Salutations ffxi addicts,
K this is my first time in the forum so ill try to make this short and to the point. This whole thing started when i joined a party witch contained the now infamous pimpsuitt. At the time i had never heard of him but the longer we partied together the more and more i saw, soinso slaps pimpsuit, blablabla says pimpsuitt is this and that. we were in a party for a good while, and for the most part i am a patient man but after a while it really started to **** me off. I asked the main antagonist bout it and he gave the anti pimpsuitt story. i ws kinda shocked cause he seemed like a decent guy and from the sound of it he was just as confused about all the anger towards him as the rest of the party. so i asked the guy and several other taunting if he had tricked them out of thier money and i got an answer that to me was very disturbing, No, No, No. huh? im confused almost half of the dunes and selbina was pissed at this guy over something they read bout him on this forum. non of them could name a friend or had themselves been wronged by this pimpsuitt. k if i was pissed before now i was beyond any describeable emotion. mostly at the ignorance of the masses. how can u judge someone based on anything u read on the internet especially something such as a forum where u can say anything u want!!!! now this pimpsuitt as far as i know was acctually helpful to me. and i find it hard to believe that if someone is as bad as they say pimpsuitt is then why wasn't he brought to the GM's?? and y does he have middle class equipment if he got lots of cash by cheating ppl out of theirs?? he had the usual gear ud expect a mentor to have. better than normal but not anything that cost over 30k. as far as the one response i got from Sado he said pimpsuitt was talking smack hmm, lets see every where u got for no apparent reason ppl belittle u constantly and u dont no y. hmm if that happend to me id be pissed too. i'd tell u ur momma wore combat boots and stuff. No i found could give me a good reason to disband form him or blacklist him. i believe in inocent until proven guilty and right now in my book he is innocent. Man i feel like some guy from a john grisham novel trying to save samuel jackson from death row. Besides if he really was a scammer and need more cash y would he use a know felons identity. a truly sneaky guy would have started a second character as soon as his main got any dirt on it so he could use that character to scam more ppl. some ppl don't think do they. cheaters will alway find way around the system. giving a guy a bad rap sheet based on what others tell u bout them is utter crap. wow i guess i ranted a lil too much there sorry for the length but id be increddibley pisssed if this was something that happening to me. k im done.
Edited, Sat Aug 28 23:59:20 2004 by Anonimusone