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Y all the hateFollow

#1 Aug 28 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Salutations ffxi addicts,
K this is my first time in the forum so ill try to make this short and to the point. This whole thing started when i joined a party witch contained the now infamous pimpsuitt. At the time i had never heard of him but the longer we partied together the more and more i saw, soinso slaps pimpsuit, blablabla says pimpsuitt is this and that. we were in a party for a good while, and for the most part i am a patient man but after a while it really started to **** me off. I asked the main antagonist bout it and he gave the anti pimpsuitt story. i ws kinda shocked cause he seemed like a decent guy and from the sound of it he was just as confused about all the anger towards him as the rest of the party. so i asked the guy and several other taunting if he had tricked them out of thier money and i got an answer that to me was very disturbing, No, No, No. huh? im confused almost half of the dunes and selbina was pissed at this guy over something they read bout him on this forum. non of them could name a friend or had themselves been wronged by this pimpsuitt. k if i was pissed before now i was beyond any describeable emotion. mostly at the ignorance of the masses. how can u judge someone based on anything u read on the internet especially something such as a forum where u can say anything u want!!!! now this pimpsuitt as far as i know was acctually helpful to me. and i find it hard to believe that if someone is as bad as they say pimpsuitt is then why wasn't he brought to the GM's?? and y does he have middle class equipment if he got lots of cash by cheating ppl out of theirs?? he had the usual gear ud expect a mentor to have. better than normal but not anything that cost over 30k. as far as the one response i got from Sado he said pimpsuitt was talking smack hmm, lets see every where u got for no apparent reason ppl belittle u constantly and u dont no y. hmm if that happend to me id be pissed too. i'd tell u ur momma wore combat boots and stuff. No i found could give me a good reason to disband form him or blacklist him. i believe in inocent until proven guilty and right now in my book he is innocent. Man i feel like some guy from a john grisham novel trying to save samuel jackson from death row. Besides if he really was a scammer and need more cash y would he use a know felons identity. a truly sneaky guy would have started a second character as soon as his main got any dirt on it so he could use that character to scam more ppl. some ppl don't think do they. cheaters will alway find way around the system. giving a guy a bad rap sheet based on what others tell u bout them is utter crap. wow i guess i ranted a lil too much there sorry for the length but id be increddibley pisssed if this was something that happening to me. k im done.

Edited, Sat Aug 28 23:59:20 2004 by Anonimusone
#2 Aug 29 2004 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
i was in garliage citadel. he started meleeing nd i guess the pt had had eneough of him. they kicke him. i was the replacement white mage. pimpsuiit spent the next 3 huors training bats and beetles and fallen evacuees to the zone to kill everyone. another time he wanted me to give him my account details so "he could fight the avatars for me" as i was having trouble defeating them.

i dont need rumors and speculations. ive seen it with my own eyes.

Cuno, Pimpsuiit, Bobbyjai, simling, Syth, windboy, gtoric...ask them why all the hate. they are all nasty people who scam and MPK. THATS why people hate those people.
#3 Aug 29 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Well if you must know... He took payment of 4k in dunes to powerlevel my party (since there were no whms around and i wanted to level my thief) so the first fight he cured all of about once, and on the 2nd one he just left with my money

GMs did nothing of course

I asked for my money back several times, and than I told my linkshell about it and they were all like wow your dumb, everyone knows hes a scammer.

Since than I've met like 20 people who he has tried to rip off

He will switch items in a trade, get u to pay for services such as PL, teleport, key help and than just leave. He tryed to get some guy to give him his password so that he could do the summon fights for him. *cough* rip him off *cough*

He has befreinded people and than got them to borrow gear and just never given it back.

He trains monsters all over the place to pass time since no one will party with him.

Awhile ago he tryed playing ballista, and the first game we all just slaughtered him left and right, the 2nd game his team had a huge advantage so they won, but I got to 1 on 1 him twice and beat him both times :)
#4 Aug 29 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Don't forget that ******* Diesaalot!!!
#5 Aug 29 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
ok r we talking bout the same guy? (never met the others so i dont care only met pimpsuitt.) with two "t"s not two "i"s. so im not sure if it is the same guy. but some of u guys r setting urselves up for someone to scam u. i seriously hope no one is giving out account information. if u say ok to sumpthing like that u deserve to get some sense knocked into u. one thing still confuses me though if ur one of the most hated guys on ffxi then y do u continue to use that account that is like asamha bin laden holding a parade on 9-11 in the middle of New York if this guy is as sneaky as u say he would have dropped the identity of pimpsuitt, correct spelling, long ago. y dont the cant the gm's do anything about it???? that is the reason they exist isn't it? to insure that players like that r booted and to deal with technical problems right? how can repeat offenders continue more than a few days?
#6 Aug 30 2004 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
pimpsuitt is a known scammer... he gets people to send him gil through delivery service and instead of sending the expected item he sends a cheap lookalike... for instance... He got a friend of mine who has since quit to send money for leaping boots and a blood bead... he got leather boots and some other cheap item...

pimpsuitt will deny it all he can but he ruined his own reputation by scamming people...

maybe he sold off his char and its a new guy playing him now... but if its the same guy which cant be disproven... then yes he is a scammer

Edited, Mon Aug 30 01:59:09 2004 by Theros
#7 Aug 30 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Anyone who gets scammed in this game, its youre own damn fault. The only exception i can think of is when Bobbyjai quartermastered the loot from argus. Even then thats the JP's fault for not knowing he was a dilwad.
#8 Aug 30 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
491 posts
dizzlestick wrote:
Even then thats the JP's fault for not knowing he was a dilwad.

but I believe that the JP's story was the reason why bobbyjai became so infamous. A person's fame or infamy won't get around until there's actually something there to gossip about.
#9 Aug 30 2004 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
even if it was the players poor judgement for agreeing to do the trade through dilivery service doesnt change the fact that pimpsuitt was scamming. It is the same thing regardless of the actions of the scammed player even if the trade was done in a flawed manner.
#10 Aug 31 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
here is my input as a player with a good rep in game...

1. I read derog stuff about pimpsuitt awhile back, maybe even on this site...I think the name of the thread was actually "worst players on Shiva". After reading it, I saw pimp in game and asked why he was being hated on so much, and if he was aware that it was being spread...he pretty much laughed it off, and implied that he wanted it that way, so it is what it is, whatever it is... :P

2. I have partied with Diesaalot and didnt have any problem with him...he even died once in the PT and we made comments that he had it coming with his name and all, and he just laughed it off with us, stuck with PT and continued to not annoy anyone...

3. I have had problems with the following ppl...

Taruk-wont follow direction, wants to be in charge, altho he knows very little about strategy from what I have gathered, and will blame everyone else when **** hits the fan, which only happens because he goes against the agreed upon plan from the jump...just a waste of time IMO

Reidrick (sp?)-this kid has been in the jungles for the past week at the same level, because he pisses off every PT he pollutes...a female LS member has had other issues with him that you would expect from a loser who only talks to females in game.

Asukara or Akusara-whatever his name is, he stands by Taruk like his word is Gold...a Do boy/Yes man IMO

I mention them just to advise ppl to pay extra attention with these players, but never judge someone based on what you read here or any other forum...consider what you hear an advanced warning, and an edge over a possible lame @ss, but dont judge them until you have had an oppurtunity to deal with them never know when someone may have just caught them on the day their dog died :P

***There are others that I dont bother with only because my LS has warned me, and altho that goes against what I just said above, my LS is alot of RL friends, with simular taste =) and we have openings ^^
#11 Aug 31 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
anonimus is Pimpsuit!

quote: "Besides if he really was a scammer and need more cash y would he use a know felons identity. a truly sneaky guy would have started a second character as soon as his main got any dirt on it so he could use that character to scam more ppl."

he even thinks like a scammer!
the only person that thinks pimpsuit is innocent is pimpsuit

p.s. wat was the name of their scamming ls?

HEY SAKITUMI, rmember me?
i was in riddi[k's ls
jesus, its "pitch black" out there. lol

Edited, Tue Aug 31 16:21:00 2004 by MalfazarWasTaken

Edited, Tue Aug 31 16:22:45 2004 by MalfazarWasTaken
#12 Aug 31 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
HAHAHA...Hey Mal!!!! how u doing?!?!

yea, as much as Riddick said to be pissed, he still remembers my "man apart" joke...that **** was too funny...but the whole WretchedFruiT LS are a bunch of jokers...awesome/trustworthy players, but will jump on the oppurtunity to make others laugh, even if its at ourselves...u gotta cut us some slack, the LS is 60% RL friends...but we are always accepting app's! ^^

**for the record, I like riddick, and show him love whenever I see him ^^
#13 Aug 31 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
wow...allakhazam really takes the fun outta rid!ick :P
#14 Sep 01 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent

I AM NOT PIMPSUIT!!! lol. I dont think like a scamer i think like a logical adult, most of the time. My ffxi name is anonimus i got ppl who will testify that i was on at the same time as pimpsuitt and we were in the same party. u dont hafta believe if u dont want thats ur decision. i'm all for the fun of this game and scamming ppl only hurts u in the long run. U can only get so far by steping on the heads of others, but by lifting others up your reach becomes infinite. in other words helping others only helps u. like the movie "pay it forward." and online im not all up tight niether im a doppie taru who does almost nothing but make ppl laugh. for instance randomly shouting, "then she told me i couldn't wear her panties any more so i was like..." and second later shouting, "whoops miss tell, my bad." u know stupid non sequitor esque things. "my nipples look like milk duds"
#15 Sep 01 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
by the way i just started a linkshell for anyone whose interested, cause i was tired of being booted out of others for saying nipple, and ********** kitties. the linkshell is called Nonsense. it'll be just for those interested in nothing but lol crap. I'm only serious when im not joking!!
#16 Sep 01 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
525 posts
You're sticking up a for a guy that through the length of your own post proved whatever positive evidence on him wrong. You first tell everyone not to jump to conclusions about what we read online.. when in fact your own post is online and most people have had personal experiences.

I know a couple people who in my LS got scammed, yes it was mostly their fault for trusting in another human being. But, most people don't think twice that people scam in video games just like real life.

I have known and partied with Pimpsuitt, he is an asshat and deserves little to no respect on account of several scams, and just untolerable acts towards other players. If you see him, you don't have to slap him, curse him. Just don't talk to him and don't help him, once he stops getting help and parties his interest will dwindle to BST.

My two cents.
#17 Sep 02 2004 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Being in the same linkshell as Sloth, I know who he is talking about. I myself lost 80k to pimpsuitt, but that paled in comparison to our resident paladin (well, 3rd or 4th anyway) Pawrn who lost 600k. Seriously, please do not try to defend that ***-hat.

By the way Choky, we all acknowledge that it was our fault in the first place for trusting him. However, the problem is so widespread that it does require attention on behalf of the GM's.
#18 Sep 03 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Sakitumi, I was in a dunes pt last night, where someone began the Vin Deisel jokes again. Made me remember you all over again *sniffle* I miss you.
#19 Sep 03 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
hey riddi(k, u finally got a profile!
do calmblizzard or alymar have a profile?
#20 Sep 03 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think so. We're about to go for rank 5 right now. Why haven't you been on much?
#21 Sep 03 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
i gotta a lotta work to do this weekend
#22 Sep 04 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
I've been in a party with Pimpsuit before. I heard about him before, but I was a Melee at the time and needed a party really badly.
So I decide to give it a shot.

I'm waiting a for Pimpsuit to find another member and suddenly
Pimpsuit: Can I tank? (hes a WHM atm btw)
Chunjee: uhh... I don't... think... so...
Pimpsuit: ok I'm gonna tank
Chunjee: Uhh.. no
Other Member: WHMs can't tank
Pimpsuit: I can try

one or two fights later and I /ptcmd disband

Also, I know Diesalot, hes in one of my lesser LS's, doesn't seem like a bad player or scammer. He doesnt have Ochi Kote, Judistu Ji, or snipers rings. But I never heard anything bad about him.
#23 Sep 05 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
491 posts
haha funny story, just happened about 10 minutes ago.

Pimpsuitt ran by my boyfriend's character and checks his bazaar. (he's playing a bard and has a monster signa in his bazaar for 99,999,999 so that he can equip it when he levels). So then he gets a /tell from Pimpsuitt saying

"Hey, let me try on your monster signa to see if I want to buy it."

(how's that for trying to dupe someone? -.-)

For anybody who doesn't know, it's 300k weapon that my boyfriend camped the NM for. so, my boyfriend (I've warned him about Pimpsuitt, Cuno, and all of them) promptly

/em kicks Pimpsuitt in the nuts.

and then watches as Pimpsuitt runs off.

I thought it was funny.

Edited, Sun Sep 5 15:25:25 2004 by splits
#24 Sep 05 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
everyone is talking about cuno i've met didn't seem to bad can someone explain about the hate of him
#25 Sep 05 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
I didnt read the whole message board but i feel sorry for pimpsuit. he had to stop training his rng. And y should everyone ruin his life over some gill. and y are you stupid enough to trust people with your money. and thats all i have to say.
p.s. syth ripped me off of 52k of mantles but im not gonna ruin his life. im just not gonna trust him anymore. and ill pt with him if hes not ldr.
#26 Sep 05 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not exactly sure if Cuno did anything in particular for him to get on alot of peoples bad sides, but I do know he used to be in a LS of mine, and he's.....Well, without putting him down. He's not a nice person lol.
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