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#1 Aug 11 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent

Hello everyone!

I'm going to start promoting the joys of Ballista to everyone on Shiva.

This game is great. Go play!

I started playing recently and I am totally addicted. It's so much fun. Unfortunately, not many NA play it and the best times to get a good match is during JP prime. I would love to see the NA prime matches go off with 25-30 players just like the JP prime matches.

I prefer the 60 cap or 40 cap matches (as that is all I have gear for). I like playing best in Jugner.

Get your Ballista license and go play! It's too much fun.
#2 Aug 12 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, Ballista is tons of fun. I haven't played in a while, simply because I've been so busy with other stuff lol.
#3 Aug 12 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
567 posts
I still haven't tried Ballista, though I really want to at some point. I'm at that level where all of my time is spent either exping or coffer key hunting (damn you, Garlaige Citadel!) so I don't usually have time to fit Ballista in.

Depending on what I get accomplished today and tomorrow, maybe I'll try a game this weekend sometime. It definitely sounds fun, and everyone I've talked to who's tried it has really enjoyed it.
#4 Aug 13 2004 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
must... get sharkbite... must hit 70.. must defeat maat... must get rank 10...

so much to do ... :{

but eya it looks like fun ^^ I should try it although i hear theifs do poorly ; ;
#5 Aug 13 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
I just don't have enough free time to do everything in this game. Maybe someday I'll try Ballista, when I've gotten... um, everything else out of the way! It sounds like a lot of fun, though.

Or I could just quit my job, live in squalor and play FF all the time! Hmm...
#6 Aug 13 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Yes...I too have greatly enjoyed Ballista. And I agree with Meara, we really need more NA playing Ballista. I would really love to see more strategy involved in the matches. The JP have a set strategy it seems. However, the communication barrier makes it hard to get involved. Please play Ballista NA players, I promise you will be hooked.

#7 Aug 13 2004 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
actually Theros, in lv60 cap atleast, thf are pretty dominant, high scorers... very hard to kill... no one likes getting hit with dancing edge >< thf/nin with ichi, /sprint and /flee...

im leveling thf right now, when its 60 (if ever) im going all out ballista.
#8 Aug 14 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
If I had the gil to get updated gear, I'd probably join ... but as it stands, I'm like broke ... 'course, my playtime's only like 10 days total right now LOL ... I think I'm doing quite well though.
#9 Aug 15 2004 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
I like Ballista and all, but man, I played last night, and 95% of the opposing team was subbing NIN. I think they should look at Blink. I was able to pick off the few people who didn't have Blink on, but I wound up wasting so many arrows. I don't know if I could call this a strategy. I just found it getting out of hand.

Now that that's out of the way, I would like to see Linkshell Ballista matches. I know that goes against the whole 3 nation deal, but who cares? That would be SO much fun.
#10 Aug 15 2004 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent

From what I gather the stragety tends to be get as many people to sleep/bound as possible, then group up on one and kill them.

I *think* that each team tries to protect a rook for as long as it is in one spot while killing members of other team to get Gate Breach status. At least, this is what we did in the 30 cap. In the 50 and 60 it was more chaotic.

Most people seem to try to get TP and then just weapon skill someone to death. I've been Vorpal Bladed and Sidewindered to death before.

From what I tell, black mages cast sleepga/bind, white mages are curaga to wake sleepers, white thieves and thieves dash about trying to get petras and kills.

If anyone else has more definite views on the stragety I'd love to hear them.
#11 Aug 15 2004 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
176 posts
The only stratagy I've got for Ballista includes the following:

Drink Poison potions to stay awake. Smile in glee as they keep trying to get Sleep to stick.

-ga everything in case it has blink. a -ga spell will negate blink in one shot.

Beware of Bst/Nin, they could charm something, become invis, sic a pet on you, and run away leaving you to deal with the pet. Tabbing around won't find them, they're already off looking for something else to throw at you. If you do fight one a duel welding axe Bst with a pet is a mighty challenge.

That could work for some Summoners but avatars take mp to keep out...

Just the advice I dish out to Ballista players. Me? I don't play Ballista. ^^; I'm just a stratigist. =^-^=
#12 Aug 15 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent

I don't think BST can charm fiends for Ballista, they have to use jug pets.

#13 Aug 18 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Ballista sounds and looks AWESOME!! Meara, lemme know if you get anything slick working, such as a Ballista LS, or anything of the likes. Also, for meara only: i DEEPLY apologize for my friends actions in Garlaige Citadel. you were with Phumbaba, and my buddy (helping me get AF hat) screwed you guys out of a Coffer Chest. i'm glad for the hat, of course, but when he laughed and explained HOW i got the hat.... well, i'm sorry for what he did!!!

anyhow, BALLISTA guys, let's make a LS!
#14 Aug 20 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Yeah Ballista is a lot of fun, unfortunately the balance issues are starting to rear their ugly heads. I've only played about 10 games but its the same crap that wins a game every time. RNG/NIN with arrows that can both drain your HP and sleep you, not to mention Eagle eye shot (which can be refreshed finding a potion with /quarry) and Barrage which can take anyone down pretty quickly. I've seen a lot of fights won solely on whichever team had enough Utsusemi Ichi (blink) to absorb everything. Everyone subs ninja of course so unless you're going to break some barriers you had better start making some Norg Fame. Personally I think anyone who subs ninja should have a 30 second or longer recast on utsusemi, leaving only the Real ninjas to constantly evade everything thrown at them. Otherwise when its not a blink fight, Ballista is the most fun you'll ever have in FF at times. I don't think we need to recruit all the NA players though... do you guys honestly want 30 on 30? I'd be too busy deciding whether to chase the taru or chase the whitemage ><
#15 Aug 20 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent

I don't think every game is the same. You gotta work with what you have. I never sub ninja. My ninja is level one. Besides, if I subbed it, I'd be out of MP. I go BLM/WHM. My job is to invis myself, run past enemy lines, sleepga, run back out before someone can kill me. Of course, this only works if the melee on my team are actually backing me up properly. I also do my other ga spells, bind, sleep, silence, cure, and buff.

Stragety depends on who shows up for your team. You need a wide range of jobs. The people who are THF/NIN are the high scorers. The BLM/WHM, and BRDs are crowd control. The melee are mage controllers.

If you're melee, don't try to stand toe to toe with another melee and fight. As soon as someone has enough TP you're going to crash to a weapon skill. Your job is to interupt mages and build TP off mages. Fighting in Ballista is not the same as regular fighting. You don't have tank to protect you. It's just you and your wits.
#16 Aug 22 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
So er, wait a minute, Eagle Eye Shot, (RNG's 2 Hour) can be refreshed/reset from quarrying a potion? I know that's almost exactly what it says, but I want to make sure.
#17 Aug 23 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,405 posts
If you /quarry a Revitaliser, it resets your 2hr ability. I tried it today with SMN/WHM (30 Cap). There is a small modification to that BST/NIN Invisi thing you can do. In lower cap matches, this requires a person with WHM main that you're capible of communicating with...

I think it goes like this...

Use Astral Flow, summon your avatar of choice and get Invisible ASAP, Astral Flow lasts for three mins as far as I can remember. Run into the middle of the enemy (Rook campers beware) and pray to Altana that they don't sleep your avatar. Let your chosen AF rip, and watch the damage rack up. Now run away and use /quarry until you find a Revitaliser which will reset the AF timer.

Not as easy as it seems x.x
#18 Aug 23 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
ballista is all I have done for quite some time. Here are my setups - lv60drk/war (war for now, almost up to 30 on sam)
50drk/nin 2x combat caster swords
40drk/nin or rdm sub .. 2 combat caster axes
30rng/nin emp pin, +32 evasion total, both +1 bows, i usually just rock the regular bow and dont go the cheap route with sleep bolts like the other rngs

oh ya and I want to get RNG, RDM, NIN higher up, because NIN is best for 40 cap and RDM is just fun.

Best jobs for ballista - RNG, BLM, MNK, NIN, SAM, DRK, RDM
If your a taru watch out because everyone aims for them first lol

People to watch out for - monku, legolassis, matoo, yoshihiro, shal, bitan, and more who I dont remember. Another good up and coming NA player is Illidan, I got him hooked on it.

Watch out for Garth, him and I in 30 cap with our rngs rippin' it up in the name of San'doria

I wont be able to play much lately because of college starting up again and such. Its my brother on my character right now, i left it at his house so dont bother msging him for ballista ~

Edited, Mon Aug 23 19:30:23 2004 by DoylesPaintball
#19 Aug 25 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
"Best jobs for ballista - RNG, BLM, MNK, NIN, SAM, DRK, RDM"

You forgot DRG.. Double jumps and then a penta thrust to shred 50% of your HP is nothing to cough at ><
#20 Aug 28 2004 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
ya they are ok, but wyvern just dies, so they're kinda gimped most of the game. cloudtheone plays drg in ballista well, along with another JP guy who does drg/whm

but ballista rules changed for some reason and its not even fun anymore. They have a best of 3 thing, so the game stops twice for sneak and invisible, so theres 10min of down time added, and than u lose all petra and GB status. Now there is no resistance to sleep (not that it even helped much before) The worst change they made was with GB status, only the person who kills someone else gets it.
#21 Aug 29 2004 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
isnt it called bastilla not ballista?
#22 Aug 29 2004 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
isnt it called bastilla not ballista?
#23 Aug 29 2004 at 5:08 AM Rating: Default
THFs rip **** up in Ballista...
#24 Aug 29 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
i'm pretty sure its spelt ballista, in fact i'm positive

I'll bet ya a mil gil =P
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