If you have a msn name, send it to me and I will see that Percie gets it next time I see him on. He seems to be working more hours then the week has, but he's doing good.
Oh my ******* god. Pardon me while I pick myself up from off the floor. Just brilliant ^_^ I tip my hat to you Percie, where ever you are now, I've never heard of people doing what you did, but that was just pure comedy gold.
HAHAHAH OH MY GOD that was hillarious!! I need to clean my keyboard now that I've spit water all over it. I wonder how many times you could have messed with the GMs before they really did ban you?
I can tell you all with confidence that the player formerly known as Percimus Maximus Tarumus (known to some of you simply as Percie) is alive and well, somewhere. LOLing and LMFAOing as he sees fit.
Percie, you are a genius, I /bow before you. I've seen people do this to GM's but "The sex!" is priceless lol. I hope I can see more of this, Fansy(or was it Fancy? I forgot ;_;) =D