i would love to see LoTB take down tiamat. i went from 1-60bst in LoTB. you guys deserve the chance to accomplish something like that bst only.
Trust me, we've tried 3 times to take the big dragon down, only to have it stolen from us all 3 times with Tiamat @ 1-3%.
CoD has done it to us twice, and the last time it was VD that stole claim. There's a real funny thing.....Karma.....now VD is dead, and personally, I'm glad they're gone now.
But lets be realistic here, most of the HNMLS community have no respect for BST, and will try to ***** us over any chance they get. Ayaz you are one of the rare exceptions. Meara of SoulFire is another, only reason why is she's 75 BST. Unfortunately, because of that total disregard for LoTB by the majority of the HNMLS community, if we tried to take a stab at Tiamat again, most likely it will be stolen from us again. I just wish I wasn't so concentrated on trying to find mobs to charm, otherwise I would have taken screenshots of the people that were purposely killing mobs to (this was their excuse) "Build TP". You would have been surprised to see who was doing the killing.