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Why do you still play?Follow

#1 Mar 09 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
I wanted to start a thread about why I still play. Hopefully someday I will have something to post here but for now I can't think of a reason for myself. My goal is to look at the reasoning of other players so I might find a reason for myself. Maybe I should be doing this on an "all server" basis but I think just bugging Ragnarok is fine.

Leveling another job to 75 is not that bad but I always wonder why I'm doing it. I used to like to farm, but what do I really "need" and once I get it what will I do with it? Doing missions used to be fun but that was before I got fed up with people quitting (CoP missions are now out of the question) or leaving. I have some god stuff but what do I need it for, to kill god's better? I could get all my crafting maxed out but then what? Jeez I am depressing myself...

This game just used to be something more than a way to pass time to me. Now it seems like I am asking myself why I am still playing more than anything else. I just want you guys to give me your reasoning. Maybe there is something I am overlooking. Maybe I am finally to the point where it's okay to leave the game. Where is the quitting point?

I know a lot of you post on here with more than one job at 75. I see a lot of friends on today's board. Congratulations Chrysta on 100 woodworking. I'm sure you guys have good reasons. Please help me get my love for this game back.

(Surely this post will be edited shortly)
#2 Mar 09 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Excellent
167 posts
1 and only 1 reason, to have fun. If you don't find yourself having fun in a game, why play it?

For me, I enjoy lvling craft skills, save up money and getting better gear than the average player, also hunting stuff with friends.

Find something you enjoy doing, or take a break from the game and do something else.

Edited, Wed Mar 9 18:10:05 2005 by chrysta
#3 Mar 09 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
158 posts
I play to be known. If im leveling a job i want to be someone that people remember having a good party with me. I think im off to a good start but there are plenty of people that dont know me or know of me. I plan to take every job to 75 someday.....(starting goal of the game) and i want to be the best i can be at any given job. I can wait to have a lvl 75 job and join in some quests to help someone new than me Af's rank missons or just helping period. still working on it....^^
#4 Mar 09 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
68 posts
Well, for me its just cheaper than buying a bunch of new games. I'm kinda poor so if I can focus on this one game, I won't feel the need to go buy all the other games I really want. Lately I have been kinda bored with it though, I never really thought too much about going past lvl 60, especially since I dont have G3 done yet but mostly I enjoy helping other people out in the game. Its always fun going around with a friend killing stuff or just seeing what sort of trouble you can get in (and hopefully out of). If your looking for something new to do, try to go out exploring. I know your 75 and all, and you've been lots of places I haven't been, but i'm sure there are still some places you haven't been to yet. I was out farming today and found myself in an area of ronalberry fields that I had never seen was kinda cool. They made this world HUGE, why not see everything it has to offer. Dont be scared to die either...thats when most of the fun comes from...when you know you could die at anytime ~.^
#5 Mar 09 2005 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
That's the only reason I'm still playing.
Experience points are just a prerequisite and I will do that as a last resort if I'm too weak to see something but, I wont be leaving until I have rank 10, and seen and much story as I can.
#6 Mar 09 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
I'm a classic case of

Normal Person + Audience + Annonimity = ******* (typing **** makes it do that **** <---)

I love it.

Selling gil, starting roumors about Chrysta (she buys gil to pay for her craftskill btw, how do you think they're all so high?), MPK'ing people. Just a few of my favorite pass times!

I'll keep on playing till the GM's tell me otherwise!


p.s. Come see my new Casino!

Edited, Wed Mar 9 20:28:29 2005 by Percie
#7 Mar 10 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
There used to be this guy in one of my linkshells. He was a comedian in real life or something because he translated it over to the game. I don't mean that he was always typing jokes that you would hear in everyday life. He was making game jokes. One of the jokes that sticks out in my head is: "An elvaan was throwing rocks at the ground. He missed..." I wish I could remember his name. He could go on for quite a while but I'm not sure if he made them up himself or not.

There are some other good reasons to play that I've remembered. Al'Taieu for example. I've decided that I must get this new area. I have to get it before I get my next job to 75. The most important thing that I've decided is being one of the few people actually able to go there. Since it is incredibly hard to get there I'm sure it will be good experience to actually make it.

I've also decided that leveling more jobs to 75 is important. I know how I look at people that have multiple 75 jobs and I want people to look at me like that. There is also this guy I've examined a few times who has all the crimson and all the zenith gear. It sure would be nice to have all the good stuff he has I guess. You could call it "The WOW Factor". I want that.
#8 Mar 10 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
1. the enjoyment I get out of helping someone with anything. I wish I could see their face when you obtain something that has been holding them back.

2. Level my drk to 75

3. Obtain Relic Scythe fully upgraded

4. Get rank 10 Sandy

5. Complete all Zilart and Prom. Missions

6. there will be more updates and another release...but After #3 is done I'll be almost done with the game.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#9 Mar 10 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
1,254 posts
Where is the quitting point?

When you no longer enjoy the game- simple as that. This game is intended to be fun, if its no longer fun for you, move along.

A lot of my friends/LS mates seem to be at a similar point, and while I'll miss them if they go, I'd be glad knowing they're giving themselves an opportunity to find something new that brings them enjoyment.
#10 Mar 10 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with you Unc, I want to get my DRK to lvl 75, my THF and my WAR to 37 and then see what happens from there. I also want to get all my AF armor, My RSE armor would be a sweet catch as well. I don't want to buy any of it though I would rather go out and quest for it even if it takes me a month to get. The bad thing for me is that I can only really play on the weekends so I farm on the week nights. Like tonight I am going to fo camp the spook I think... NAyhow, that is why I still play, I enjoy it and I have goals.
#11 Mar 11 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
OMG its kingofcode, gl with lvling drk.
i play this game and i have fun doing it, except when ppl get me booted from LSes <(;_;)>
#12 Mar 12 2005 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
321 posts
I still play because I love to RP!

I also never get to use archic speech IRL, but in the game it works for me.

So mine answer to thy question doth be to have most invigorating time.

Also, it gives me and audience for jokes I make that people who wouldn't play the game get. I love making people laugh.
#13 Mar 12 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
I continue to play because of the people, there are times when the level grind or a stupid *** person who thinks there Gods gift to the world may irratate me but overall there are so many great people who play this game with us all.
#14 Mar 14 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
The people and it's just fun. Mainly the people keep me coming back for every person I add to my banlist I always end up finding 7 moe to add to my friendlist
#15 Mar 14 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,049 posts
Even where I stand in the game, with a near barren linkshell and a huge understanding of the story, I still continue on... and for more then one reason.

1) To revive my linkshell. While it will never be what it was in the past, it still has some life to it. This is practically my dream. While The Confederation is currently a desert... there is a forest at the far end... and I will work to get there.

2) To fully experience the story. While I know many things about it, I want to see it all with my own eyes.

3) To help others out. It gives me great satisfaction helping someone out in any way possible.

4) Because a few of my in-real-life friends play it. They will leave before I ever do. ^^

...But I dunno. There is something that brings me back whenever I get annoyed. Some may call it an addiction, but I believe it is different from that.
#16 Mar 15 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Only reason I still play is because I want sam af2 pieces and fully upgraded relic great katana and to hit 75 of course. With the pace that I level I'll probably hit 75 by 2008 or so. Leveling up doesn't hold much of an appeal to me compared to sitting back and crafting an object as I stare out into the horizon. I spent all my free time today just spazzing in Port Jueno staring out at the sea or camping the ah for more items to synth out of boredom.

I also play because people I know outside the game play this and I don't go out partying while at college and fill my time with video games. I also don't spend much cash for 14 bucks a month is better spent on ffxi than on something like alcohol like everyone else spends money on here.

Once I ding 75, get af2 pieces and fully upgrade my relic gktn or atleast get to spam kaiten in dynamis a few times...then I'll sell all my gear on ah, split the gil amongst my friends, and kill my character off and be done with the game because I'll officially have nothing to look forward to. Unless of course s-e bumps the cap to 80 or even 90 and add more crap to make my job more interesting. At the moment the only job I can stand leveling is samurai, every other job frustrates me and samurai isn't much better because of the mass of bad luck I have with parties 60+...some are good but the majority are ungodly bad and it's not just an offnight it seems to be a consistant basis.

Enough with my little rant about my futile attempts at leveling...I used to have fun with this game back when the ls I'm in had people doing events regularly like af hunts. But now most people have left for hnm/dynamis groups and there's only really 1 person that still helps out on it.
#17 Mar 17 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
i want to get my dark knight up to lvl 75 and get rank 10 before i quit. i still play for that and i have a great linkshell with awesomeawesome ppl, my brother who is playing (Firewolf, dis ***** is crazy ), and cuz final fantasy is the best rpg of all time and i give up on it for stupid **** like WoW or everquest!
#18 Mar 17 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
*sighs* i think i'm still playing cuz all the friends i have met on here.. *hugs* y'all..:) I think i would miss them too much if i quit this game.. I think thats the reason.. trying to make alot friends and maybe met them onc day :) other than that ireally dont know why i'm still playing.. this game isnt as fun as used to.. and the way my real life been going through i probably gonna quit the next month or so... *sighs*..
#19 Mar 17 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Why am I still playing... hum... good question. I'm not that kind of "powerplayer" that most people want to see ingame (I usually play all games on easy /blush). I like casual playing, depending on my mood. Sometimes, I don't level for months, just running around through Vana'diel, trying different things. I don't like taking things to the extreme. Just as an example; I'm 55 PLD/52THF/31NIN/31WAR with an playtime of about 80 days, most of it active (no idling, started with the US launch); others would have their second job halfway to 75 in that time. Because of my inconsistend playtimes I usually don't make many friends ingame, or lose contact to them. I'm nearly always out of money. I hate farming. Promyvion-Holla is driving me crazy (6 attempts, not even one successfull), as is the Garlaige Citadel Coffer which I'm after since more than 3 weeks now (no mage subjob, pumped more than 100k into silent oils so far).

I guess what I do play for is watching what others do, as odd as it sounds. I like to run through zones as a Paladin, handing out heals or raises every now and then when it's needed. I enjoy decorating my moghouse (I'm Bastokan, so it's only natural). I'm leading one of the currently two german-speaking LSs on Ragnarok, and even though it's rather small, I'm kinda proud of it. I actually enjoy to discover new items while browsing through the Allakhazam DB XD I'm looking forward to M12 which I still haven't done, as well as the Zilart Missions, though I'm not frantically trying to dash through them.

I'll never be a player that people recognize for something big. I'll never be a millionaire. Heck, at the moment I even doubt that I'll ever be 75. But the game is still fun, as frustrating as it sometimes gets.
#20 Mar 18 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts

Well after giving it some thought I've realized the reasons I still play.

1). Although some aspects of the game have been a real downer
eg gil problems (Inflation gil selling/buying) FFXI is simply the best game I have ever played. Gameplay is immersive, challenging, and exciting (adrelaline rush when nm pop <3)!

2). I dont live my life ingame but I have met alot of truly wonderful people and made some good friends ingame. Sometimes I log on just to chat with friends.

3). In a word Crafting! I didnt craft at all til long after i hit 50+ (My highest level has been 56mnk for... >< dont wanna think about it. I love crafting! Its challenging and provides a change of pace from xp grind/mission stuff.

Anyways there ya have it. Why I still love to play! I have been away for a little while due to cc problem but I will be returning shortly.

Ps. I'm in no way saying FFXI is perfect as is. There are problems (we all know what they are no need to rant on them here). Just IMHOP the good far outweighs the bad! Until this is untrue for me I will continue to enjoy!

Cloudstear>> Humble opinion bearer

#21 Mar 18 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
I still keeping my account 'cause the title of the game is FINAL FANTASY. Recently i've been trying to quit, due to alotta factors.
FFXI been messing up with my real life alot since the day i started. Been mean to my lil sister alot when she asked me to take her out to park; doing badly in school; separated from he family; GF ran -_-".
My lil sis is 5... she used to love me, now that this game is introduced to my life, she rarely talks to me.
So far, I've been out of the game for like...... 5 days....
well i didnt think i'll get this far before. The addiction was too strong. Now that i've been out for 5 days, IT FEELS ALOT BETTER. Well guess im starting to lose interested in the game already (YES!!!).
The only thing that's keeping me from deleting my character is the ballista (gosh... y do SE created ballista <,<). Now that im starting to lose interest in ballista too, guess it'll not be far til i really quit.
For some people it might be a good thing since my reputation isnt that great -_-"

Edit: spelling <,<

Edited, Fri Mar 18 10:16:53 2005 by YinofRangarok
#22 Mar 18 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I play the game because of the friends I have made thru the game and the people in general. I quit the game a while back but when I logged back in after a looooong time (after more than 6 months) to liquidate everything and cancel my whole account, I got a flood of /tells asking about how I was and where I were. If friendships and memories made in this game could stand the test of time like what happened to me, then I'm sure it's definitely worth my time. I love this game and I love the people.
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