A few months back I server migrated to Shiva server from Ramuh because I wanted to play with my RL friend, Some of you may know him his character is Duckie. And the character he gave me was Shaolinz. Well Shaolinz was stolen
from us and from whom we do not know. but I have watched and kept an eye out and have found that Shaolinz is crafting and selling things to buy equipment now whoever this assailent is im not sure but their obviously not RMT or else they would have sold everything exspensive Shao had. My point is I come to this forum today to ask for help If you see this person please contact me ingame or even on this thread my character, Nathizar. As many of you might comment as to us going to SE we have and since the credit card info was changed SE said that they could not help us. im asking yuo to help us find out whom this ******* is I would appreciate any comments Thank you.