I know that he plays and hangs out often with the gil sellers because simply their english isn't good enough to net them in a standard NA PT, while they don't even know how to speak japanese except for reading kanji.
That's the reason why I believe that he plays with the real gil-sellers, because they're the only clostest group that can communicate with them. I know that he plays with some group that do not live in China, instead in HK (through word of mouth). This group I can't remember all the members from the top of my head, but Irina, Zenas, Windsor, Marylyn, Ricohard are a few that I can remember.
Not that I am defending them, but the opposite side should be considered for once. I mean like put yourself in their shoes, how/ what would you be doing not able to speak the two main languages of ffxi, and constantly barring yourself from the main society?
They're able to speak in plain chinese very simply, I know this for certain because they invited me to fight Admantking the other day. As I was in their pt (real gilsellers were in the alliance too), I watched how they communicated the whole time. Just like any other NA pt.
How did I find out that Kourtney wasn't a gil seller?
Well, I asked twice.
First time before he was even let into the LS, we decided to test them out before inviting them in first. They asked if they could join. I asked using my mule in chinese regarding if he knew where people would sell gil or if he sells any as well. His reply was no, and he did not know of anyone. The main dude of their ls, Zenas, told me the same as well. Then I asked nozokimi, and it's confirmed that he's a gilseller because he replied back saying his prices and stuff.
Later on when they came in, which was a few weeks later, I asked again but this time on my char. I got the same replies back from both of them.
Granted, I don't know what happened at Serket, but can you put in details of your own words what happened?
I will tell him not to steal stuff. It should be common sense to most players already. He will deserve a boot from the LS soon, if I hear of him doing this again.
As for serket, I dunno really, but picturing the scene again in a room with 50+ people camping waiting for it to pop, it gets claimed, goes white for a split second, lots of other LS's standing about cursing of losing the claim, how many of those people here would not actually try to attempt to claim it if they saw it go unclaimed? It seems like from what I'm hearing here is that most people would not try to attempt to claim it for themselves, knowing it takes a day to repop?
Edited, Thu Jun 30 15:15:23 2005 by gaidensensei