Funny thing now is, gil's getting cheaper and CHEAPER in RL, due to sick inflation(Not only b/c gil sellers raise price of items, but the fact that there's too much gil exist in each server).
I check IGE from time to time for laughs. Seeing the price drop almost every month through, makes me wonder...
Before, they could probably make a living by just 24/7 farming silks. Now with all the price slashes they probably gotta do HNMs & such to remain same efficency.
At this rate, maybe in a few more months gil's RL price would be so low that they'll find it pointless to continue & start switch games. At least, that's what I hope to see.
Personally wouldn't mind through, if they move to dynamis & massively farm ancient currencies. With their superb hard-working style(& they fact that they'll sell them rather than keep for local use), there may actually be enough supplies to bring some hope for high end players to get their hands on relic weapons.
Oh btw....rate up to OP. Honostly wish some genious can come out with an idea to elimate these game currency buying/selling crap. Goddamnit, there r hundreds & thousands of ways to make money, why ruin my game!?!?!?