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#1 Feb 24 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts

Bring sushi prices back down. They were 23k at one point for sole they are 37k last night. Jesus I'm not a ranger and eatting red curry.

/Rant off
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#2 Feb 24 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
381 posts
I doubt prices will drop again unless someone undercuts them significantly. We keep getting the supply/demand argument and this is just a good example. Everyone is using sole sushi or other forms of sushi instead of about any other food unless they are lvling a lower job and using mithkabobs. Once everyone starts flooding the market more with them we can probably watch them even out but probably not for a while I'd assume.
#3 Feb 24 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Look at the person that jacked the prices up...same damn *******....I am sending him a tell tonight.
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#4 Feb 24 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
I'm working on my cooking... I'm getting there slowly but surely, currently at lvl 50. And I totally agree with you, just because someone has control of the market doesn't mean they should jack up the prices to the point where it's out of control. When I get to that lvl I'll make sure to undercut him.
#5 Feb 24 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Kinda makes me sad...everyone blames Gil sellers about the jump in AH prices...

Just look for example at what this guy just did. Jacked the prices up even more. It's the players that do this. They see one maybe two items up in the AH and want to get as much money for this item and they know someone will pay so they jack the price up even more. then the player behind him comes and does the same thing just a couple more thousand more. Why do you think snippers went from 350k to over 600k now.
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#6 Feb 24 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
773 posts
While it's a Shame the Prices jumped so much, realise this happens when you Control the Market.

It's how the Economy is Structured, and the World Works. Is it Cool? No. Does it work? Yes.

Honestly, If I was the Only Person Selling X, and X Sells for Y, Immediately, while I am left with a Surplus of X, I will have no Problem Increasing my Profit Margin, while In control of the Market.

Stocks, anyone? Buy Low, Sell High, Gain Control. Markets are always in Flux, you just have to hope to find your Nitch to Keep up with them.
#7 Feb 24 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
And these prices will continue to rise. Then we continue to ***** about prices.
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#8 Feb 24 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
I just got my sushi key item, so I'll start undercutting ;3
#9 Feb 24 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
Fire crystal prices are ridiculous. Last time I checked the Windurst AH they were up to 4700 a stack, and on a fast track to breaking 5k.

There's no reason for this. You can't tell me that fire crystals are a rarer commodity than light crystals, yet they're over a thousand gil more expensive per stack?

Okay, that's all the whining I'm gonna do. (yeah right) ^_^
#10 Feb 24 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
It's not the sushi that's expensive..

It's the black sole..

They were 10k 2 weeks ago, they now have risen to like 26/27k a stack.. When they were 10k, sole sushi was sold for approx 21k..
Profit on sushi is low..

You need expensive ingredients which can only bought from Tenshodo HQ, and the yield per synth is only 2.
Profit on a stack is like 3k only.

It's not the crafters that jack the prices up, it's the fishermen.
#11 Feb 25 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
It's not the sushi that's expensive..

It's the black sole..

They were 10k 2 weeks ago, they now have risen to like 26/27k a stack.. When they were 10k, sole sushi was sold for approx 21k..
Profit on sushi is low..

You need expensive ingredients which can only bought from Tenshodo HQ, and the yield per synth is only 2.
Profit on a stack is like 3k only.

It's not the crafters that jack the prices up, it's the fishermen.

Fishing = Crft too.
#12 Feb 25 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
There's a chance that, even if fisherman do lower prices of black sole, most crafters will see that they could still gain more profit, and continue to increase the prices. That's just one of many possibilities though, a rather pessimistic one for those who use sole sushi as well.

<-- also one who uses sole sushi, when affordable :o
#13 Feb 26 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
I agree to much of what was said here.

I have something I'd like to focus on for a bit though.

Fire crystal prices are ridiculous. Last time I checked the Windurst AH they were up to 4700 a stack, and on a fast track to breaking 5k.

There's no reason for this. You can't tell me that fire crystals are a rarer commodity than light crystals, yet they're over a thousand gil more expensive per stack?

It's not about rarity.

Supply/Demand as well as how it can be applied to the game.

Crafters all around Vana'diel use Fire Crystals. Anyone in a craft uses one. At least once, making something. Light Crystals? Less used. Used to be 10k+ a stack. Reason? So many uses (Rusty Caps) now they aren't as good as they used to be, so the price fell.

If something is in high demand (Fire Crystals) Price will go up, same with Sushis.

Btw, has anyone noticed that everything is outrageous? Even if the item is something nobody wants, it costs you a fortune.

Inflation, and Supply and Demand.

They will destroy any economy, there needs to be a ceiling for all of this, otherwise as prices increase, money in the server would have to somehow be increased. Otherwise people in Jeuno shouting something along the lines of:

"(Leaping Boots} (Do you need it?) (/tell) <me> 5,000,000"

It will get that bad if we let it. There is something that the supply/demand chart has.

There's more to it.

There is Price/Demand/Supply. All are very reliant on each other.

It comes down to a chart.

|..\..../ <-- Price
|/........\ <-- Demand

Now, as the graph (poorly) Illustrates, as Price goes up, Demand goes down. This is a basic thought about how the economy works.

There will be something called "Equilibrium" where things will be equal. Price = Demand (In a graphical sense). The price will be high enough that Demand will be enough that the price will be at maximum so they make the most money.

So, as price goes up, demand goes down.
Or, as price goes down, demand goes up.

This is something that's sometimes applied.

The only problem with this, as it's a virtual economy, it's more like this.
__________ <- Top bar - Demand
|.../ <- Price

Kind of hard to put on a graph, but as Price goes up, Demand remains the same. Everyone wants it, and will do what's needed to obtain it.

In order to keep the prices lower there has to be someone (or someones) willing to say "Ok, this is wrong."

You can say it, and rant and rave, but it's not going to get your work done for you.

I've talked about this before, but people are more focused on themselves, when a group effort is needed.

You could always do something along the lines of Not buying it (Boycotting, I believe).
Making your own, or set the price yourself. You and your friends go ahead and buy it for 37k. You then sell it back a lot lower price, to yourself, or someone in your LS or something. The price will instantly sell, as it's the lowest there is.

Once you've flooded the "Price History" List with you selling the item at XX Price, people should see it, and assume that it's the price that's now being used as the main focal price.

Might not always work, but worth a try. You'd even get your money back from your LS mates if you did it with them.

There are a lot of ways to do what you are asking, but if takes a community effort. No better way than to say "Everyone, Ragnarok as a whole has to do something."

This game is a MMORPG for a reason, it's supposed to be a group effort to get things done. 1 man can do something, but a lot can change the world ;)
#14 Feb 26 2005 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
rate up for you Rob, I like the way you explain things including the cute graphs ^^
#15 Feb 26 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
773 posts
ASCII Art gets you a Rateup. Very colorful Depection, as it's laid down Harder then an Open bar in Ireland.

Good Stuff, and Good night :)
#16 Feb 26 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
Er, thanks everyone. I didn't think I would be exactly listened to >.>'

Rate ups around as well.

I just think the server is getting out of hand, and all of us as a whole have to act. If we can't, nobody will. If nobody will, say hello to people charging 100k for small stuff, and over a mil for stuff that's 100k now.

Large scale exageration, but it's the truth.
#17 Mar 02 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts

It has happened.

Sole Sushi is now back to 29k a stack, which seems pretty much reasonable.
#18 Mar 02 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Well bacause of the sole sushi raise I went with Sole Sushi +1, a little better stats and lasts for an hour, but I only and will only use these in my static.
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#19 Mar 09 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
Great graphs Rob. I agree with everyone here. It is not only Sole sushi but everything on the AH has gotten way over priced. Leaping boots are not that cool! They are just the "hip" thing to have and everyone must have a pair. So then we have the people who camp them all day and all night (even when sleeping if you catch my meaning) and then they decide what the prices will be. A friend of mine sat and camped the LL for 4 days and watched the same person somehow be on top of the pop even before it popped most of the times. He asked the guy later when he saw him how he did it and he was told it was a secret, he also told him that he got the drop 5 times and was getting them to sell for profit and wanted to get the price to 1Mil as soon as he could. I am not sure how many of us actually come onto this forum but there has got to be a way to stop the prices! I fish as my craft and while fishing I was trying to help bring the cost of moat carp down to a reasonable price. I got /telled from another fisherman who actually yelled at me and called me a noob because I was dropping hte prices and taking away his profit. This guy was ALWAYS fishing so he should have still been making money off his fish. Not sure what else to say and this has probly been the longest post I have had on here so far. I say we should all get together though and maybe discuss what we can do to get the prices down. Maybe even set up an LS dedicated to lowering the AH prices by going out and farming together and camping the monsters that need their drops lowered. If that is feasable please message me in the game. My name there is the same as it is here.
#20 Mar 10 2005 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
^ this is what we call Gil sellers.... Someone that raises the price at the AH so crazy that they can make a profit and he also knows people will buy them too.
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#21 Mar 10 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
uhm, most gilsellers are not raising the prices of NM drops..
It's the occasional campers that do that.

I'm not saying gilsellers are good for the economy, but they tend to keep the prices steady.
#22 Mar 10 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
I never understood the point in Gil selling. Then again I woul dnever even consider buying gil either. What is the point? Why play if you are just going to cheat! Anyhow, We need to form some sort of LS that has the goal of lowering the prices. Not sure if it will ever happen since we all want Gil, but if we get the prices low enough then it wont matter and then maybe the gil sellers will just go away!
#23 Mar 10 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
Demand is unlikely to decrease, so the only way to get price down is to increase supply and competition. Encourage your LS mates to raise their fishing and cooking skills.

(I know, I know: You already knew this, and were just blowin off steam. But still, it's the only way)
#24 Mar 10 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Well now I only get Sole Sushi +1 and have two people that make it for me, at a discounted price. I also funded their cooking for a couple levels to get them to this spot.
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#25 Mar 11 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
I never understood the point in Gil selling. Then again I woul dnever even consider buying gil either. What is the point? Why play if you are just going to cheat! Anyhow, We need to form some sort of LS that has the goal of lowering the prices. Not sure if it will ever happen since we all want Gil, but if we get the prices low enough then it wont matter and then maybe the gil sellers will just go away!

It's been mentioned before.

I've heard about a Merchant Linkshell once. Selling stuff outside of the Auction House. People send their request(s) to a member of that LS and someone hunts is for the price, which is determined by the Merchant Linkshel. (below Auction House price ofcourse). I don't think it will work, since people are insane enough to pay for the current prices, however ridiculous they are now. Though I'd like to see people trying it.

Edited, Fri Mar 11 08:09:10 2005 by Gwedolyne

Edited, Fri Mar 11 08:06:43 2005 by Gwedolyne
#26 Mar 11 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I love this. I like how anytime there is a price increase, problem, issue, or econimic shift, Gil sellers/buyers come up. Or Crafers get blamed.

Let's try this on for size...


That's all you need to know. Idiots are raising the prices. Want proof? No sweat. I've been doing this for over a week now, and never failed.

1 Stack of Fire crystals in Bastok = 4,000g

Which, I think we can ll agree is completely stupid. When I started playing this game they were half that.

So, ever night after leveling I have 1-2 stacks of fire crystals, I go to bastok and put them up at the AH, for 2500-3000 per stack... DEEPLY undercutting the price.

The next morning, I have 1-2 deliveries from the AH, for 4,000g each.

People aren't even TRYING to see if they could get it for less. I would have said, ok someone was in a hurry. But there are usually 20-30 stacks in the AH, and I can do this EVERY NIGHT and get the same results.

So...who do we blame for the 4k stack price for fire crystals?
Crafters? Gil sellers/buyers? greedy people? Who about lazy/stupid people?

One of my earliest observations of this game was the realization that you have given economic control of the world to a population comprised of a large number of individuals who have NO CONCEPT of money. I'm talking largely to early teens and teens who have no, or very little, work/money experience. This means they have no concept of effort/time/reward.

Pricing to these people ( and surely its not limited to 'kids') is based entirely on "i need X gil" and not "this item is only worth X gil because anyone can get it with 30 seconds effort". Combine that with the lemming mentality people have adopted - Oh well, the AH price is fixed at 4k, so that's what I'll pay - and you get what we have reasonalbe values assigned to ANYTHING.

next time you go to the AH... Start your bidding at HALF the last price....take a couple what if you only safe 100 gil.... eventually one of two things will happen. 1- prices will (very slowly) drop, or people will stop undercutting entirely.

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