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What's Happened, Ragnarok?Follow

#27 Apr 20 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Only way I will ask for a PL anymore is if I am close to a level and I want to solo the last little bit of xp usually under 1k...Also I'll have someone come keep me healed while I get back a level if I lose it...that's it.

Tif, yes I remember my first time threw the dunes, hell even my second...Most of us didn't even know what a PL was and we though level 30 was a super high level.
Relic Scythe Finished
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#28 Apr 20 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
50 posts
I agree with the OP that recently people haven't been as helpful as they used to be but that doesn't mean that they're jerks - its already been stated before, sometimes higher levels have things they need to do for their own friends or their linkshells. Maybe they don't have enough time for what would surely be a long long quest - maybe they've got to log for work or family.

In my opinion, sometimes people avoid helping not because they're selfish, but because the newer players have been just too demanding. Awhile back in Qufim, I threw a friend's PT a couple of cures and took a pug that linked to them: I got thanks from a couple of the party members, but the others asked me to *give* them food/gil, not to mention a long-term power-level.

My brother spent 5-6 hours helping someone he didn't even know get his kazam keys in one sitting, guess what he got? He got called a noob after the deed was done. For the next few days, he got /tells from the guy asking for gil/power leveling sessions because 'they were friends'.

As Tiffie said so nicely:

And please remember that those who you are asking for help pay the same fee to play that you do as well. We don't always want to be doing things for other people. And I know there have been many weeks where all I did was log on, help people because they asked and logged off without once doing anything that I wanted or needed to do. We want to have some fun ourselves and try new things.

It isn't always that people don't want to help - some of us are afraid that if we *do* help, we open ourselves up to problems like the ones mentioned above. Who knows, maybe the disrespectful people the OP mentioned are those who got too much help - they take it for granted and **** on those who need it because they got help so easily, they don't understand the need to pay it forward.

The server is far from failing: there are many good people here, just like there are many people I'd consider jerks. Its just sometimes easier to see the bad than the good is all. My 2 cents.

#29 Apr 20 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Unc, remember when RSE felt like AF? :D I'll never forget the key farming sessions with my friends and all of us trying to help each other find the chests when our week came up. For the most party, my "high" level help was someone in the upper 30's who just happened to level past the group. And the nights that he was able to come, we felt oh so blessed. I also remember being upper 30s and being considered the high level help for that for my friends that were a little behind me.

Now it seems the only time there is a group of people getting keys is if it's one person soloing to get drops for many.

I feel bad for a lot of the people starting now and begging for help. Not because they need the help, but because they are in so much of a hurry to catch up with their friends or others on the server, that they aren't taking the time to enjoy getting there. Yes, some of this stuff is a pain in the butt. We all know it. But I made some of my best friends on this game working with them to get through these pain in the butt instances on our own. I bet most of us vividly remember our first trip to the dunes or to Jueno or even Kazham. Most probably even remember who we went with. It may seem selfish that I don't always want to give people the easy way through this. But sometimes, by doing that, I'm denying them experiences that make this game so great.

I know it's not always possible to get a group of your level together who needs to do things. And I'm not against getting high level help. I know I've had it before. Interacting with others is what this game is about.
#30 Apr 20 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Tif I agree with you, I too have remembered who was in my first little LS of 7 of us, going to the dunes the first time...hell even my first party..getting sub job items...running around killing everything or our kazham keys...

I even remember getting my first choco at level 32 drk knight.. that one don't even ask.

Tif, I kinda skipped my RSE because I got into a level grind with my Drk and went from 37-52 in like 2 weeks. Then my nightmare AF began. Just alone on my AF-hands I lost 20k xp and to top it off 150k gil on oils and sneaks.

Sometimes if I am not doing anything and I see someone shouting in jueno I'll grab them and a couple friends and go, if it is fast.

Edited, Wed Apr 20 11:23:12 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
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#31 Apr 20 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
{Um...} Just thought I'd pitch in my Two cents, Yes there are a lot of a$$hats on Ragnarok (and I've met a lot), Yes lots of people that are reliant on higher levels, BUT there are also people who aren't 50 yet that WANT to help *cough* me *cough*, but unfortunately you run through Lower Jeuno and you see shouts including "lvl 60+ ONLY", you know how disheartening that is? lol

And then you also get the ones who, rather than mining/crafting/farming etc. They do Merc. jobs for their Income. Couple this with the recent interest in Merc'ing everything (AF/Keys/Missions), if the cash is there to grab the 'Mercenaries' aren't really going to refuse it are they?

So really it's kinda like the Economy issues, there are those pure,innocent (rofl us lot are pure & innocent?! XD), and helpful, but theres always that small minority that wants to ruin it for the rest of us, But considering the ammount of Merc-addicts its a small majority i spose...

There's nothing we can do really, unless we all go to Rabao and form a Federation of our own, set-up our own economy and bought a puppy called Rudolph, and quite frankly that wont happen.... (Have you seen any domestic dogs in FFXI? o.O;;;)

But until we eventually do that people have to realise its more fun to do things with/for friends than paying strangers to do it, or do it with friends and shout for help with no reward, if the higher lvls wants a reward thats their problem... (well kinda, you'll lose thier help but Tif or Unc might appear somehow ... lol j/k /ja "Hide").

I dont really know what else to say, just some of us lvl 50's want to help too (with the things we CAN help with), but until we set up that federation and you guys make me king and give me 1mil gil. /faretheewell XD lol.
#32 Apr 20 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
^ you might need a really good LS. I know if someone asks for help we usually will help them.. If it requries help like a full alliance then you have to post on our website for help. Plain and simple but not once has anyone of our LS members gone unhelped. Might take a couple days at most a week, depending on what needs to be done.

G-1 just ask for help. Don't stand in lower jueno shouting for help...Tif and I have done it tons of time, but also know that if you ask and we are in the middle of something don't get all mad, we will get to you.
Relic Scythe Finished
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#33 Apr 20 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Still what do you think bout forming that Federation? /smile

Thanks Unc, almost got my papyrus today (final bit too), luckily I'm in an ls now with one of teh best guys in the game :) So since i joined up hes advised me on eqp/foods etc...

He's one of the few lvl 75's thats one of the nicest people you'll ever meet...

Thanks for the offer anywho Unc, it's nice to know there are people who havent lost their heads in the clouds cause they've broken sky (get it when you get sky access? XD lol damn I'm lame... if 1 person laughs then at least i will have known I'll never be a comedian /smile).

Also note to people getting discouraged by the a$$hats: If someone drops you down with insults at your skill/eqp/asking for help without offering a reward, always remember that theres peeps like Unc,Tif, and many others who will bring you back up and help you if they got time... And also think, you can get better, you can earn better eqp, A$$hats cant change thier personality... /smile

Thanks again Unc.
#34 Apr 20 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Yeah the 60+ shouts are sort of annoying. I know when I was around 52, I'd still send a tell though. Most were happy enough to accept the help either way.

BTW, 52 was when I learned I could solo the bombs for the g1 coal. :D
#35 Apr 20 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
I used to help people as much as possible, I gave up on being mr nice guy about 3 months ago when all the beggars of Ragnarok chased me away from the game. I wish some people would just take into consideration what higher ups have to go through on a daily basis when we are players just like them trying to have fun. Can we walk through Jueno and not be bugged...yes on occasion but what about all the times we are just sitting there checking the AH then some guy comes up asking for reply how much you short? I need 100K...huh!? Im sorry I dont have that kinda gil to spare...the high lvl now gets chewed out and called an asshat cuz he doesnt give gil away.

When you hit 70+ your life becomes consumed by events...Dynamis...Gods..All the events you wished you could do are now open to you. You worked hard to get to the top, now its time for all the super fun stuff.

I would just like to add that helping people at times becomes a hassle. Ill answer a shout help some random person with an event and you know this day I cant get rid of some of them. I continue to be nice but whenever they need help again..who do they come to? Who becomes the bad guy when hes in the middle of doing something else?

Im done sorry if I offended anyone but let the higher ups have fun too, we worked to get where we are, stop crying and play. If you cant handle it go play an easier game.
#36 Apr 20 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
Every several days or so, when I'm not rushing around crafting or in a PT with people depending on me, I try to do the "Boy Scout's Good Deed" -- for a complete stranger.

Yesterday, I had a few spare minutes in Southern San d'Oria when I saw a /shout from someone wanting help finding the two "Book Of The East," "Book Of The West" NPCs there for part of the PLD-unlocking quest. My first thought -- which is a healthy one, mind you -- was that she should figure this out for herself. But then I remembered how silly and arbitrary that part of the quest had seemed to me, and that *I too* had needed someone to show *me* back when I was unlocking PLD.

So I sent her a /tell and spent perhaps 5 minutes walking and /point-ing out the two NPCs.

She thanked me, and I told her to "pay it forward." (Also that the server needs more PLDs, but that's beside the OP's point.)
#37 Apr 20 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
/em stalks kusan

You want to lend me 1000k so I can get goldsmithing to 60 .... j/k

FFxi is a game that takes skill, determination and time. If you don't have all three attributes, it can be a very frustrating experience.

When my "fun" factor with the game has disappeared, I will leave the world of Ragnarok without any regrets having fought many battles, synth many items, made and lost fortunes and met many nice people online. Fortunately for me, FFxi is still fun for me to play :)

If there is something that is frustrating you i.e. af scavenger hunt, limit break etc....take a break from the game and do something else that is fun. If you are a FFxi addict, try switching to another job, helping out your linkshell or someone else, give crafting a try etc.

And lastly, I want to give thanks to the members of my primary linkshell: Quietstorm Omega (QSO) formed from the ashes of Quietstorm. This game would definitely not be as fun without you.

Special mention to some of the old guard .... for Callisti - Original leader of Quietstorm, who has retired from FFxi to spend more time on real life pursuits, Silverblur - leader of QSO and one of the most helpful people I know in the game (he has died a few times helping out people during AF activities ... /cry for his sacrifice), Nekojill - one of the original members of Quietstorm who is a great and fun personality and very helpful to others (he is away for 4 months overseas....take care buddy).

Take care Ragnarok.

#38 Apr 20 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Grommet, 'pay it forward' is something I think about everytime I help someone. Its a great idea and if it worked it would be such an awesome world and a better game environment too :) I don't ask for anything when I help someone, I just hope that I made their day better and secretly hope they will indeed pay it forward. The friends I have made by being nice vastly outway any reward I could have gotten. I mean hearing people say that you are the only thing they'll miss when they quit the game just makes everything so worthwhile.

There are bad people out there, but honestly there are more good than bad, they just don't always stand out. There is only one person who ever made me really mad in this game, but I didn't even blacklist him, maybe he just was having a bad day...sometimes that happens *shrugs*

Kindness costs nothing, but it means so very much. Keep on making the world and the game a better place.
#39 Apr 20 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
112 posts
Although I admit I have been spotlighting negative stuff lately, I really think the majority of the peeps on the server are genuinely good. My favorite thread here is the Ragnarok's finest thread. I just wanted to put it out that even though I might be disappointed with the conduct of a few, I think that most of you cats are good at heart. -Boog
#40 Apr 20 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
I was one of the lucky few, I've always had help there when i needed it or even if i didnt. One of my friends that got me to play ffxi was a lvl 65 rdm he plvled me off and on. BUT as he plvled me he talked me through leveling. Not like i got to leech completely. mostly he was there to help heal alittle or kill some links. I believe thats the only way anyone should be Plvled. And about the Help level cap at 60 it does suck. My highest job is 44 monk atm. Ive helped kill the rank 4 dragon once and given some others some advice on jobs or equipment. I even bought one guy a map of jueno because he was a lvl 22 rdm soloing in valkurm dunes because he didnt know any better. As far as my Af i got coming soon. I dread to even ask for help other than my rdm friend and a blm that are in my set.
..sort of a rant...
The azzhats that were mentioned I have noticed a major rise in those types. I had many major incounters with them recently. I have almost quit leveling my beloved pld because the fact i had never sata'd before. I got like 4 levels in 1 day and hit Crawlers nest. I got 2 parties and left them both in a span of 30 mins or so. Only because nobody would take enough time to let me catch on to sata. I never really needed sata before so i guess it was never an issue but all of a sudden if you are a 37 pld and cant sata you should crawl into a hole and that was a major blow to my character. The only reason I keep my pld gear is because i might someday level it again. Sorry this turned out so alittle irratated.
#41 Apr 21 2005 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
3,564 posts
There are many good reasons why people no longer help others. I have some, but now isn't the time or place to list them (maybe later). Let's just say that I'm very careful about who I decide to help and with what. In fact, I just finished the update that took me all day to get and I logged on because wanted to take a peek at my new tnl to see if it matched up with the lists (I'm 1 tnl to 62 as of this message, but that means I also 'lost' the extra 14k I had). It was almost 4am and I had to go to bed because I have an exam in a few hours that could make or break my GPA, but right before I logged off I got a /tell from someone. He was wondering if I could help him get his final Kazham key from Giddeus. I figured why the hell not and we set out. I even took an extra 10 minutes to explain to him how Outpost teleporting worked. Fortunately we got the key after maybe the 5th kill so it wasn't too bad, but you're all well aware how keys can take ages to drop sometimes.

There you have it. High level people can and will randomly help people, asked or not. A lot of times I'm sure people have real life things that need to be attended to, but they'll put it on hold to help someone in need. Also keep in mind that those things can be a lot more important than my upcoming task and the help they're giving can take a lot longer to complete. Tons of people are willing to help, you just have to find them (hint: check the "Ragnarok's Finest" thread)
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