Vertoria wrote:
Hmm.. thats really nice, if I recall Wysard was the one that MPKed me and my 2 friends getting that minstrals coat in SSG. I did see 2 others helping him and was quite disappointed. Then later spoke with the leader afterwards and warned him of Wysards actions. Wysard in tell / sorry for the mpk but I been trying to get this for 1 month now, dont take it personally i can raise you and give you any siren hair if it drops >.> as he takes NM from us. I replyed " No thank-you why the heck would I want your damn hair, specially as a offer so i dont call GM." Also I didnt accept his raise. Filty Filty actions from someone i thought was respectable.
If any member of mine had done that kind of thing and it was reported, I seriously would have removed them at that time. It's really a wake up call for future mistakes to be made by the individual.
What comes around goes around in the karma of life.
Hold on a second here. You wanted to indicate you don't like Wysard and that you've had bad dealings with him before.
That's fine. Those events really did occur.
However, what we don't need right now is have more people coming in and saying "I told you so", to be blunt.
As well, I wouldn't attempt to tell you how to run your linkshell, I honestly suggest you don't do the same.