ballista is all I have done for quite some time. Here are my setups - lv60drk/war (war for now, almost up to 30 on sam)
50drk/nin 2x combat caster swords
40drk/nin or rdm sub .. 2 combat caster axes
30rng/nin emp pin, +32 evasion total, both +1 bows, i usually just rock the regular bow and dont go the cheap route with sleep bolts like the other rngs
oh ya and I want to get RNG, RDM, NIN higher up, because NIN is best for 40 cap and RDM is just fun.
Best jobs for ballista - RNG, BLM, MNK, NIN, SAM, DRK, RDM
If your a taru watch out because everyone aims for them first lol
People to watch out for - monku, legolassis, matoo, yoshihiro, shal, bitan, and more who I dont remember. Another good up and coming NA player is Illidan, I got him hooked on it.
Watch out for Garth, him and I in 30 cap with our rngs rippin' it up in the name of San'doria
I wont be able to play much lately because of college starting up again and such. Its my brother on my character right now, i left it at his house so dont bother msging him for ballista ~
Edited, Mon Aug 23 19:30:23 2004 by DoylesPaintball