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Ending Waitmagic and SaitaiyangFollow

#27 Sep 29 2004 at 5:39 AM Rating: Default
Oh by the way, I posted my friends work on uncovering Saitaiyang's intellectual shortcomings on the Shiva-VN boards. If you dont go there, heres the basic idea of what happened.

friend->saitai: [Raise] [Do you have it?]
Saitai -> friend: Yes, 500.
friend -> Saitai: I'll give you 30,000 gil to come to [Windurst] and Raise me. Its not too far from [Teleport-mEa]
Saitai->friend: Whats windurst?
#28 Sep 29 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
Come on guys. This topic has degenerated to a flame war. Seppuku, grow up. Every one of us has a brain-fart once in a while.

As for Waitmagic and Saitaiyang, I'll avoid them, but they aren't blacklisted. What Waitmagic did to me, Tillis and Vorrt makes me take other tele-taxis or a choco. Bad form on that 'all the loot for a raise', but I GOT OVER IT. No, I don't like them, but harping on a dead subject just pisses you off and gives them a giggle.

The taxi service: when was the last time you shopped for whm spells? The damned things are expensive, and whm's aren't known for their gil-finding abilities. Dropping the taxi price is fine to friends or your ls, but let 'em buy the spells they need for job elitists to let them in their party. Yes, I'm talking to you people who think that Erase or Dispel is MANDITORY. Having the spells are useful and helpful, but they don't automatically mean the person who doesn't have them is worthless. It just means they're poor.
#29 Sep 29 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Any WHM that charges for raises should be beaten severely and tossed into a huge pile of Dhamel dung.That is just wrong, granted we are not obligated to provide them, but charging someone? I will make a point from here on out not to raise any of those ppl, whether they offer gil or not.

Salvation 45 WHM
#30 Sep 30 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
I remember being around with Waitmagic when she was either first starting in the game, or just leveling her WHM assuming she might have other characters...and I remember throughout Qufim she was somehow always in my party, for the most part. And she wasn't a great WHM, but she did her job and wasn't afraid of Benediction sacrifice. People would yell at her when they thought she wasn't playing well, and she used to send me /tells saying she didn't speak English well, with frowning emoticons, and would ask why people were mad.
Back then her gear wasn't great, but she kept it updated at least, and it got to the point where her and I would actually talk sometimes, or at least try to hold friendly communication wih one another. Then, she disappeared and I went my own way. Nxt thing I know, she's spamming in Lower Jeuno and being b/listed by everyone. The other day I got a Tele from her, and it'd been a while since her and I I said to her.. "You know Wait, I wish you'd remember me and at least maybe say hello." She didn't reply, I paid 500 gil and was on my way.
The next Teleport I got from her I said basically the same thing, and this time she replied. She said "Yes. I remember. ^^" And didn't charge me for the Tele. She casted protect and shell on me when we arrived at Holla, and told me to take care, then warped home. I can understand why people dislike her, and blacklist her however, don't get me wrong. But in my own warped mind I guess I can understand how she can be so rude sometimes...Back in Qufim, people were downright nasty to her, some even telling her to go learn English. Who knows. Least Shiva's not as twisted as some of the other servers...player wise. - Zue
#31 Sep 30 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
One thing that's a bit annoying to us other white mages though are the folks who have been giving out reduced prices or free teleports. You've got at least thousand other whitemages that you're ruining the whole industry for, not just those two. (Remember when Halogen used to offer free ports for Dem/Mea/Holla? and how many folks were all pissed at him for doing it?)

I give out free teleports all the time, if I am not doing anything and not going out of my way, using a teleport and a warp is nothing to me but a simple use of MP why should I charge for it ?
#32 Sep 30 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
Ok we understand now that wait and sait are not one person. Not saying one of the 10 people isnt nice, but they are still IGE employees which is not cool no matter who u are. And sepukku is only going to give free tele's till wait and sait quit, which will probably be very quickly. It wont kill the whm's way of money. I personally am helping sepukku get his whm to lvl 38. I have a lvl 31 whm, and im not complaining. I just hate people getting probably more money a year than my parents, by just playing a game to get game money. Its just not right. I also blame the people that do pay real money to get gil. If there was none of them people, IGE employees would never exist.
#33 Sep 30 2004 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
491 posts
Gravymonkey wrote:
I give out free teleports all the time, if I am not doing anything and not going out of my way, using a teleport and a warp is nothing to me but a simple use of MP why should I charge for it ?

I give free teleports to my friends and LSmates all the time too, but I don't go to Lower Jeuno and shout advertise free/lowered ports to everyone. 1 teleport and 1 warp is one thing. but hours worth of ports and warps preventing other whms from getting some efficient income gets annoying.
#34 Oct 01 2004 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
Okay, I hear this controversy alot...There has even been a shouting match between Saitaiyang, Waitmagic, and another WHM whos name I can not recall. The WHM was calling them "chinese gil sellers" and then saitaiyang began doing free teleports to prove he was not.

Regardless, I don't know if either do sell gil or whatever, and I don't know waitmagic that well. I do, however know saitaiyang. I basically always buy from saitaiyang, and he now gives me free food etc when I get teleports. I always give him refresh, thank him, wait for him, etc etc. Saitaiyang has been nothing but nice to me, going out of his way to teleport me when he is not offering them and in a different zone, coming to my aid to raise etc, and I don't think more than one person plays his account.

I would also like to see PROOF that they both work for this gil making company. I don't have anything against either player, so I don't see a problem, doesn't mean one doesn't exist. Untill then, Saitaiyang is my Tele-Taru!
#35 Oct 01 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
Saitaiyang giving out Free Teleports was a buisness strategic move. This does not qualify him as a nice guy, nor prove him innocent, it only proves he has potential to be a buisness mastermind.

By providing free teleport's he:
1. Kills competiiton, thus when competition leaves he has sole market control with his friend (waitmagic).
2. Gains support, not only temporary rejoycings over peoples saving money, but also allows lesser-educated people to think he truely isnt a Gil Seller. (Which is a lie)
#36 Oct 01 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
I would say to anyone that hates these guys because they are "gil sellers" SO WHAT?! The only reason they sell gil is because there is some sad lonely person on the other end buying it. If there is a way to make money (especially easy money) in this world SOMEONE will be exploiting that way. If not these 2 then it will be someone else.

Instead of damning the people offering the gil , how about asking SE to ban all people who magically get sent 1M gil overnight. That is the only real way to stop this sad trend , start kicking people who use the service. as for dropping your prices on teleports i would say that that isnt very smart either. as you guys have mentioned these characters are ALWAYS ON , so dropping the price for a few hours isnt going to cost them much , because there will always be a demand for Tele's , and you cant be in jueno all day.

Sorry guys i know this is beging to be rated down but it's just the way i see things.

Edited, Fri Oct 1 15:56:13 2004 by Newtral

Edited, Fri Oct 1 16:02:22 2004 by Newtral
#37 Oct 01 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
Its the moral of the thing. If you can play a game to make profit its just wrong (not including testers). This thing also started to happen when i quit asherons call. But it was mostly the new rules that did this but still. OK when i first started to play there was no lifestone(homepoint)recall anyone could use. u had to find ingredants and have high enough skill. When i finally got the spell, i was sooo happy. Then on the next update all u had to do to go back to your lifestone was to just type /lifestone. Ok now to the point. Then their started to be buff bots, i was young and didnt know about IGE. You would pay then game money to get lvl 7 buffs(which would be like lvl 50+ spells in ffxi if they had buffs). It wasnt even worth it to play. Everyone was super and it didnt even make it a challenge to lvl anymore. I hate IGE employees or any one like that for that reason. I mean if we dont stop them now, who knows what they could control in the future. I feel bad for whms that dont teles due to them. I mean real people that use the gil for the game.
#38 Oct 04 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
582 posts
I dunno about Wait, but Saitai was seen helping some ppl do AF Hands quest, shortly after I finished my LB2. Some ppl in my LB2 Alliance wanted to go do Hands. They said a WHM was gonna come help, and to my surprise, it was Saitai, whom I thought all this time was a tele-bot.

So who knows?

Here's a tele-bot trick off WHM forum:

There was once a Tele-bot (????I know) in Jeuno though. Was on for about 2 weeks straight. We found out it was a bot when someone traded a Water Crystal to it, and it tele'd for them. lol..

...worth a try...
#39 Oct 04 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
Saitai nor Waitmagic are bots -- I've been left behind when using their teleportation service every time they go to Yhoat (I haven't gotten that crystal yet), and every time they come back to where they left me and teleport me to where I needed to go.

They could be gilsellers, but who cares, as long as they take me to where I need to go. I blisted them a long time ago, but I will remove them from the list and teleport with them then re-add them when I get to get somewhere.
#40 Oct 04 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
By the way


They have given up, surrendered. THey are no longer online.

Coincidentally I had a dream where the real life Waitmagic and/or Saitaiyang died because he lost his job because of me and no longer could by rice to feed his family (in china). No lie.
#41 Oct 04 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
sepukku wrote:
Coincidentally I had a dream where the real life Waitmagic and/or Saitaiyang died because he lost his job because of me and no longer could by rice to feed his family (in china). No lie.

Ok, I have stayed out of the bashing of you, for one I havent had any problems with you yet and 2 I really dont know anyone else bashing you.

I must say from the statement above that you must really be wacked in the skull arent you?.

Its just so many parts of that statement right there tell me your at least 5 cans short of a 6 pack!!
#42 Oct 04 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
Hehe you should hear about my dreams. I used to watch a lot of CNN Headline news back in 2001. I would watch it every time I got off work. At the time the Pope was making another world tour. Also, in the phillipines, they were impeaching their former president, Joesph Estrada. So one night I went to bed, and I had a dream that I was watching the news after work. And the big headline was that the Pope had passed away, and that the Vatican had nominated former Phillipine president Joesph Estrada as the new Pope. I saw footage of him shaking hands with vatican officials in the dream. Now thats crazy! lmao
#43 Oct 04 2004 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
203 posts
Hmm... I would like to say a couple of things. You all may hate botting, or hate gil sellers. Bots do hurt the economy, and I think when caps were around they did. But now, bots don't really have a great way to make money. A good camper will always beat a bot, NM bots are run a set of code that hits the tab button quickly and when sees the mob, uses a claim macro. With the tab lag, and the macro lag, I win. :P If I'm in range of stroper chyme, he's mine. Lag is the only thing that *may* stop me. Ok, now to gil sellers. Gil sellers never really take money out of the market. They make money, sell it, and it comes back. Now this may not be FAIR, but it really isn't HURTING anyone. Even if a lvl 1 has 1000k, the gil is still there. HOWEVER, if this lvl 1 quits, or anyone with a HUGE sum of money, you took a HUGE amount of the buying market. How much you think 1000k would effect the market? I would have to say ~500 gil. Sure, not HUGE but still something. If multiple people quit like this, you going to have problems. So, I would have to say, 1 lost rich person = 10x gil sellers, 1 lost rich person = 100x NM botters. Fish bots are really next to useless now if you don't have fishing skill.
#44 Oct 05 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
bots don't really have a great way to make money?
You need to get out of Jeuno more often. There are IGE Employees seemingly 24/7 in:
Castle Oztroja
Ordelles Caves
Rolanberry Fields (Lotusgirl)
Sanctuary of Zitah
Beadeux (not on Shiva but on most servers, I suspect one of the two current XPing bot PTs will move here)
Tele-taxiing (thought we won, Waitmagic quit but saitaiyang is still hanging around)

I calculated it, and the fish bots in Port Windurst alone decrease gil's value by %37.2 each year. So if you had 1 million gil itd be worth 630,000 the next year. Its kinda hard to explain if you dont understand advanced economics, but this is actually one of the real reasons the US Dollar is tanking and our economy is not doing so well. The Government (and counterfieters) are printing money into too great of a quanity, too fast.
#45 Oct 05 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Default
Oh yeah, forgot, theirs Gil Farmers camping Amemet 24/7 (and they MPK you with trains if you take it from them) and also in Castle Zvahl Bailyes Keep or w/e that demon hellhole is called. Wanna know how I know bout the Zavhl Keep one? Look up the Price history in Jeuno of Absorb-Dex scrolls, its only obtainable by a mob in Zavhl bailyes Keep and the seller is always there or Jeuno.
#46 Oct 05 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,182 posts
Guess I haven't been around long enough to appreciate all the problems with Saitaiyang and Waitmagic. I paid for a tele from one of them, and after accidentally requesting/teleporting to the wrong crag, whichever one it was still tele'd me to the correct one free of charge. I was kinda surprised, considering it was my screwup and all.
#47 Oct 05 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
203 posts
I just meant they aren't hurting the economy, but I guess they could hurt you. I believe most people think think that bots are things people do while afk to make money. Many times they AREN'T afk. I will say this time and time again, you CAN, and EASILY WILL, beat bots. I've purple spawned Stroper Chyme before myself, its called watching the clock and spamming. One time, in fact, I was talking to someone right before a stroper chyme pop, and I voked it. Along with the three other people in my party at the same time; we were all spamming. So yeah, its possible, but if you beat them and they train on you I would call a GM. Plain and simple, its not worth trying to argue they are bots, because you just can't tell.

P.S. With the original post, HOW DO YOU KNOW THEY WORK FOR IGE?! Maybe they needed a large quantity of money and were using multiple people to make money on a WHM's account. I know this is against the TOS; but I could relate. On Shiva, to get good equipment (for whm) at 51 its ~700-800k. WHM CANNOT farm... So your stuck. I'm at that point now.

P.P.S. Wow you can actually count WHAT fish people catch while fishing in windurst, how many, and if they are actually botting? AND transform it into an equation!? PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME HOW!
#48 Oct 05 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
i'm a gil farmer

j/k <3
#49REDACTED, Posted: Oct 05 2004 at 7:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WHMs can get money...Give me a 57-58 WHM and give me 4 hours and I can comne back 100k richer. The whole strategy is just keeping melee skill up and carry a melee set of equipment for soloing. Why do you think WHMs wear Darksteel mauls and melee gear instead of Rose Wand+1s and such? They got like a B+ in Mauls weapon class (Club) and thats pretty good. Thats like almost indifferential from a THF's A- in Dagger (and we all love THFs and Daggers)
#50 Oct 05 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
203 posts
Wow Sep, I'm happy your smarter than me! I mean I can equip that darksteel maul now!! Being lvl 51 is not a problem! Of course I don't carry a set of melee equipment! Because I'm NEVER alone! Oh please share this insight! So wait... 25k an hour... into 700k... hmm how many hours... Maybe you can gimme that see all fish caught and sold equation that gives windurst inflation. I need them both please!! I'm horrible at math! I can't get my darksteel maul to equip, can you help? Do I need to hit enter extra because I'm lvl 51?

P.S. Thats called sarcasm.
#51REDACTED, Posted: Oct 06 2004 at 5:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Really? I assumed it was stupidity on your behalf (more sarcasm)
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