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If you are thinking about joining FATE, DON"T!!Follow

#77 Sep 11 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
UltimaxofRagnarok wrote:
Lastly, fill me in, how are you doing getting a new HNM LS? Just say "No luck because I'm a drama queen." It was a rhetorical question.

Yeah... she's ok, Lemonade will get her.
They're used yet to get all this kind of crap.

You should know it yet, their second name is "the Trash of Ragnarok". And IMO, Sweetangel deserved join that LS doing this thread.

TO Sweetangel:::

Oh girl, every post you do you seem more and more dumb.

You say people should learn spell correctly, and you're the first spelling incorrectly every ******* word.
Then you say people should get a life, and that RL is it more important to you than a game... ¿¿¿then why you come complain in a forum, because FATE didn't let you lot an item???

Sorry but it doesn't make any sense, you just too dumbass.

Oh damn, your baby is crying... go attend him and quit being an drama queen, grow up too if it possible.

Thankies. <3

Edited, Sun Sep 11 04:19:04 2005 by CryMeARiver
#78 Sep 11 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
To CryMeARiver:
Quick question. Did you even look at the calendar? My guess is no, because if you did, you would see that Bedrock does not "tell" other LSs when they can and can't do an event. It's simply a calendar where leaders of various HNMLSs can go and post an event they have planned in order not to conflict with other HNMLS planned events. For example: Solstice wishes to do Dyanmis-Bastok on Sunday, so Stellar goes on to the calendar and posts that we planned Dynamis-Bastok for Sunday. Now Lemonade also wishes to do Dynamis-Bastok on Sunday, they go to the calendar and see that Solstice has it planned as well. Now a number of things will happen when they see this. They will either pick a different dynamis, or if they really need this dynamis they will ask Solstice to pick another dynamis if possible. If both LSs desparately need Dynamis-Bastok, the LSs can come to a compromise, where one LS goes a bit earlier, and the other LS goes a bit later. It's all quite civilized if you take 2 seconds to look at it. And please your posting anon, is there a reason for this? Most ppl only post anon when they are scared of the consequences that follow their posts, or wen they do not truly believe half the crap they are writing.
#79 Sep 11 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Cry me a river seems to me you don't have children or kid's.. and if you DID you'd know that kids and family and work and school come befor anything in this game.Which is true maybe sweet should have let it slide and not post but she had a right to. Now..soo i don't know in RL or in game.But like Philmaster flex said seems to me you'r hiding your real name on here and dont want ppl to point out "consequences that follow their posts, or when they do not truly believe half the crap they are writing." Soo as for talking things about Sweetangel shes been a good friend of mine for 2 years now. IMO she has a right just like everyone else who post on here to "rant" *****" "complain" and say what they feel on any situation in game... and ppl who dont like "flame wars" or ppl talking **** about something that they feel was'nt justified to them or felt like some how they were done wrong..tough **** ppl are always gonne post these kinda deals.... and to thos who don't approve of these types of posts then don't read it and go read Harrypotter or something.
#80 Sep 11 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
Hmmm... um... excuse me but ¿why do we all have to follow that "calendar"?
I mean, WHO THE HELL is Bedrock or whoever wrote that to tell me when I have to do dynamis?
You will? good to you,as u said, you're from Lemonade. I'm not, youre ****** I'm not, sh*t happens.
Good luck rating me down but keep your bullsh*t to yourself.
I will reward you with a cookie later, dont worry.

I guess this is a perfect exemple of why people does not like FATE.

Edited, Sun Sep 11 15:04:19 2005 by Kamikam
#81 Sep 11 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Hmmm... um... excuse me but ¿why do we all have to follow that "calendar"?

Read the LJ first and then look at the calendar. Thank you.

I mean, WHO THE HELL is Bedrock or whoever wrote that to tell me when I have to do dynamis?

Bedrock is the linkshell owner of SpikeFlail and he doesn't tell you when to do X dynamis, it helps YOU work out dynamis with the other shells that go around the same time/day, but that you don't know of. It helps YOU from not being surprised to find a linkshell in X dynamis which you planned for your shell.

You will? good to you,as u said, you're from Lemonade. I'm not, youre ****** I'm not, sh*t happens.

Flame on? Who's the bigger ****** here when you couldn't even see the smiley at the end of the "rate down" joke and have to post this bs:

Good luck rating me down but keep your bullsh*t to yourself.

Also explain to this "******" what the use is of rating down a poster on this forum when he doesn't have the balls to use his real account or his name in-game.

And no, I didn't rate you down, seems others have though XD
#82 Sep 11 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
23 posts

Now you're just looking for excuses to hate FATE. I don't even know who crymeariver is and my guess is that neither do you. Do you know for sure that this person is a representation of FATE's views? or are you just guessing?

Come on people, just let this thread R.I.P. I only check now when members ask me things like wtf is crymeariver, he's making us look bad. My recommendation to ALL of you is to just let it go, whatever hate you have for the name FATE, just let it go. Leaders are different, players are different, the way we run things are different. It's been moving in a different direction for 4-5 months now. Just LET IT GO, not everything we do is because we're uncaring ********. In fact, we are probably even MORE sensitive towards these things because we love being in FATE, but hate the old reputation.

You had problems with us stealing HNMs before, do we do that now? (well, one member accidentally voked Ulli from a dieing party, but we killed and gave drops back to them)...but that's not my point. The point is that even if we **** up, we do the right thing, now. I'm not talking about us doing the right or wrong thing 4-5 months ago, but NOW, we do the right thing right NOW.

I love all the members of FATE and hate that they have this ****** reputation because of less than a handful of idiots. We've been walking on eggshells for the past 1/2 year trying to do the right thing. Just let your hate go, the people you're mad at aren't even here anymore.
#83 Sep 12 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Default
Kamikam wrote:
[quote]I guess this is a perfect exemple of why people does not like FATE.

Who said I'm from FATE? Yes you're the example of why people doesnt like FATe, haha. ******.

About the "Calendar", I read it and all... I don't meant is not usefull for you, but not for me.

I mean... imagine I want to do dynamis sandoria tomorrow, because I WANT TO.
Then I go check that calendar and I see other LS "planned" do it too, ¿why I should change the place?
Dynamis is open for everyone who has 1,000,000gils on hand, it doesnt matter if you "planned" it one week before, or one day before, it doesnt matter.

IF Japanese players (they're in Vanadiel since more than any of you) enter when they want to, ¿Why I shouldn't?

IF SE didn't make a global calendar (what I think it should be) for dynamis, its not my problem.

So, that calendar its *********** and only like 4 LS follow it, over more than 20. I don't think that calendar it is an reference for all dynamis LSes on ragnarok, because 4/20+ is not a good % (counting JPs)

Cmon rate me down, I give cookies for everyone, no worries!
#84 Sep 12 2005 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent

I don't hate FATE. And im not looking for reasons to do that. I don't know much about you guys. Just what I said about Dynamis.
Looks like PEOPLE do not like FATE tho. Which is different. Personaly I don't care, I'm too old, and have spent way too many years in gaming before FFXI to really have fun getting involved in server dramas.


You are that kind of 15 years old kid my path crossed in every game (mmorpg or not) i've been playing so far. No worries against you dude, when i was 15 years old i was just like you. Well, ok, probably not THAT dumb, but whatever, you know what i mean.

It's funny how you don't stop talking about "rating down", looks like it actually does matter to you afteral. Want me to give you a 5 so you can become a noobie Icone ? Maybe you suffer of a lack of recognition ? Or maybe it is just "cool" to flame allak forums with your teenager rebels friends.

Anyways, seeing your name and your posts count, I assume you just created this forum account to flame arround. Really gay you don't post with your real identity. But I wouldnt expect you to do it, regarding the kind of kid it seems you are.

I mean... imagine I want to do dynamis sandoria tomorrow, because I WANT TO.
Then I go check that calendar and I see other LS "planned" do it too, ¿why I should change the place?
Dynamis is open for everyone who has 1,000,000gils on hand, it doesnt matter if you "planned" it one week before, or one day before, it doesnt matter.

It actually does matter kid. Its called respect.

#85 Sep 12 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
Omg Kamikam, nice amount of stupid words. Good done. I'm sure people in Lemonade (yes yes those that rate my post down) are proof of you!

Kamikam wrote:
You are that kind of 15 years old kid my path crossed in every game (mmorpg or not) i've been playing so far. No worries against you dude, when i was 15 years old i was just like you. Well, ok, probably not THAT dumb, but whatever, you know what i mean.

[irony]Hahaha, looks like you know me alot. Sure, I'm 15 years old.[/irony]

It's funny how you don't stop talking about "rating down", looks like it actually does matter to you afteral. Want me to give you a 5 so you can become a noobie Icone ? Maybe you suffer of a lack of recognition ? Or maybe it is just "cool" to flame allak forums with your teenager rebels friends.

Um... dude, you got it wrong! Indeed I'm having too much fun seeing how people rate down my post just because I said Sweetangel deserved join Lemonade (which is true, by the way)

Looks like you guys dont agree with me, and try to "hide" my opinion rating me down. That's what makes me laugh...

You're crying, I'm enjoying, thats the main diference.

Anyways, seeing your name and your posts count, I assume you just created this forum account to flame arround. Really gay you don't post with your real identity. But I wouldnt expect you to do it, regarding the kind of kid it seems you are.

My name? well my name... my name is directed to you, or to people like you, you should know it.

¿Does it really matter who I am? I don't think so... I'm just ONE of the *put a big number here, infinite if you like* player in Ragnarok who dislike your HNMLS.

I could list the reasons, but then we would do another flame war, and i'm not up for it. Your LS sucks, you know it, although you won't say it for obvious reasons (they would kick you, and that would be so bad for you... meantwhile you can keep sucking your LS leader **** for "teh items", fun)

It actually does matter kid. Its called respect.

It's called respect? um... and that comes from a Lemon member, okaaaaaay XD

Here's your cookie.
#86 Sep 12 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
You know i stand by Maleena, he's a great leader and all his BS just cause someone wants to bash Fate cause they think they know what's going on inside Fate. one else stepped up to take leadership after Warlord left. There was a forum on our old websit long ago when asked who of the sacholders would take over when he left. Everyone wanted me but i declined cause I knew how hard it would be to pull all it it's members in to a team and how hard it would be. Maleena was the only one that wanted to take on this this challenge no one else wanted to step up and take Fate over. Till then Maleena has done a great job. Have we made some bad choices..Yes we've made some bad choice but what LS doesn't make bad choices where it makes ppl feel that they are working their heart off for nothing.

Yes. many of the origanls form Fate have left but not all of them left cause they thought Fate was courpt by it's leaders. Many left cause of personal issues in life. If Fate is so bad then why does it still exist. If ppl know how fate does it's ppl then why do they still stick with Fate? Cause they know it's all rumors made by former Fate members. Look at all the members in Fate they have nice gear and we still continue to look out for our members. We might have ppl disagree with the decisions that Fate does and many might get mad, but they get over it and see that Fate has been there for them in the past and will be their for them in the future.

So what if Maleena has top notch gear? Are we not allowed to have top of the line gear? Maleena has earned alot of his gil before he game back to Fate after leaving Melon. Maleena was orignaly in Fate before he decided to stick with Melon after Fate told it's ppl to decide weather to stay in Fate and become a HNMLS or stick with ur current HMNLS. It was a 50/50 outcome, because most of the ppl what where in Fate where already in a HNMLS so they glady left with no problems. I'm not sure why Maleena left Melon but im glad he did and joined Fate. I think that with out Maleena and Warlord being gone; Fate would not be here today.

Ppl hate Fate mainly cause of the things we have done in the past and bashing form former members of Fate, yet if ppl think the rumors are true then why does Fate still exist? Why do ppl still wanna join Fate? Why is it that so many ppl in Fate that have been with us still around? Because they know the truth, and know the rumors are only that...a rumor. The rumor of Warlord taking gil for the LS bank and making this own character the best, maleena taking gil and buying what he wants with it while it's members get left overs...all faulse. If that where true then i'd would have left Fate long ago. Most of our sacholder do have nice equipment but it's form drops from Gods/Kirin. Gil was never given to them to buy items they needed. Sacholders have their own gil and know what they need to do to make gil. If you really think about it most every sacholders has about 3-5 items they have gotten form Fate while others get more or even better items. Take me for example: all i've gotten form Fate is Noble Tunic,Serket Ring,Healing Staff and Crimson Feet. The other stuff i have is bought out of my own pocket.

We can't always get ppl what they want cause we don't do enough HMN or Gods/Kirin to get good drops to sell so that we can buy ppl the stuff they need rather then the stuff they want. It's not easy as many ppl think it is to lead a LS like Fate. I don't think Fate would be where it is today or even exist if Maleena didn't step up and take leadership.

Yet you know what...if ppl believed all the rumors that went around about Fate then why do they stay. We don't force anyone to say with Fate. If they don't like or agree with what we do they are more then willing to leave Fate on their own. We are not twisting anyones arm to stay. To bash a Fate just cause someone disagrees with what was done and to try to make ppl hate Fate is just lame. Every HNMLS has it's problems and issues, they just don't make it public to the server. Yet for someone to post this on the forums and try to make Fate look bad is just someone that wasn't happy with what they had and wanted more. Cause if someone really thought this is what really goes on with Fate then why did you stay with us for so long? You just probably wanted Crimson Legs then you where gone form Fate...right.

Off the subject and on to those that think LS bashing should be kept off the forums...Funny how one says that yet they come on and read about it and respond to what we say. Yet not even being in Fate you still put ur two cents in. Yet ya complain about ppl posting on forums about ls bashing and that it should be kept off the forums. Funny how ya still read it and post you opinion on the issures..LOL i think that's funny.
#87 Sep 12 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
LOL I didn't know there was this many posts on this I think we need to let go. Where did it all of a sudden go form Fate bashing to Dynimas*. LOL everyone doesn't like Fate. Fine..end this post. If ppl want to find out what really goes on in Fate just aske the members of Fate. Ask them how they feel about Fate and you'll know.
#88 Sep 12 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
As I have said before, I will not be posting about Fate, or Maleena or any of that anymore. However, I just wanted to say..Crymeariver......GOOD JOB!! you have showed what a sorry coward and complete a** you are! Too afraid to post your real name and bashing someone and an idea which seems very logical and smart to me. I do not know the person who made the calender, but I think that was a very smart and creative idea for solving an obvious problem. Who cares if someone else is there or had plans to do something, If YOU wanna do it then, well that's all that matters huh? That is why this game has so many problems... cause people don't respect each other..... WTF is wrong with you? What an a**!!
#89 Sep 12 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Nice post Lightsmokes

As for CryMeARiver lets try this one more time...

About the "Calendar", I read it and all... I don't meant is not usefull for you, but not for me.

I mean... imagine I want to do dynamis sandoria tomorrow, because I WANT TO.
Then I go check that calendar and I see other LS "planned" do it too, ¿why I should change the place?
Dynamis is open for everyone who has 1,000,000gils on hand, it doesnt matter if you "planned" it one week before, or one day before, it doesnt matter.

IF Japanese players (they're in Vanadiel since more than any of you) enter when they want to, ¿Why I shouldn't?

IF SE didn't make a global calendar (what I think it should be) for dynamis, its not my problem.

So, that calendar its bullsh*t... and only like 4 LS follow it, over more than 20. I don't think that calendar it is an reference for all dynamis LSes on ragnarok, because 4/20+ is not a good % (counting JPs)

The thing is, the HNM shells on Ragnarok tell each other which dynamis they want to do and if another LS disagrees, then it's open for discussion. Whatever the outcome will be of that discussion is what will happen. Of course you could just go to any dynamis you want with your 1mil, but what if a shell is already in it? What are you going to do, assuming you have about 40 other people who want to join you on your dynamis, but there are already about 40 people in the dynamis area... Since the dynamis cap is 64, your people aren't going to fit in. Result: you either end up waiting till they are done or only half your members get in and will probably annoy the **** out the people already there. This is assuming that you can even entered in the first place since you don't have the glass that was traded to the markings when the first shell went in, but a non-used one.

So there you are Mister "I can do anything I want" with 40 other people, owned by another shell who simply beat you to the dynamis. Now you could have discussed it with that shell and had them go to another dynamis or yourself, but no, you do what you want and end up ******** over alot of people in the process, mostly people from your dynamis shell in this situation. And that isn't your problem? Sure... 40 people show up for an event and can't go, because mister "I do whatever I want" has his head up in the clouds.

And no the calendar isn't a reference (yet) for every dynamis shell. JP's usually do Dynamis at JP "Prime Time". Go figure. NA's at NA Prime Time. Shocking eh? What I mean is, the situation where you need to know at what time a JP shell does dynamis is rare, maybe some EU shells might want to know, but I don't think NA shells have any need to know. And yeah about 4 shells are on the calendar, the thing was just made, most likely more will join.

Why would they join? Because it is a handy tool that could save alot of "drama" and 40 people being annoyed to find another shell in the dynamis they had planned. If they knew, they could have gone to another instead of wasting time waiting for the shell to be done. Or even make the shell that was supposed to go in it, step aside, all up for discussion, but if you don't want to discuss and instead do "whatever you want, because I can" then have fun, you will find the wall that shows you can't do everything you want soon enough. Dynamis shells can co-exist if you at least want to try, but you already made it very clear you don't want to try.

Didn't see Lightsmokes second post and Sweets' before I made this XD

Edited, Mon Sep 12 15:54:59 2005 by Appie
#90 Sep 12 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
I know I gave alot of money to Maleena, he used to be my main meatkabab provider until he branched out.

And Maleena I was just having fun before, no offense on the equipment, but can i borrow your osodo?.

But, one thing I have to say, my god people, look at your posts and step back. Its a game, and stop calling people "leaders" of hnmls. There is no such thing, if there was then that hnmls isnt going to last. I would hope that fate and most other hnmls are run by a bunch of the members, just because someone has 10k or whatever the cost of a shell doesnt make them a leader.

A unit is a sum of all its parts, and to my knowledge, no one knows everything. I am damn close ^^ but I am special.

I do know I get upset at the game, but its more on the greed and lack of respect people show for other peoples times and beliefs.

The other night i got pissed off cause needed some hope rings for bcnm 20, 5 on ah, all past history was 20k, and every one of the 5 rings were jacked up by the sellers, sorry but thats just pathetic.

I would just like people to for once, treat people with respect, stop the greed and price things for past history and not take advantage cause none on ah so you feel you are in the right to increase price by 50 percent then you walk around complaining about the economy.

I dont know about you guys, but this game is going downhill, and our server prices are starting to get out of control. And a big part, I believe is hnmls's all of them. I think most need to realize its a game and stop forcing people to conform to their time schedule, and figure new rules to help everyone succeed.

EG. mentioned before, some people, alot of people work, some people play all day, so they get all the drops first, now at first this makes sense but the people with lives shouldnt be punished. In fact, a good Hnmls should discourage players for being on 24/7 and tell them to take a break, relax, help them have somewhat of a life before they burn out.

Social responsibility.
#91 Sep 12 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
[/quote]But, one thing I have to say, my god people, look at your posts and step back. Its a game, and stop calling people "leaders" of hnmls. There is no such thing, if there was then that hnmls isnt going to last. I would hope that fate and most other hnmls are run by a bunch of the members, just because someone has 10k or whatever the cost of a shell doesnt make them a leader.

A unit is a sum of all its parts, and to my knowledge, no one knows everything. I am damn close ^^ but I am special.

I do know I get upset at the game, but its more on the greed and lack of respect people show for other peoples times and beliefs.[quote]

You're very right there xbobx. This is only just a game. Many times i have brought this up in forums here and in my LS about ppl taking this game to serious. Ppl get mad and upset but have to realize it's only a game and nothing more. Sad though when u think about it. When this game was released in the US it was all fun and games but not so much time has passed it's more of greed and envy that ppl have and they have lost focus of this game. This game in my opinion was a way for ppl to enteract with others around the world and team up to accomplish a goal. Yet we have lost sight and now it's where greed and envy step in and take all the fun and exciment out of the game.

I just want ppl to realize that this is just a game and nothing more. I miss the good old days of just having fun with on line friends. Yet many have left and many have been corrupt my greed and envy that it's not any fun anymore.
#92 Sep 12 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
You all suck. Stop posting **** and adding fuel to the flame.
#93 Sep 14 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Default
107 posts
just a note... I did not re-read any of this because I'm tired and it's long so expect poor grammar and spelling.

Hi there... I'm probably the last person that some people want to see a post from since I left the ls unannounced durring the server migration. However, upon reading all of the garbage that's spilled out of sweet and fara's mouthes I need to say and correct a few little things. (this wohn't be nearly as long as I intended it to be since re-reading their posts will make my head hurt even more)

and for a frame of reference... at the time of the server shift I was one of the oldest fate members... I was in the ls before the level cap was 75, our highest level members were roughly 60, and we were pretty much considered "the" highlevel NA ls on the server untill AA and CB flew past. (Torck the leader at the time was level 55) Also, I may not have been on ragnarok for the past few months but that doesn't mean that I don't keep in touch with multiple members... I hear and read about it all becuase I considered many people to be friends. Since you were a Kirin Only member I'm probably still more in the loop than you were the day you quit the ls sweet. but enough of that...

so now... in no particular order

Anyways, yea ok for your info Epoc was not in FATE before I was so maybe you should check your info. Or if he was in the old old FATE he left and was not around for months after they became HNM.

Epoc was in the ls much longer than you were. He took a break from the game that lasted around 3 months or less which, just like you said was at the time we became HNM. He then came back to the game and ls right when we moved up to fighting Kirin.

And now how Maleena has EVERYTHING that drops, before anyone else gets it.

unless it's changed in the past 2-3 months maleena has 2 jobs at 75 which are rng and blm and at the time of my departure from the ls/server maleena had only ever recieved 2 drops total for himself (osode and s.kote) and oddly enough everything that could be bought was already top of the line due to the insane amount of gil that he made supplying almost all of jeuno with mithkabobs before they were nerfed. Also as suprise may have it... maleena dind't reiceve the first, second, or even third of either of these drops :O

Sumthing is wrong with an LS when 95% of its original members/Sacs including myself LEAVE because of certain individuals taking advantadge of the former leaders RL issues and whinning about how he HAD to step up and become leader because no one else would

People weren't taking advantage of warlord's rl issues... and yes someone HAD to step up and lead because he wasn't. You wouldn't know this since you were only in the ls about 10% of your online time but the ls was almost DEAD. There were no events going on and about 10 or less people at times wearing a pearl. Had they waited any longer it would have died completly. I know I was about to leave myself before Maleena stepped up and redirected us.

Former Sac, who got maleena where he is. -.-

How do you figure that? Maleena was a member of Fate long before you were. Wow fate existed before warlord led and made one of his friends a sack holder. Yes maleena was in Melon for a while but Fate wasn't HNM as that time either. Mal would frequently pop in and chat like people do in a social ls. When fate did become HNM maleena eventually joined fate for endgame activities due to time conflicts with melon. He didn't do this immediatly because he wanted to be sure we were legit and not going to die in a week or 2 since the switch would involve dropping the melon pearl.

you weren't allowed to lot on crimson legs.
-now let me think about this one for a second... In all of my time in fate I saw/heard of 2 pairs dropping (this makes 3) both pairs went to plds. I wonder why >_> oh that's right! They actually serve a purpose for a pld! Those pants are pretty much worthless for a rdm in terms of practicallity. Just becuase you can equip something doesn't mean it was designed for your job. Epoc will actually put those pants to use doing his job. He also put countless hours into organizing events and trying to keep the ls running smooth while not an official leader. You on the other hand, had you recieved them would have used them to get around jeuno faster.

You still feel that you deserve them more because the sky will fall if you can't get from the AH to your MH 5 seconds faster.
-well if you really wanted a luxery item like this so badly then you should have made more of an effort to be in the ls and helping with events. "But I had to change my baby's diaper" a. last I checked that takes about 3 minutes b. you should have spent more time wearing the fate pearl than walking around in the Alpha&Omega ls that fara owned (not positive that was the name) I remember frequently seeing you in that ls and walking around durring planned fate events. (I used to /sea the ls members that weren't reliable because I'd get so pissed about people blowing off events and then crying when they got nothing... hmmm that sounds familiar, why was this thread made again?) Granted this was all months ago when you were a "Kirin Only" member as I liked to call them (Rynoa was another like that) But Based on everything I've read/been told NOTHING has changed with you.

somewhere up there it says something about how sweet and fara have always been nice o.O

Sweet may have been nice but fara was always captain a$$hole. Had he not been warlord's friend (how else would he get made a sack for doing nothing). He would have been kicked long ago... I can't even begin to cound the number of people that would complain about his attitude but bit their lip becuase he was in warlord's shadow.

Lots of people got drops and then bailed, some shifted server with Osodes/nobles and whatever. So now the leaders are very careful who they give drops to

-since I know you'll bring this up... Guilty... I shifted to a better world. Sweet however was in the process of applying to other HNM ls like zenmetsu. Think from a logical standpoint >>ls leader sees application of sweetangel and fara speaking of how unpappy they are and how badly they want to leave fate complete with some mild warlord bashing<<
why should they be given anything? it's kinda like with a convict... a flight risk gets denied bail

I remember when Danielson and I started the HNM part of FATE

I laughed out loud at this. I remember that meeting perfectly. It was all started by warlord with you chirping in a few random points eventho you were even more clueless about HNM than war was. Most of what you said was stuff to criticize people like Cecill who decided to stay with their established HNM ls. Also, Danielson had no hand in the starting of it. In fact he was going to be quitting the game because he dind't find it fun anymore but didn't because warlord started us in Sky. Also fara danielson and sweet were NOT Original fate members eventho they like to think that... The ls was in existance for well over a year before warlord became leader which was when you joined.

btw, how is your baby doing distress :}
#94 Sep 15 2005 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
452 posts
#95 Sep 16 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
OMFG, Henda your a fu*king idiot! How about you stay on your new server and mind your business. Fara and I never claimed to be "original" Fate members in the sense that you mean. We have been talking about since it became HNM and Warlord was leader. The "Old Fate" you were talking about was already dead. So yea from when it restarted we were one of the oldest members. As i said before being in the ls, leaving thr game for a while, coming back and going to a different hnm ls, then after a few months coming back to Fate, doesn't qualify to me and an old dedicated member so you guys can shove that bs about Epoc. Plus, just some nice info I thought you might like to know.... you good ole boy Epoc split after he got his pants and went to TheCalm... LMAFO and you were worried about me jetting with them, which I ahd no intention of. LOL IDIOTS!!! So yea Henda, you're right Epoc will make great use of those legs........ Anyway I could make use of those legs as well. Not a good as a pld and I have never said that I deserved them over a pld in general. Go back and reread the posts cause I'm not wasting time/space repeating what I have already said. I never claimed I couldn't make it to events because "I had to change my babies diaper" I love how people just make stuff up or turn what was said into what THEY want it to say. I SAID....... that the only times I was afk during fights was when I had to change a diaper or sumthing to that effect and it was only for like 2 mins. Fara did have a big part in making Maleena a sac he pushed for him to be at the big sac meeting, talking about rules, which YOU henda were NOT involved in so shut your mouth. People were asking why he was there and blah blah. After the meeting Fara pushed for Maleena to become a sac, so again shut your mouth. You don't know the facts. As for the meeting you so greatly remember... Fara had been talking and talkign to Warlord about being an HNM ls long before the meeting so you have no clue about what was said and such before the meeting too place. Also Fate is in the process of falling apart. Members feel the leaders are going to bail ( which of course they are they got their god drops now they need an hnm ls that is worth a damn to get the big 3 drops). I was NEVER a kirin only member! that is a load of BULL. I will admit to begin a Fridayer for the past couple months becasue of all the BS going on. But I came and I stayed for gods and triggers even if we weren't doing Kirin to help other people get drops since I needed nothing as I have said before. Also maybe if you scheduled events before the day of more people would attend... think about it.....Anyway Fate will be down the tube soon and good ridance... Geez you people cannot just let **** go... I said I was done but I'm not gonna let you **** here and make ballfaced lies up.
#96 Sep 16 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
FARA and sweetangel got owned, they look pretty stuiped. and another note, you might wanna use the return key so people can read your big lump of text.

Edited, Sun Sep 18 06:09:25 2005 by troubble
#97 Sep 16 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
Sorry about this but... if your trying to make ppl not join the ls, why would u tell them NEW members are getting the drops so umm wouldnt NEW members want to join so they get the drops????
#98 Sep 16 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
107 posts
The "Old Fate" you were talking about was already dead. So yea from when it restarted we were one of the oldest members.

it wasn't dead the pearl was simply remade when warlord tookover as leader... roughly speaking about 90% of the people that went with warlord were from the "old fate" as you put it. The rest of the "old fate" went to zenmetsu. Then a very few new people like you, fara, dani, etc. joined up with us.

As i said before being in the ls, leaving thr game for a while, coming back and going to a different hnm ls, then after a few months coming back to Fate, doesn't qualify to me and an old dedicated member so you guys can shove that bs about Epoc.

His break from the game was relatively short compared to most people. (about 2 months) You might think he wasn't a dedicated member but even with his break from the game he was in fate more than twice as long as you... probably even 3 times as long ("old" to new). It's also not like he came back, did nothing, and then left. He was one of the most dedicated members. He organized events, posted strats, helped WHOEVER asked for help WHENEVER they asked for it (unlike you), was ALWAYS in the ls when online (unlike you), and he did a great job at leading people. No he wasn't a sack... but everyone listened to him because he knew what he was doing and was good at leading.

this next quote was taken from your Killing Ifrit post just beause I don't want to bother looking up my password for that forum

Let me give YOU some facts. Epoc DID NOT join Fate before I did. He was in fate as a chat ls left for a long time came back joined another hnm ls then finally JUST came back to Fate.

no let ME give YOU some facts... as stated above the "long time" as you put it was about 2 months maybe even less. Part of this time was from BEFORE we started fighting stuff in sky. Then when he did finally come back he didn't join a different ls... he came right back into fate. I remember the night he came back to the game becuase many people who remembered him were excited. That same night we were going to fight a kirin and he couldn't remember how to get around sky or how to write macros. But he still came and helped anyway :p also "He was in fate as a chat ls" so where you for a while. You had about 3 weeks of extra HNM experience over him woohoo. He's more than gained that ground back tho since he was active unlike you.

you good ole boy Epoc split after he got his pants and went to TheCalm... LMAFO and you were worried about me jetting with them, which I ahd no intention of.

even if I was still in the ls I couldn't care less that he left with the pants. You know why? BECAUSE HE EARNED THEM he didn't just show up on fridays only and then cry about not getting stuff. he was ingame 7 days a week and often times 15-20hours a day IN THE LS. If you're going to say he wasn't dedicated or didn't earn them I'm going to say that you're the dumbest person to play this game. (unrelated note, are you blonde?) If he hadn't EARNED them like some people by ohh say showing up on fridays only then I would have been angry.

Anyway I could make use of those legs as well.

I know you would make good use of them. Like I said, it's important to be able to run faster from the jeuno AH to your MogHouse. Oh and you could use them to outrun your aggro too!

I never claimed I couldn't make it to events because "I had to change my babies diaper" I love how people just make stuff up or turn what was said into what THEY want it to say.

you're right, you dind't say it... your husband did :p not specifically becuase of diapers but it's generaly in the same category. So maybe you should take your own advice and reread everything.

Oh and about leaving "early" what did FATE do after killing Gods..? Nothing. I dont remember Sweet or I leaving early from Gods, and if we had to it was because of our baby.

After gods we did triggers. As for leaving early he claims he doesn't remember it. But I remember it perfectly. You'd make it to triggers before gods occasionally but very rarely after.

Fara did have a big part in making Maleena a sac he pushed for him to be at the big sac meeting, talking about rules, which YOU henda were NOT involved in so shut your mouth.

almost right after maleena dropped his melon pearl to do HNM with us only warlord said in chat 2 things about the subject. He commented on how maleena used to be good when it came to taking control of stuff and then he commented on sack possibility so it's not like it wasn't already on his mind and fara had to suck his di#k to get maleena a sack. It would have happened within a few weeks with or without fara. If he hadn't chirped in that maleena should be at that meeting I know other people would have spoken up that mal should be a sack sooner or later. I for one know I would have.

Fara had been talking and talkign to Warlord about being an HNM ls long before the meeting so you have no clue about what was said and such before the meeting too place.

This leads me back to calling you dumb again. Do you seriously think that fara was the only person before that meeting to press the idea that we should become a HNM ls?! lmfao First off we had already tried it twice before (which was before you joined)so everyone had already gotten a taste of it even if it was only oldschool hnm. Also members were constantly talking about trying sky gods and other ground HNM. I was one of them. I may have only been about level 60 at the time of the meeting when it became official but I had already talked to warlord a few times briefly suggesting that we make the transition from social ls to hnm ls. I did that because it was clear to me that if we didn't the ls would die since everyone would go to an established HNM ls... and apparently many other people felt the same way because he let me know that "lots" of members were saying the same thing. (it was clear to me because a whole new wave of fate members were about to hit 75 and the last time that happened they all went to zenmetsu since we weren't HNM yet.)

I was NEVER a kirin only member! that is a load of BULL. I will admit to begin a Fridayer for the past couple months becasue of all the BS going on.

in my opinion they're one and the same. Kirin is on friday... 90% of the triggers and seals are gathered durring the rest of the week. the other 10% of the triggers and were usually after kirin which I for some reason don't remember you at when I was around... and coincidentally enough nobody that I've asked about it earlier today said you would be at much at all other thank kirin. nuff said

Also maybe if you scheduled events before the day of more people would attend... think about it.....

stuff was always scheduled in advance if it was they type of event that allowed for that. maybe you should have checked the forums once or twice. There is always threads for events planned weeks in advance for stuff like o.hat, b.queen, r.pumps, missions like divine might, dynamis, and kirin

lets see if you can keep your mouth shut this time since you're 'not going to be making any more posts about fate stuff'... third time's the charm

on an unrelated note:

OMG I miss arvy! ; ;

Just so you know Arvy is still around. He has a new character which he probably got off of IGE. How do I know this? Simple. His best friend since he started FF was in fate while I was. His friend (I can't remember the exact spelling of her name tho >_< Kishr? He's an elvaan female 75smn that left fate for lemonade) Well anyway, while his time with fate was nearing its end he kept yelling one night while there were few people in the ls
Kishr: "wtf who is this random person"
me: "huh?"
Kishr: "some random person keeps /telling me"
-about 2 minutes later-
Kishr: "oh it's just arvy on a new character"
me: "oh yea?"
Lishr: "yea... bla bla bla (explanation of how they're best friends)" and that was the end of it

I never bothered asking what his new name was since I wasn't around durring the "hate arvy era" Granted I doubt he would have told me what it was regardless.

Edited, Fri Sep 16 23:02:03 2005 by Henda

Edited, Sat Sep 17 13:26:38 2005 by Henda
#99 Sep 17 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
this seems to be a common problem among hnmls; greed. People, unfortunatly join HNMLS for stuff. The whole idea of comradery has went the way of the dodo.
It's funny, 15 minutes previous to me reading this thread, my neighbors son was having a hissy fit because his Daddy wasn't letting him play video games. He screamed, whined, cried and begged - he's three.
Things, items were never why I played FFXI. I loved the people, meeting new people, helping people. The levels never meant anything to me, I would pick up or drop a job depending on if it meant me getting to "hang out" with my friends or if it meant I could help people. Same reason why I leveled crafts, I wanted very badly to be able to make Scorpian Harness & other important gear for my friends.
It is unfortunate that you have had this experience Sweet but you need to ask yourself why you joined the HNMLS. If you joined because it was a quick hookup to "uber gear" then it really is illogical for you to be upset.
Who cares about the gear? you can have all the Uber gear you want and still suck. Whoop de doo they are bringing a blue mage , thats not going to fix the greed issues.
There are some pretty F***ed up things that have happened in t his game due to greed - Who the F**k cares if you got Kirin when we have gamers who have lost their homes, family members maybe even their lives because of that hurricane.
Wouldn't it be ironic if the Gilsellers donated money to the RedCross.
#100 Sep 18 2005 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Henda wrote:
I never bothered asking what his new name was since I wasn't around durring the "hate arvy era" Granted I doubt he would have told me what it was regardless.


It's funny because he says a GM let him change it because he was getting so much hate on "Arvy", but then he went and told everyone what his new name was... -_-

Edited, Sun Sep 18 04:13:15 2005 by smasholays
#101REDACTED, Posted: Sep 18 2005 at 5:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HAHAHAHA Seriously this is funny yea I WAS in FATE I left not due to people not being in there, not cuz I didn't get anything, no I left cuz I wasn't able to turn up due to my time zone & work, but seriously sweetangel was do you care about FATE so much that you wanna post a thread on Allak and now your gonna get hated by alot more people than just FATE members, hey have ago at me I don't really care, I left the HNMLS seen. So do whatever you like to diss FATE be my guess what I can't understand is why post a thread when you should've thought about all the hate your getting from others and it'll start fights between others has it has already. So what if they pimped themselves out and left it's in the past and it seems to me that almost everyone in this game doesn't wanna let it go.
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