thats not the point. Just would like to keep tabs on Shiva winners to see how many winners in each rank we got.
Possibly we could see which people control our new age economy.
If your interested post.If not let the thread die.
I won nothing but Taylin got rank 4 and 5. Hasn't decided cash or not. Congrats to him. Copy and paste below info and add.
Edit* My Mule won, also as note you can win more then once so if that be it, just type (name)x(numberwon) Ryudozx10 (yeah right)
Known Winner`s
Rank 5: TaylinX2, Savagedandelion, ShootsooX2, NuclearmayhemX2, AshmulderX4
Rank 4: Taylin, Shootsoo
Server Total:
Rank 5:11
Rank 4:3
Rank 3:
Rank 2:
Rank 1:
Edited, Jun 30th 2008 7:25am by Ryudozz
Edited, Jun 30th 2008 4:17pm by Ryudozz
Edited, Jun 30th 2008 4:44pm by Ryudozz
Edited, Jul 1st 2008 1:09am by Ryudozz
Edited, Jul 1st 2008 9:41pm by Ryudozz
Edited, Jul 6th 2008 5:32pm by Ryudozz