It has come to my attention that a scammer opperating at and through player* is claiming to be me. They even link to my alla-k profile in their signature.
Apparently she/he has taken a few people for their stuff.
(remove the * above)
I've spoken to playerauctions and they say I have to register to defend myself. I'm not going to give them my money, for they don't deserve it. They also refuse to make a admin post stating the REAL 'Kiine of Ragnarok' has contacted them. So, *****'em. Thanks for nothing. Its that sort of 'not our fault' stupidity that I won't reward by paying even the single dollar they charge your creditcard.
If you're going to, that's your call. If you're judging me by what people say there - don't.
This actually explains some random cursing-out tells I got. Handled those the same way I'll handle any future ones - GM Call.
I'm just ANGRY that people may have been leaving me LFP or not inviting me places because of this. I don't think I'm too widely known on Rag, and now it appears any rep I had might be gone.
Thanks for listenning. I guess.