I have finally been legitimately MPKd.
Yeah I know, everyone complains about it and a lot of what I see people CALL MPK isn't even close. Sorry but if you party at the zone and people zone mobs, you're not being MPKd. You just happen to be in the way.
I was running through Koroloka tunnel when I see the treasure coffer (amazingly right there on the way to the cape) and of course it's the ONE time I go through there with now key. So ok, I go do what I came to do (Summon fight) and get back to Rabao and figure I'll go check it.
I grab my key and run out. Talk about luck, it's STILL THERE.
Well as I'm grabbing the coffer (its on a ledge so actually getting in rang took some effort) a party comes up and tries too, I manage (after 9 attempts) to finally pop the coffer. Now, until this time the tunnel in the are was EMPTY. But as I pop it I'm immediately waylaid by 5 crabs.
Two people start waving goodbye to me, laughing, and generally yucking it up. They were the two standing next to the coffer trying to pop it after I started trying (at least I assume they were trying) or maybe that's just how they got the mobs to train up on the ledge.
Anywho, I got the coffer, for the map, and died for the effort. 2400k XP was worth it to me though because they lost the coffer and a GM happened to be in the area. :) Guess what two players suddenly vanished? :)