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If you are thinking about joining FATE, DON"T!!Follow

#1 Sep 06 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, I usually don't like bashing poeple but this has to be said. Anyone that is thinking of joining the Linkshell FATE, DON"T!! It's a very bad idea!! It used to be a good LS but it has new leaders now that are greedy, selfish jerks! The current leader got 3 gods drops in 1 night and didn't even let anyone else lot them!!!!!!! They have completely screwed all of the old members (which is why almost all of them have left) and are giving drops to new members, which is really messed up. People who have been in the ls for a year and a half and haven't gotten drops in months, yet come to gods and help every week, are getting passed up for people who haven't been in as long and have JUST lvled the job they are getting drops for! Now tell me that's right?!?! Anyway they are waaay unorganized, constantly starting every single event 2-3 hours late and can't even figure out who the leader is now, it's pathetic, so don't waste your time joining. You won't be happy there long I can promise you.
#2 Sep 06 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
LOL! this coming from a person who only joins LS events once a week? NICE!!!! LMAO @ YOU!
#3 Sep 06 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Sounds like you know alot about FATE. That's pretty impressive for someone that has only been there 10 times in about 3 months. I guess if you had been around more, you'd know that a PLD that kites Big3+Kirin probably needs the Crimson Legs more than a RDM that only shows up once a week.

I just can't figure out how you would ever imagine getting a rare drop from Kirin when EVERYONE knows that you are in a different HNMLS and plan to 100% leave as soon as you get the drop.

If I told you to lot on those legs, we may as well just break the pearl because we're all ******* idiots.

Um...does that mean you won't be here next Friday for Kirin?

-Fate Leader

PS...I know I've already dismantled all of your imaginary points and made your attempt and soiling our LS quite ridiculously futile, but as a final note...

Player Join Date
Epoc May 2004
Sweetangel September 2004

Edited, Wed Sep 7 01:09:05 2005 by maleena

Edited, Wed Sep 7 05:56:42 2005 by maleena
#4 Sep 07 2005 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
i cannot understand why ppl talk soo much crap about a linkshell even its not true like maleena said u only show up on friday since 3month which makes in the total 12times for just only 4-6 and then u want a ******* **********
#5 Sep 07 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
Every HNMLS has priority lists for drops. You don't get to whine and cry just becuase your name isn't at the top, you just try harder or leave. Every thing that I have seen Fate give out has had a good amount of thought put behind it, and is always fair. Sometimes people just can't see the reason becuase they don't see the lists (say you are No. 1 for Osode, you probably aren't going to get anything for awhile before, AND after the Osode drops). Some people begin to think they are getting brushed aside for awhile before they get their item, and if they get ticked off and leave because of it, they didn't deserve the drops in the first place.

Everyone who has been on the linkshell for any amount of time knows who currently leads the linkshell, Maleena. Noone debates that issue.

Sorry you think the leaders are shelfish, but I don't see it. Most of them put in a good amount of work for the linkshell, esp. the ones leading events.

One thing is for sure, if you want to get anywhere in a HNMLS, it takes more then showing up to one event a week.

Edited, Wed Sep 7 03:11:06 2005 by xahn
#6 Sep 07 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
I thought fate got corrupted a long long time ago when Warlord took over pimped himself out and let all the little people run naked around Vana'Diel.

Of course, I don't know - I'm just going by what I've been told by half the members who left
#7 Sep 07 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Just goes to show how rumors spread by angry, bitter people can affect the image of an LS.
#8 Sep 07 2005 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
So.. i've heard ultimately 100% negative comments from numerous people about FATE, and i will tell anyone who ever asks for my opinion on a HNMls to apply for, not to bother with FATE. Does this mean i'm an angry and bitter person?

People are entitled to their views and opinions, if they choose to voice those, that is their right entirely. Whether they are true or not is another matter.

Contrary to popular belief, many HNMls's have and always will favour the leaders/sacks. If you wish to argue about this fact, please, lay it down! When applying for any HNMls, regardless of what anyone says.. the fact you may as you see it "get screwed out of drops" is something that will always happen, you either put up with it or leave, i guess.

I am by no means verbally abusing, or 'tarnishing' your linkshells reputation, i am merely giving my view on the situation in hand, and my opinions on HNMls's and "drops" as a whole. If you wish to verbally bash me, please don't do it on a public forum. >
#9 Sep 07 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I guess a little drama went down after Kirin last night. My advice to anyone is don't join any HNMLS if you want to avoid situations like this. It's not just FATE, it's all of them. Throughout the 18 months I've been playing FFXI, I've been through 5 HNMLSs, yup, 5. My 5th and final as anyone may know is FATE. I've learned alot of things in this past year about FFXI. The foundation of Vana'Diel is Greed, Vanity and Apathy. The most important fact hit me last week, after some things happened IRL. None of these less than materialistic things known as 'drops' matter after you quit.

Edited, Wed Sep 7 11:35:43 2005 by Fujitaru
#10 Sep 07 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
399 posts

WILKO/OME! Hey d00d! Look at that crazy post count =P See ya in the LS :)
#11 Sep 07 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Wilko, I'm curious though as to these few questions:

1) When did you hear these negative?
2) What were the main negative comments made?
3) Do you actually have any bad experiences with FATE? or is your distasted based on your heresay?

Because there was a time when FATE was newer that they had problems with a few members that would MPK and steal HNMs. Those issues have been dealt with over the past few months. We had problems with members that were new to SKY and did stupid things all the time, they've already been taught better or booted.

For the past few months, I've made a conscious effort to change the perception of FATE by teaching all of its members to not be involved in shady activities. If such things still occur, I'd like to hear about it and fix whatever the problems are.

As a whole, FATE is a great place and I love the people in it. In the beginning when we were all learning, we made a ton of mistakes. That's how you learn though, doesn't mean that's how we'll be forever.

-FATE Leader

Edited, Wed Sep 7 13:59:46 2005 by maleena
#12 Sep 07 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Fair questions, except #3 really doesn't have much behind it, since i have no hatrid towards your LS.. I have merely heard bad things from people i have encountered and friends alike.. They are people who i trust and respect, so i base my opinions and thoughts on just that.

Your LS is quite obviously a place 'most' of your members call home, most are happy.. You obviously know what you're doing and i respect that. I was literally airing my views and adding my own opinion, don't take any of it as a verbal bash against your LS, because i'm not that sort of bloke.

As for the main negative comments, 99% are that against drops and such. I won't pretend to know anything about how you organise your drops and who has priority. I just take on board what i have been told and make my decision via that.. as that was what my comment was based on.. my view and my personal opinion.
#13 Sep 07 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Some of these friends of your were ex-FATE members then. I understand that you trust and respect their opinions, but when they said them, were they out of anger? or were did they actually think about the big picture before saying them?

From my experience, when someone doesn't have a clear understanding of what the whole picture is they tend to generalize and say things that they believe to be true...yet in reality there is a completely different side that they are unwilling to hear. I'm sure that we've made our share of drop distribution mistakes and I'm sure that some of your friends that have complained may have a sustainable claim.

Overall though, if people understood what was going on they wouldn't complain, so my guess is that if they left FATE it was due to them being short-sighted and not understanding the reasoning. they leave, they are angry and their angry and bitter words spread rumors and gossip.

FYI: i edited the above #3 question, and if you could answer #2 on the timeframe of which these problems occured, I'd appreciate it. I'm always looking for feedback to improve, but rarely get a chance to talk to people that have a negative opinion.

#14 Sep 07 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
You're probably right, i don't have a complete understanding.. however, your feedback is giving me a more clearer view on the matter.

I've not been thrown any negative comments within the past month, month and a half. There's a few people who i know in your LS that i met and are decent players (Epoc is one of those people), but then there are one or two people i dislike. It's not just "all" bad rumours.

Like i said, i have nothing against you, or your LS, i was merely commenting and expressing my opinion as a whole (even as far as mentioning other HNMls's in "general").. i respect your mature reponses to my questions, a 'lot' of people would fly off the handle.

Edited, Wed Sep 7 14:22:40 2005 by Wilko

Edited, Wed Sep 7 14:27:43 2005 by Wilko
#15 Sep 07 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Just my two cents from what Wilko said

I've not been thrown any negative comments within the past month, month and a half. There's a few people who i know in your LS that i met and are decent players (Epoc is one of those people), but then there are one or two people i dislike. It's not just "all" bad rumours.

Every LS will have people that you hate, dislike, hear things about that person, or whatever. Doesn't mean that one person represents that LS outside HNM events.

Using "Fate" as an example.

Player A-MPK's someone with another LS pearl on, but that one player is known to be in Fate, so Player B is mad over the MPK.

Player B tells his friends, and so on and so on, Player A is still in Fate, and now everyone views Fate as a bad LS, because this one player is in it.
Relic Scythe Finished
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#16 Sep 07 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts

You just described at least 5 people from fate that have been booted but yet have scarred our LS for a long time.
#17 Sep 07 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
That was funny Mal, thanks for making me laugh. Your excuse is he needs them for kiting the BIG 3 LMFAO like you guys can claim any of the BIG 3! Anyways, yea ok for your info Epoc was not in FATE before I was so maybe you should check your info. Or if he was in the old old FATE he left and was not around for months after they became HNM. Plus, how would you know YOU weren't even in FATE then!! Anyway evryone that has every been associated with FATE knows that ESPECIALLY on drops FATE is a screwed up ls. A person who had been in the ls for a month or so got Kotes over a person that ahd been in the ls attending events for over a year. Now that is messed up!! He got passed over many many times for them fpr no reason. He was RNG AND NIN. No excuse for that! You and the other "leaders" get whatever drops YOU guys want or your "buddies" want and the rest of the ls gets whatever is left over and that is a screwed up way of running things. The person that commented on the fact that FATE has been screwed up for a long time was 100% correct. It started with the drops then went into the ls bank which is not used for members, it's used for the "leaders" and whatever they want and has been since before Warlord left. Don't you think it's funny that you have lost 95% of your original members and the only people who have anything good to say about FATE are the people currently in it? No one outside of FATE has anythng good to say about it and certainly not any of the old members either. They are all way more happy in their new LS'. Should tell you something. As for the amount of time I spent in the LS, I came when events were scheduled (namely once a week), whether I needed drops or not. I came to help everyone else so you need to find a betetr reason, sorry. Plus people will stop coming to as many events when they start 2-3 hours late EVERY SINGLE time. Get your act together!
#18 Sep 07 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
So, we can't go 2 weeks without another "OMG this HNM LS SUCKS" thread, eh? When, as a server, are we going to be mature enough to get over all this? Lets just face these facts:

1. Most, if not ALL HNM LS, are about stuff. It is ONLY rarely that people kill HNMs because they are there. They do it for STUFF.

2. LS that are about have STUFF, have "stuff rules". Some are based on points, some are not. But, if you want "stuff", you have to follow "stuff rules".

3. Chances are, if you are in an HNMLS, there is someone in there that you don't care for too much. If you do not like them, you will probably not see their contribution (if anything) to the LS.

4. If you want something bad enough from your LS, you will ALWAYS be able to say to yourself "I deserve that MORE than THEM." In your mind, you DO. BUT, you need to keep in mind, that you are not the ONLY person that thinks in the LS, and unless you are a LS leader, your opinion rarely counts for anything.

5. If you truely truely want that crimson legs, togi, osode, whatever, why not ASK the LS leaders - tell them - Hey, I want this - when can I expect it, or what effort do I have to put forth to be "Worthy" of uber-godly XYZ gear? Because I can practically GUARANTEE you that the decision makers don't think 1/2 as highly of you as you think of yourself. AND, then, realize that every LS has its priorities, and you have to respect them.

Are crimson legs great? OH, HELL YES! But, given my choices, every RNG and PLD would have them way WAY before a RDM (unless said RDM was 100% loyal, dedicated ls member who rarely complained, and supported the LS), since I think it is almost universally accepted that the extra speed on those jobs often means the difference between dead and alive.

6. Everyone in game eventually f*#$&s up on occasion. You are going to live a long, angry life if you refuse to accept people's apologies. Now, by accepting people's apologies, you are saying "Hey, I realize you had a bad day, and I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you won't have your bad day on me next time." And, there it ENDS.

Bottom line - I have heard good and bad things about Fate. HOWEVER, the bad stuff is well past the expiration date, so I ignore it, and the server needs to as well. This pretty much applies to any person/linkshell. Everyone deserves a second chance. If they blow it, THEN its time to write them off.

7. If you do not respect your LS leaders - LEAVE. It doesn't do anyone any good to have a bitter, resentful, hateful person in the LS. Trust me, you both will be better off without each other.

8. Every LS goes through their good and bad times. Don't make the bad times worse by posting this crap for all to see and hear. We all know there are 2 sides to every story. Personally, when I read this post, I see a 2year old in KMart screaming because mommy wouldn't buy him a $100 toy when she barely had enough money to buy him clothes.

As amusing as these posts are, lets grow up a little bit and stop it? Because, if I were an HNM Leader (and believe me, there is not enough gil in Vana'diel for me to put up with THAT), everyone who made a post such as this one would be perma-banned from ever even thinking of joining mine.

Let's leave the drama to the soap opera actors and play the game.
#19 Sep 07 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts

That was very well put together and 100% accurate. I can stop posting on this thread now, you've said it all. Send me a /tell in-game if we're ever doing stuff near each other. Always nice to communicate with people that see a larger picture.


#20 Sep 07 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
669 posts
This is why a point system works so much better....
#21 Sep 07 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Honestly, Sweetangel, if you got them over Epoc when you a "Fridayer" (someone who only shows up on Friday), all Hell would have broken loose. Notice how only you complained while everyone else congratulated him. Epoc has been leading lately and does a pretty good job of it. And after this, thank God, they weren't given to you. I mean really, did you honestly expect to get them over someone who is in the LS 100% of the time? That's beyond stupid to even think such a thing, let's use some common sense now, shall we? You didn't have alot of cool points with me to begin with, now all are lost, not that it matters. Go try to get Crimson Cuisses in another LS over someone who leads hunts and has a job better suited for them, I really encourage you to, you're in for what would be a shock to you, but not to anyone else with half a brain.

Edited, Wed Sep 7 17:49:35 2005 by UltimaxofRagnarok
#22 Sep 07 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Ok I am only lvl 57 pld and am not able to even worry about HNMs but maybe someone can explain this to me. I am aware of the point system and that you earn points for helping with events and such. But how does it work with drops from say the big 3? does everyone lot and leave it to fate or does everyone pass so leader gets drop and then him/her decides who gets what based on the points? I am looking forward to start going after hnm's and will only decide for myself what LS is bad or good. I do not take the word of ppl I do not know due to there is no proof as to what they say nor do they ever seem to be able to prove anything..
#23 Sep 07 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
You know what Sweetangel of all the ppl in our LS i did't expect this from you. Yes we as sacholders did promise you that you where next to get Crimson Legs. Yet at that time you were fully active with Fate and helped out when ever we needed it. Yet over the last few months you became a Fridayer and rarly helped the LS. Yes you were on and yes you where aware of the events that where going on. Yet you neglected to help us out. Only coming to Kirin fight being you were promised Crimson Legs. Now you think about it, we as Fate members put in the time and effort for triggers for everyone this this ls yet you only come on Fridays once a week. Yes you do pop in and out of our ls but never really help us.

Then you react cause Epoc was the one that go it and no one was allowed even to lot on it but him? What kind of ******** is that Sweet...this isn't you. I had respect for you but when you come down on the LS like that and bash Fate like that cause you didn't even get a chance to lot on it. Shows me that if you had got them you would have probably left Fate for good. Cause it seems that this item was the only thing that you were waiting on and only came on Fridays. Makes ppl suspect that you only came just so you can get Crimson legs then just disappear. You spent more time in ur other LS then with Fate yet you complain about not even being allowed to lot. Think about it Sweet...did you accually think you were gonna get Crimson Legs over someone that has been more acitive in the last sevral months then you?

Maleena has done a great job in Leading Fate with Warlord being gone with RL issues. Yes you are really hasnt been the same without Warlord, but you know what...We are tring our damn best. As far as thinking that we (sacholder) get the best and then the left over are left to our members? That is all faulse. Everyone that is a sacholder have earned their our own gil and items and never taking any gil form the LS bank form the items sold. Just because alot of us have top gear doesn't mean we took the LS gil and bought it for ourselfs.

Maleena was part of Fate when Tork has Leader and alot of us have respect for him and what he had done in Warlords place. Yes, we do have a bad reputation from former members and yes if ppl didn't like the way things where done they could have left. Some did and some didn't, those that did well those are the ones that create there own ls and try to become a HNMLS but fail. Not easy to lead a LS full of ppl and organize it. Epoc had done a great job in being Maleena's right hand person. Even though he's not a sacholder, he might as well be one. He does a great job leading when Maleena is not on. Yet you bash the LS cause he got them and no one was able to lot in it but him? Epoc has been in Fate since forever and a day old. He took a break and came back, and yet you don't even bother to ask question about him and you bash on him as well?

I had a lot of respect for you Sweet, but this isn't like you and this here form your post shows clearly that if you had gotten Crimson Legs you would have Left Fate. Then the members of Fate would have all said we were stupid in giving you the Crimson Legs to a person that only comes on Fridays for Gods/Kirin.

All LS that are HNM goes through this kind of bull ****. Just you hear about more from Fate cause they hate Fate so much that you don't bother to hear problems form other HNMLS.

You know what Sweet...i really liked you and you where a great friend to me in game but bashing our LS that like. I'm sorry, that just wrong. I hope that you find what you want outside of Fate and are happy in ur current LS.

#24 Sep 07 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
112 posts

Usually decided beforehand, but every hnmls is different. On certain god items and sky items like triggers and stones, sacks generally hold them. Some LS use points but not all do, some JP LS even have a system where the whole thing rotates around and when you get a big item you essentially lose all points and go to the back of the line, but they generally have incredible attendance records across the board, so I guess they need not ferret out an individuals merit quite as much as NA do. Most LS leaders try to pimp people based on merit or faithfulness because it's painful to get people all built up and watch them leave. No matter what happens, someone is going to feel shorted or whatever. Most people don't really seem to play for the "experience", they just want cool stuff.

If you gonna hnm or kill gods there's gonna be drama, no matter what, unless you can manage to find 40 RL friends you can slap around in the fleshy areas and put something together on the same server. Otherwise, you have to deal with the "internet" factor where you have no true idea of what/who you are dealing with hundreds/thousands of miles away so there's no way for them to be held accountable in any real way, other than posting a flame thread or shouting in Jueno like an idiot. Both of these options never really accomplish much except for getting /blisted and "flagged" by all the hnmls shell/sackholders as a potential troublemaker and providing drama and entertainment for people to indulge in while they eat lunch at work. But hey, if it makes someone really feel better, then whatever. You also are gonna be expected to put in quite a bit of time before you should even think about deserving a drop, and even then you still gotta wait in line.

Unless you have 16 hours a day to play, my advice is to find a Dynamis LS and do that for a while and work on your merits before you do the hnm thing. You'll meet a lot of people and make a name for yourself and it's a little less time intensive. If you are a cool cat and never whine or act greedy in that environment someone will prolly recruit you for gods and such. Also, don't ever immediately judge a LS by the comments made by people here on alla. The truth is everyone has LS's they think are nice and others they think are bad, it just depends on your values system, no one is really right or wrong when it comes down to it, just different. There's an LS for just about every personality type but oil and water never mix, and once people hate each other in this game, they have a hard time letting it go. So, be sure to know whether you will fit in before you invest any real amount of time, and don't be a leader unless you are prepared to take the heat, because you WILL be hated by someone.
#25 Sep 07 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Thanks so much for that response now that I have some idea of what this is about I am sorry for the person that made the OP. This is not the place to air out dirty laundry of what should be a group of friends. This is a game and ppl tend to forget this fact. If you are in the LS just for the items then you do not deserve to get them. I for one like to do things to help ppl and do not worry about what I am going to get out of it. This is why I do not like to go by what ppl say about others. I like to give ppl a fair chance. Like the old saying goes " respect is earned not given ".. And by posting stuff to try and hurt others is in its self a lack of respect for one's self..
#26 Sep 08 2005 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
IF Anyone is interested in knowing the real truth about FATE, what happend with Warlord, why he did what he did about hooking himself up and the people in that LS who had access to his account, the Favoritism that Maleena swears up and down that he left Lemonade over. And now how Maleena has EVERYTHING that drops, before anyone else gets it. The fake promises that he makes to people, and how he changes the rules and bends them when he sees the item actually drop and all of the sudden he gets to lot gee HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... ALSO A Member who is a close frien of mine that has 2 jobs at 75 ie NIN and RNG and has been in LS a very long time, and has been to EVERY event and the people who just join and are in for 2 weeks get say S. Kotes before this person.... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... Hmm also how the LS Bank and the items that were in it was "none of the LS members business" or "Kept Secret".. HMMMMMMMM... Also how Maleena & Co. can get several God drops in one night and not let any other LS member a chance to lot.. HMMMMMMMM.... Also if you are a member or sac and your schedule changes IRL might as well find another LS, cause you WILL be forgotten. Sumthing is wrong with an LS when 95% of its original members/Sacs including myself LEAVE because of certain individuals taking advantadge of the former leaders RL issues and whinning about how he HAD to step up and become leader because no one else would and whine whine whine blah blah and he wishes he didnt have to... (but lemme hook myself up in the process) whine whine whine, and then after I get everything I'll just step down and let sum 1 under my wing take over. A leader doesnt put himself first, he puts his people first. Forgive me if this is so loooong and boooring but at least take these actual FACTS, not rumors, into consideration before applying to FATE. If you have any other questions or concerns please contact me in game I will have plenty more to let you in on.

Former Sac, who got maleena where he is. -.-
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