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HNM Rules?Follow

#1 Jan 30 2006 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Just wondering if these are the un-written rules of our server.

Ragnarok HNM Guidelines (English) Version 1
In attempts to avoid further drama, we should try to draft up a set of rules. I'll compile up what I've observed as well as some things I can see to keep the peace, debate here.

- All pulls are considered legit. If you think an individual is using hacks, fine. Go find the same hacks and beat it. Otherwise, There is no proof. "We strongly believe ____ hacks" is not proof, and is not an excuse for any underhanded actions.
- GTFO rule: Upon a pull, please clear out of the battle area. In terms of King Behemoth, a good place to go is the tunnels. For Adamantoise/Aspidochelone, the most laggy corner of Ragnarok will do. For Dragonaery, please either escape or sneak out into Zi'Tah as soon as possible. This is a courtesy thing, I scratch your back you scratch mine. It's also a problem if the pulling party wipes instantly and the HNM starts aggroing people. For all these purposes, please GTFO if you lose.
Why GTFO? Various reasons. For one, lag kills. You may want them to die from lag, but causing it is it a very low thing to do. Another is that for things that need to be kited, you're in the kiting path. I know it may "sound like *************** but running into someone while trying to get away from meteo can mean the difference between out-ranging it and eating it. I can understand how some people want to watch, but it's like that time someone from the audience yoinked a baseball and caused a home run that could have been saved by the outfielder.

Randoming Rules:
- In the event that an LS appears to wipe, propose a random in /shout. For Dragonaery, propose it in shout and quickly escape out as a courtesy to the current LS and handle the dealings in Zitah by Boyahda main Entrance.
- Aside from Fafnir, each LS that wishes to participate will have one representative say so in /shout. /tells are too obscure, do it in /shout where everyone can see. In Zi'tah since everyone should be at the escape spot, /say should suffice. If an LS is unable to have even one single representative escape from DragonAery within a reasonable amount of time, then they either have no elemental seal, are afk, or are being discourteous to the currently engaged LS by crowding them. In any event, it's enough to merit disqualification.
- Please refrain from throwing out /random's out of the blue at the time of the dealings. This only causes confusion and can be used against you.
- It hardly needs to be said, but highest random wins. Second highest is second, etc.
- If the winners of the random decide at any point to leave, they lose priority. In other words, if you think they're gonna win and D2 back, then they wipe 30 minutes later, you have no priority even if you return.
- Winners of the random should engage as soon as the original LS wipes (more details below), and begin to kill it immediately. No holding for members, no holding time. If you have enough to hold but not enough to kill at the time of the pop, you should not be eligible to random. Please respect this honesty system and not try to random with 2 people and then go /l HURRY UP GET PEOPLE HERE NOW
- Proclaim the outcome of the /random in shout, so that everyone can see it. Anyone with a dispute speak now or forever hold your peace.

- For a LS to be considered wiped, all members have to be dead and the monster back to it's calm non-aggroed mode. It will stop chasing people, start moving slowly and remain stationary of periods of time. Likewise, if you are part of the wiping LS and have raised, if you do not have hate on the NM then you are not considered to be "alive."
- If it "aggros you," it means you didn't follow the GTFO rule. Zone or die and wait for the NM to stop moving.
- Let it be known now. If the mob is taken before the above circumstances are met, it is considered a stolen mob and an MPK attempt. I don't care if they have only one person alive. If you are that sure they are going to wipe, then sit there and let them wipe. Likewise, if you have a legit right to it from the random rules, no one will try to steal it from you. The victimized LS (from now on, regardless of who) should be permitted time for a full recovery and have the NM returned to them. Don't say this rule is ********* it's not hard to wait for them to die off completely. If you can't wait a whole 20 seconds for the last tank or mage to die then you've ruined your shot, it's that simple.

In the event that any of the above rules are not followed:
- Please let the leaders handle it. If LS leaders are not available then have whoever is in charge talk it out. The result may all be from misunderstandings that can be cleared. If one party is simply being unreasonable, be the better man and let them have it. Even the rarest of mobs will pop in another 5 to 7 days, you will have another opportunity then. Be aware, however, that repeat offenses are noticed by everyone, and even though people try to follow rules it's wise not to make enemies in the playing field.
- Under no circumstances will stealing and calling for help and/or direct MPKing be tolerated. Likewise, LSs will be judged if they can not deal with lowlife members who perform such acts regularily. This goes for everyone. No one cares if they broke into your house and punched you in the face 3 seconds before the monster pops and caused you to lose the pull. Call the police but don't call for help on their mobs.
- Please keep in mind that an eye for an eye does not solve anything. Your actions can and will reflect your LS, and it may bring a lot of trouble for people who should not have to be involved.

Who the **** do you think you are to make up the rules? They're not my rules, I'm just listing the common unwritten etiquette that's already been in effect and working. The reason why drama occurs is because some people are unaware of them and/or choose to not follow them. You have any better ideas? We're all listening. Erm, reading.

Gonna need an update when drama moves to the wyrms, but so far we seem good on that part :O

So what's good, what sucks, and why? What else needs to be addressed, and why? Keep in mind that these rules are for everyone, and no one gets an advantage over anyone else.
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#2 Jan 30 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Every server comes up with it's own etiquette to handle situations. Just like when you were in the dunes and learned not to camp right on top of a party because it was rude and you passed the advice onto people who were there their first time. It's no different. When you are dealing with that many people and SE does nothing to police their own servers or to help out with the obvious flaws in the game, the understanding between people and shells in certain situations becomes even more important.

And before you get on the whole hnm linkshells think they own the server and all of that crap, where in any of that do you see anything about something that was not designed for end game? I don't see "rules" to camping leaping lizzy in there.

Plain and simple, people need to come to some sort of understanding of how to be able to compete in this game without taking this to an extreme low. Lord knows our server has enough of lows, and if we didn't the forums would be empty and Jueno would be quiet. But for every bad thing you hear, 100 good things have happened, and most of that is because of whatever understanding people have come to on whatever server you happen to be playing on.

Yes, it does get old to have new people come in and not try to find out what the etiquette is for these camps and stuff, and I will admit, sometimes the people who have been doing it for awhile don't handle it in the best possible way. But did it get any less old when you were on your second trip through the dunes and the new people didn't pay attention to the unspoken rules set up on the server and you had to repeatedly help and you were having a bad day? People do stupid things when they are fustrated. It's party of being human.

I'm sure there are a few exceptions to the rule, but most people of these shells don't believe they own jack, are entitled to it, run the server etc. However, they would like for newcomers to help follow the established set of courtesy guidelines or speak with other linkshells if they found something that could be improved over just doing their own thing and throwing a wrench into the works. Sure, the system is not perfect. But it's better then every man for himself doing what he wants to do. If something is set up for end game groups specifically, like sky and sea gods, then those groups need to find a way to work together to make it smooth and people who aren't involved need to stop throwing stones.
#3 Jan 30 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
See Unc, as you like to continue to post more and more crap in this vendetta that you seem to have against all HNM LS's, you fail to realize that you are talking yet again about a subject that you really have no experience in.

Kuraiholy put it the best: it's like you're visiting a bunch of forums dedicated to medicine and then claiming that you're capable of treating patients.

If you actually WERE a part of endgame you'd realize that S/E has created a system that encourages drama, confusion and total idiocy, not to mention an insane bottleneck.

Why do such rules exist? Simply so that we can continue playing this game without having to deal with the crappy problems that exist within the game mechanics. That's it.

I'll say it yet again Unc, since you completely lack all forms of reading comprehension:


#4 Jan 30 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts

Oh really.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 14:25:04 2006 by UNCTGTG
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#5 Jan 30 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Asherek wrote:
Kuraiholy put it the best: it's like you're visiting a bunch of forums dedicated to medicine and then claiming that you're capable of treating patients.

Hey! I said that. >:(


This thread sucks, and is a waste of space. No one needs to see more crap from you, Unctgtg.
#6 Jan 30 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default
I lol'd.
#7 Jan 31 2006 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Wow Unct, you should have just named this "Trolls who have no life reply here"

Unct just asked a question which was are these about what the etiquette guidelines an HNM LS wants from other HNM LSs. However, you people come on here and think he is posting worthless crap. He asked you a question, all he wanted was an answer.

For your information (this is going to start all that crap we heard when we started dynamis over again about our LS not being good enough) DBS is starting an HNM/God LS. We are going to start on Gods and progress from there. We are going to do it because we believe we can, just like we believed we can do Dynamis and guess what? We can.

Go find some ants on the sidewalk to burn with a microscope or something because to me that is what it seems the only thing you excell at is, bringing other people down, and hurting others who in your view, just do not matter. Go start a war some place else.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 20:00:56 2006 by Rohon
#8 Jan 31 2006 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Still fresh on my mind, ASSramis(sp?) posted on the forums how he hated the whole hnmls thingy.. and look now he gonna start one.

Hypocrisy at its finest
#9 Jan 31 2006 at 8:52 PM Rating: Default
87 posts
Yes he hates it, he hates it all with a passion the way some people do it so he is going to try and do it his own way and see if it can make people happier who participate in it. This is almost the same reason he made his own Dynamis and chat LSs, because he could not stand the other ones he had been in maybe?
#10REDACTED, Posted: Jan 31 2006 at 9:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hmmm good call id say I hope it works out for you guys to ^_^
#11 Jan 31 2006 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
demonspawnmatt wrote:
no one else will take me so i swear i will insert my head seven meters up your *** if you invite me to your Roc killing LS
#12 Jan 31 2006 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Unct just asked a question which was are these about what the etiquette guidelines an HNM LS wants from other HNM LSs. However, you people come on here and think he is posting worthless crap. He asked you a question, all he wanted was an answer.

Sorry Rohon but I'm betting the other posters who actually posted something coherent were not going to sit there and take Unctgtg seriously. Remember this: In life, little effort out = little effort in. Considering the title of the URL which he linked clearly says "Ragnarok HNM Guidelines (English) Version 1" if he would have put a little effort in he would have known and wouldn't have wasted time (ours and his) making this topic. Note that more recent release of the rules can be found here.

Yes he hates it, he hates it all with a passion the way some people do it so he is going to try and do it his own way and see if it can make people happier who participate in it. This is almost the same reason he made his own Dynamis and chat LSs, because he could not stand the other ones he had been in maybe?

Who is he to say how happy my members are? or TC? Zen, Lemon, Solstice, Anzanas, PrinceOnStar, Kurokide, TripleExcellence? I could keep on going... but that isn't needed.

Has he been in any HNMLS that he supposedly frowns upon for how it's run? How does he know the camaraderie that goes on that he can judge so strongly on it? If you mean the people (read: dramallamas) in the community like livejournals and these forums then it won't matter... no matter how many linkshells he makes on his own he won't escape the rest of the community. Linkshells are groups of people who work well together and generally enjoy being in each others company; if they didn't then it wouldn't be a linkshell. Many linkshells use competitive words to indirectly create drama against each other because it becomes highly addictive. Does this mean that inside their own linkshells there is malice, greed and 100% chaos? No. But between each linkshell? Yes.

All he accomplishes by making is own linkshell is the same as the rest of us, finding people we like to group up with and hang out with. You'll see that the community is two-faced among each other, a nice face for inside linkshells and a mean game-face for outside linkshells.

I wish you good luck in what you do and hope you have a good time doing it.
#13 Jan 31 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Sincerily, thankyou Bedrock. I hope it goes well too.

I have been with two HNM LSs and know that yes it can be nice and work well with the people inside of it. However the reason he has hated them so much is in fact the drama between LSs. We have had it happen to us in our Dynamis LS. It is THE biggest turn-off to people who even think about joining HNM LSs or Dynamis LSs because they just don't want to be a part of that drama.

If people in the LSs would just leave disputes from one LS to another between leaders and sack people this server would be a better place. However this is not what happens and I feel so ashamed that humans can act the way they do.

I hope to any higher spiritual leader anyone may have that we have no conflics with other HNM LSs and solve problems civilly, but I bet it just wont happen. People just don't understand the saying Respect others and you will earn their respect.

This is more to other people who have these problems and not you yourself or your LS Bedrock, you all need to not think that others are going to start off by respecting you first. You must always ALWAYS show respect for other people first no matter who they are in order to get respect back from them. It's a 2-way street people and if you or I do not start it first, we will get nowhere.

I honestly hope no conflicts arise between us and others but it probably will and I can only hope those conflics can be solved civilly and respectfully.

See you all on the field. :)
#14 Feb 01 2006 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
There's a simple reason why I posted my angry remarks:

Because Unc's intentions with this thread were NOT honorable whatsoever.

All he is trying to do is start a flamewar, if you had read the other threads in this forum, that's all he is trying to do.

As for hoping there is no drama, well you're hoping for the absolute ideal, it doesn't happen in real life, it won't happen ingame either.

However, those rules exist to reduce that drama as much as possible. Coming here and posting them like he did in an obvious attempt to flame Zen + make fun of said rules isn't the best way of going about this.
#15 Feb 01 2006 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
His sig said it:
Offically a GM of FFXI -aka don't have to do sh*t

He doesn't have **** to do. The only thing he'd do is trolling and starting flame in forums.
#16 Feb 01 2006 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
He doesn't have sh*t to do. The only thing he'd do is trolling and starting flame in forums.

Your the one to all 40 of your posts have been meaningless, pointless, and entertainment at most.

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#17 Feb 01 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Considering the timing of this thread, being made after making a remark about the etiquette in another post that also said I'll post those later, I'm not suprised anyone didn't feel that a question was being asked.

Rohon, I can tell you I'd be hard pressed to find a group of people that make the game more fun for me then my chat ls and lemon. I've made some great friends in lemon and everytime we try something new, I refall in love with the game again, because I'm doing these challenges with my best in game friends. I hope you guys get to experience the same thrill and find it just as much fun as I do. I find win or lose, I have a blast doing those fights and camps and everything because I'm spending time with people who make me laugh and often bring out the better side in me. Sort of why I get defensive when I see someone, even someone who I am on good terms with bash the hnm scene. Because in doing that, people who I care about are also getting insulted.

But good luck to you guys and I hope you find a lot of enjoyment in trying these challenges together. To me, it's stuff like that that makes the game so fun.
#18 Feb 01 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I must say...everytime i read these forums....after it i'd like to say:

Dear Mr. Unc


U know NOTHING but u complain about EVERYTHING

Your the one to all 40 of your posts have been meaningless, pointless, and entertainment at most.

And you aren't even a tiny bit better - his posts have been as "pointless" as yours.

Too bad IGE doesn't sell brains...

Edited, Wed Feb 1 11:20:30 2006 by Gentaro
#19 Feb 01 2006 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,049 posts
Now, admittably, maybe I'm more baised then I was in the past when it comes to Unctgtg. From these forums I assumed he was a bad, IGE-buying, selfish, scornful person. When I joined DBSD, I assumed these things, but soon found myself wrong. Maybe I don't post in this forum all the time, and maybe after knowing Unctgtg I've changed. But I think the 'bad-rep' I associated to him is somewhat uncalled for. Assuming that someone else used his account and said something nice, I can bet that some people would jump on him and assume he was being sarcastic.

But I don't know. Whatever; there isn't any reason to discuss it. But I'll have to side with Rohon on this one.

My 2 gil.
#20 Feb 01 2006 at 9:25 PM Rating: Default
You people are the reason lower LVL players are hesitant to join a LS.
#21 Feb 01 2006 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
No one cares, Coldhearted.
#22 Feb 02 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
No one cares, Coldhearted.

You care enough to reply.
#23 Feb 02 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
ColdHarted wrote:
You people are the reason lower LVL players are hesitant to join a LS.

Partially true. I play FFXI because I love the people but alot of this internal fighting stuff really is a turn off.

Who cares how much money someone else has? Who cares who's LS is doing good or bad in Dynamis so long as they are having a good time!

Personally I'd rather get a multitude of lapdances from the players of get on your thongs and hop to it, my hair is turning white just waiting on the lapdances.
#24 Feb 02 2006 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
121 posts
Personally I'd rather get a multitude of lapdances from the players of get on your thongs and hop to it, my hair is turning white just waiting on the lapdances.

I'm on it, sir. Anything for the glory of Ragnarok.
#25 Feb 02 2006 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
265 posts
if u ask me lol... i think this is a recruitment tool... when u guyz flamed dbsdynamis, there ranks flooded with lvl 60s-70s and filled up the LS... I mean, think about, who would want to see a movie with to ****-cowboyz.. if there was no bad/good publicity about it nobody would have saw it, now its like winning awards and **** (not that im a homophobe) just saying... flaming them isnt helping lol... IMO just let the thread die, i wouldnt even care to post... makes them look like goobers if they dont want to be couteous to others... not the rest of the server ^^
#26 Feb 02 2006 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Pace wrote:
if u ask me lol... i think this is a recruitment tool... when u guyz flamed dbsdynamis, there ranks flooded with lvl 60s-70s and filled up the LS... I mean, think about, who would want to see a movie with to ****-cowboyz.. if there was no bad/good publicity about it nobody would have saw it, now its like winning awards and **** (not that im a homophobe) just saying... flaming them isnt helping lol... IMO just let the thread die, i wouldnt even care to post... makes them look like goobers if they dont want to be couteous to others... not the rest of the server ^^

Do you even know what you are talking about? I thought not.

These rules exist so that there IS courtesy between LS's. Unc is simply posting them to try and stir up drama from another thread.
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