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Is this fair?Follow

#1 Mar 14 2006 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
283 posts
Hi everyone, I'm kind of lost and would like opinions. Please take your time to read my fairly long story.

Today, I went to fight the ZM8 BC in Delkfutt's Tower. Because I was one of the few members in the party with a Delkfutt key, I was the first one to reach the top floors. While waiting for the others, I looked around a bit on the 11th floor and who do I see there? The NM "Pallas", just wandering about, minding his own business.
I tell the party that he's there and unclaimed and no one believed me obviously.
I decided to stay in the room and keep an eye on him until all the members arrive at the spot. Unfortunately, I got into troubles when sneak wore off and I couldn't find a safe spot in time to recast it, so I got aggro with a lot of adds and died shortly after.

While I was laying dead there, the rest of the party was getting closer when we suddenly came to the conclusion that like half of the party including myself forgot to bring echo drops for the fight. Because I was dead, I proposed to HP back to Jeuno and bring some echo's for everyone, the DRG also asked me to bring some water crystals.
The party agreed on me going back, so I did and bought the stuff we needed. Meanwhile the party was killing the mobs in the NM area.

Then just as I headed back into Qufim, Kuw the WAR grabs Pallas without waiting for me and they start killing him.
It should be known that there was no one else in the zone to claim it from us. As far as I know, no other parties showed up before, during and after the fight so absolutely no reason to rush it. Enough time to wait for me in any case.

Pallas died just at the moment I zoned back into Upper tower. Oddly enough, the bracelets dropped, which are going for 14 million now. Of course we are all happy and Bael, the leader, suggests to split the loot 1/6.
At this point, the problems started. Kuw objects and demands 1/5.

I quote him: "Split 1/5, why 1/6 Wanta wasn't in the fight so why should we give her gil?"
The leader, Bael, took the bracelets to sell them, the rest passed.
He repeated "1/5 Wanta didn't do anything" several more times during the mission.

I think to myself whatever this sucks, especially since I found him, sacrificed my life guarding him and returned to Jeuno to bring items for the party.
A little later, Bael sends me a /tell: "Don't worry, you will get your part."
Quite relieved for a second I was, but then started thinking about it. I would feel horrible if I took part of a drop when the majority of the group would not want me to and hate me for it.

I /tell back to Bael and propose to call out a vote. Seemed like the fairest and most diplomatic way to resolve the issue.
He would ask every member whether they would like it see it split 1/5 or 1/6. I asked him to do it with /tells so everyone could answer honestly in all anonimity. If 3 or more out of the 5 members would vote 1/5, I promised I would respect the party's choice and expect 0% of the loot. However if 3 out of the 5 would vote 1/6, everyone would get said part or nothing.

So the voting happened, and the results were:
2 votes for 1/5, 3 votes for 1/6. I was told the names of the voters but will keep them confidential.
But now it seemed Kuw and the other voter were not happy with the results of the poll and still demanded their 1/5 part.
So the voting results were suddenly declared void because Bael didn't want to argue with him anymore and offered to give me 500k of his part and suggested me to ask the other 2 1/6 voters that same ammount.
I couldn't do that; making 3 members lose 500k gil while the 2 who cast the losing vote would run away with full price, so I rejected his kind offer because I'd rather get nothing than do something so unfair to those who supported me.
So in the end I came out with nothing for me and that's the end of it.

Just out of boredom, I sent Kuw a /tell asking why he still wouldn't want to share despite losing in the poll.
I quote him: "Don't fool with me why should I even give you a single gil? You weren't in the fight and now I want full gil, end of story goodbye."
I asked him repeatedly why he didn't wait for me before killing because there was no one else. But never got a decent answer to that. The best answer he could think of was because he wanted to kill before other mobs respawned. Weak answer in my opinion.
I come to the conclusion that Kuw is a loot *****, and intentionally pulled without waiting so he'd have an excuse to get more gil.

I have given up on this matter now. But I just want to know what the other Ragnarok folks think...
Did I deserve my part of the loot? Or not?

If this is an obvious no, sorry for wasting your time with my long post. I am still quite new to the game and am unfamiliar with all the splitting rules on NM loot.

Edited, Tue Mar 14 18:53:38 2006 by WantaRagnarok

Edited, Tue Mar 14 18:55:42 2006 by WantaRagnarok
#2 Mar 14 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Well imo I believe you should have and had every right to obtain the gil 1/6 because a majority of teh party asked you to bring back echo drops and if the PT members who asked you to bring them echo drops said no to 1/6 then thats quite selfish and two faced imo. Kuw was being a **** head, 1/6 is still a nice amount from 16 mil so I dont know what he was complaining about, he was just being a greedy ****.

Edited, Tue Mar 14 19:08:14 2006 by EvilGibbon
#3 Mar 14 2006 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
if I understand the situation correctly: you got there first. You guarded the NM but due to unfortunate timing you got spanked and died. Your PT then realizes they forgot a necessary item and you HP to get it and aid them, though you didn't have to. As you head toward DT, the WAR pulls the NM that you were guarding for them and they defeat it as you enter the tower. The WAR then decides because you weren't there you get no cut.

My take: You didn't have to HP and help them. You could have gotten a raise and stayed delaying the mission further. But you decided to help them out of kindness and the WAR repays you by spitting in your face. I say you should have gotten a cut.
#4 Mar 15 2006 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
Since the only reason you weren't there was because you left to get the party some meds for the BC its only fair that you got your cut.
#5 Mar 15 2006 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,510 posts
I think you should have got a share. I think you also handled it quite diplomatically with the /tells and discussion. It's a shame it turned out that way despite your sacrifice, *and* getting items from the AH for them *and* actually finding/monitoring the NM in the first place.

My thoughts on Kuw are that I don't think he did it on purpose to reduce having to split. He was probably just impatient having to wait and wait and wait (It's so funny watching ppl who can't be patient, figdeting.. and wanting to find some reason to 'kill stuff'). Then at the end when it's dead, he's the sort of person who views it in a very black and white way. I.e. ppl who physically took part in the fight, and ppl who weren't in the zone. It's how his brain works. Honestly, I can bet that's just the way he sees things, and will have a hard time understanding your point of view. I could be wrong tho. :x
#6 Mar 15 2006 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
hey first off you obviouly derserve 1/6 it sounds like kew has some security issues to work out :D anyway i for one think your to nice. if the leader said i was guna get a part that would be enough for me. you had the vote cast and YOU STILL WON. after this i dont understand. why diddnt you take the 1/6?? cuz you felt bad for kew and whoever else? i think you should of takein your fairly deserved money and continued despit what whoever else thot. especialy cuz you lost xp with the death warp.
#7 Mar 15 2006 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
You sure as hell deserve your cut, period. People who are so gil-fixated beyond plain decency really have issues. Not to mention that building a bad reputation will reflect imho. Is a million gil really worth getting on a lot of blacklists ?
#8 Mar 15 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
In my past experiences with Kuw, which are few, he struck me as a very selfish, impatient person.

I think you deserved a cut, and Kuw deserved a slap upside the head for not waiting for you.
#9 Mar 15 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
283 posts
why diddnt you take the 1/6??

I was never offered a 1/6, impossible to take it then. Bael offered me 500k of his own 1/5. I didn't take that because it wouldn't be fair to him, yeah maybe I am too nice. But that doesn't matter now, the thing is I don't care that much for the gil, I don't want it anymore as I stated in my first post. It was the principle that counted for me, and with this post I just wanted to find out if I was the only one who thought that the matter was handled in an extremely unfair way.

Yes, I won the vote, but as I said, Kuw declared it void after losing it. So it was decided to split 1/5 anyway. Kuw got his 1/5, I settled with air.
Don't ask me why Bael the seller so obediently acted to Kuw's will, it was a fair vote. If I were the seller, I'd have traded Kuw his 1/6, to take or to leave. My guess is Bael felt bad for him, I certainly did not. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way blaming Bael. He's a nice guy but perhaps a little too nice as he wanted to please everyone, which was imposible in this scenario.

I just don't understand why Kuw was so religiously against getting 1/6 (which is still an immense ammount of money in my opinion) and will even risk his reputation for just a little bit more gil. And it seems he also feels really good about his victory, as he just ran past me a few minutes ago and /laughed at me.
Greedy people like him disgust me beyond words.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 11:38:10 2006 by WantaRagnarok
#10 Mar 15 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I also think you should've taken your share.
#11 Mar 15 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
126 posts
What everyone wants to know is: did you beat ZM8????
#12 Mar 15 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
dat sux bro... so what are the names of the other greedy ppl who wanted 1/5.. Kuw and who?

kinda sucks how ppl are greedy.. but what goes around comes around bro..

#13 Mar 15 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
Wow, that blows chunks, sorry to hear about that :(

If Kuw reads this, or anyone see's him before me, tell him to choke on a **** and die, it's only gil.

People need to realize not to be greedy and ***-like in game's such as this, having a good personality will go a lot farther then a few million gil will.
#14 Mar 15 2006 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
I'm sorry for what hapened to you, friend ; ;

When something like this happens, it's truly unjust. Personally, I hope Kuw sees this topic and reads it just so he knows how many people think badly of him now.

I alos respect your strategy on life "Gil is only gil" that's a pretty noble way to play.

May good forutne follow you after this horrible incident.
#15 Mar 15 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
283 posts
Trematode: The voting was done anonymously through tells. Although Bael told me who voted for 1/5, I will keep the name of the other guy secret. To be honest, I think he just wanted to try his luck and copied Kuw because he didn't object the first time Bael proposed 1/6 split.
Those who voted for 1/6 were Bael, Bauh and Cadsuane.

Yeah ChuChuWally, we beat it! I'm somehow happy I went back to get the echo drops because he used the Silence AoE a lot so many drops were used in the fight. Without them it might not have turned out this well, at least that's what I like to tell myself.
Just 1 more fight till sky access...
#16 Mar 15 2006 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
People need to realize not to be greedy and ***-like in game's such as this, having a good personality will go a lot farther then a few million gil will.

LMAO, you're one to talk...
#17 Mar 15 2006 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
imo He's just as greedy as Kuw for voting 1/5 after all u did for them.. don't know why you would back him up but its all up to u bro.. hope u learned something from what they did to you ^^
#18 Mar 16 2006 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
76 posts
People need to realize not to be greedy and ***-like in game's such as this, having a good personality will go a lot farther then a few million gil will.

LMAO, you're one to talk...


Edited, Thu Mar 16 03:05:04 2006 by Minswune
#19 Mar 16 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
I was being facetious with my query. My point was that it must've been quite the fun ZM8 fight with the supposed acrimony betwixt the 2 of chu. Had I been the BRD, I woulda said something rike, "That Valor Minuet will cost Kuw 500K". :}
#20 Mar 17 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Default
79 posts
I'm the same HNM as Kuw, he doesn't feel sorry about doing this. I asked him. I don't like what he did. :\
#21 Mar 18 2006 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
Surely you got the money by charging them the 2 million gil delivery fee for the echo drops.

After all, you missed out on a share in Pallas's Bracelets to fetch them.

#22 Mar 20 2006 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
to the op, i can understand your situation. at least in future u know that a prick war like him will suffer for having a bad repu.
#23 Mar 23 2006 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Wow, that totally blows. But don't worry, karma always has a way of paying back outstanding debts.

And monkey, don't know what your issue is with Mins, but he's definately not a gil/item *****. If I screenshotted everytime he tried to step aside on drops so someone else could have a chance, my hard drive would be full by now.
#24 Mar 24 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
Kuw only made an extra 500k by taking 1/5 instead of 1/6, and I'm sure at his lvl that's not an exorbatant amount of money, but hey some people will just deceive, bicker, and whine to get as much gil as they possibly can so what can you do? :/

#25 Mar 24 2006 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
What everyone wants to know is: did you beat ZM8????


Answering the topic, yeah you definately deserved your part. He's not being reasonable. He'd demand his share of the loot if he was in your shoes, you bet

Edited, Fri Mar 24 21:14:37 2006 by BigpandaDamodar
#26 Mar 27 2006 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
312 posts
You definately deserved that 1/6.
People like Kuw disgust me.
Eventually he will be judged by his karma and then we will /point and /laugh at him.
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