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an ugly, fat "FaceInTheCrowd"Follow

#1 Feb 17 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
Is this person just picking on me? Or is he criticizing everyone's posts? I got two insults already, and I honestly can't find any reason or purpose to his posts. He's probably just some lonely middle-ager living in his mom's basement, trying to make his life seem better by forcing others to feel like they're more of a loser than he is.

Does anyone know him?
#2 Feb 18 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
the reason he's picking/insulting you is because you posted for help on a somewhat difficult bcnm so you could just kind of stand around and leech them for the claw which is like 4m gil. Personally I could care less if you leech a bcnm or what not since people do it all the time for the avatar fights and it's your 30 kindred seals and other people's.

He has a problem with how easy you are getting it since this game is supposed to have a hint of difficulty and for a 60 war to just stand there and get a 4.8m gil item so they can get a scorp harness doesn't sit with them well.

Of course I don't mind people leeching bcnm or other stuff but get frustrated over people that buy mass amounts of gil and then level 100x easier than me. So essentially I'd rather you leech the bcnm for the drop rather than buy the few million gil to actually get a scorp harness.
#3 Feb 18 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for also realizing Aliza's worthlessness and leeching
#4 Feb 18 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
...Spicoli "Hey, I know that dude!"

So I know this guy and unfortunately for you he's a great player. You know... one of those people who never compromises their values. Personally I think there are not enough people like him around. People that have values that is.

Let me explain a situation for you. Maybe this will help you understand a good players perspective.

When I was a young player all I wanted to do was be a SMN. However to be a SMN you need Fenrir. People go about accomplishing this in many different ways. The 2 main ways are "leeching" or actually getting to 75 and earning it. One is very easy and a little costly. The other takes hard work and determination. It's a fine line and easy to cross but being on one side as opposed to the other determines your worth. If you choose to "leech" and go the easy way it's not always as "carefree" as one may think. Those involved will tell others and people will know over time. After a while you build a reputation for doing lazy-*** things like that. It is very hard to choose the more difficult path and keep a decent name for yourself.

The bad thing Aliza (remember I know you from a long time ago) is that you have chosen the wrong side and have been on that side for a long time. I am not the only person that knows this obviously and you are paying the price for being a lazy-***. You are only hurting yourself in the long run. The even worse part of it all is that you have now chosen to broadcast it all over the forums.

Now these BLM's (if they are not your friends) probably know the drop rate of the claw like anyone else that has done this BCNM. Sure it drops for people (I have done 20+ times with no drop) but it doesn't always. For these guys you are just another newb (and I can't believe you have the nerve to call someone a newb btw) who has goodies for them. They will get everything and if no claw drops you get nothing? That's smart.

Basically Aliza you have to make a choice. Which side do you want to be on? It looks like you may be a little late though. I'm sorry. This is what happens when you let yourself be a leech. Hopefully this helps explain FaceInTheCrowd's attitude. And mine for that matter. And no I am not FaceInTheCrowd. Be a better person and you don't get this type of feedback.

Jeez if I offended anyone I am so sorry.
#5 Feb 18 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Default
Although i to dislike leechers and people that take the easy way out for anything be it to get a scorps harness or fenrir whichever, why stress yourself over it? You know that you've worked hard for what you have and i'm sure that everybody else that knows you is aware of that also. So why get worked up over something that doesn't really concern you. If you are gonna get involved then i think the least you could do is be upfront about it and not hide behind an anonymous name.
#6 Feb 18 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
to the OP

I read your post, the one entitled "Kindred Seal BCNM 30" to which FaceInTheCrowd responded to and also looked at the responding posts at length.

Frankly, in the BCNM post, your suggestion was that 5 other 70+ people go to a high level BCNM which you have not researched properly nor know anything about, risk their hard earned exp because you are not quite sure what the BCNM entails, and give you the highest priced drop (if it drops) there while you did nothing (nor could really do anything as a much lower level character) but sit around. That is alot to ask of even a friend, much less a stranger. The problem with that kind of demand is that while most of the Ragnarok community are willing to help people, that kind of activity cannot be termed "help"; you're asking them to do it for you so you don't have to, and it's an easy way out of earning gil via farming/crafting or whatever.

Things don't come ready on silver plates...or at least they shouldn't. Whether in life or in-game, if you want something, you should have to work for it or what's the use of getting it? You get the brag rights yes, but you have nothing to brag of since you didn't earn it.

FaceInTheCrowd said nothing that wasn't technically true when he (he? she?) said that you were leeching the drop in a BCNM where you would be a hindrance, so I found it quite fascinating when your response said simply that he was a n00b that hadn't done G1 yet.

There are a few points wrong with your assumption.

1. How does this answer any of his rather well thought out (he gave you a point-by-point rebuttal), logical explanations on why he answered your post the way he did?

2. How does that even begin to answer his post?

3. How can you tell his level by what he has said?

4. Even if he WAS a person that hadn't done G1 yet...who cares?

It doesn't make them any less valid whether they were stated by a lvl 1 that's just starting exping in Sarutabaruta or a lvl 75 running around Ro'Maeve. Level is not the be-all end-all mark of intelligence or that would mean I would be much more learned than my 3 times Master degreed, 2 times PhD'd Professor. Sadly, the world does not work like that and your logic is...>< lets be nice and call it "a bit faulty".

In your responses to him, I see are unfounded insults to his (all supposed) appearance, his out-of-game life, his in-game character etc. All of which you have no basis for other than wildly spinning it out of your imagination. (You obviously don't know him since you ask "Does anyone know him?" so how can you assume so much about a person you can't even begin to comprehend?)

The fact that he disapproved of your quick-rich-quick scheme only tells me that he has morals and that he's not afraid to work for what he wants without taking the shortcuts that are so easy to take in this game. The summation of what he called you was a leech, I believe. I hate to be rude, but at least during that BCNM 30 where you let your 5 BLM 70+ friends get your dream gear for you, you are one.

There simply isn't another word to call it.
#7 Feb 18 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Hmph….. (deep breath, releases slowly).

I am going to respond to this thread, with great hesitancy.

However, I am on neither side and will give full disclosure:

1) I know Aliza (same LS awile back).
2) I know Yraec (one of my better in game, friends).
3) I know/ know of Hez (same LS awhile back).
4) Insert is a leader in my LS and I hold much respect for her and would lay my life one the line for her (in game of course :P).
5) I do not know Faceinthecrowd or Acidrien.
6) I have read the other thread.

Now my comment:
Everyone in here at one time or another has needed helped they have asked for it or in some case even paid for it (Mercs).

I find it quite disheartening that there was/is such blatant pettiness and name calling by people in game and here. Not everyone will approve or disapprove of the way people play the game. Remember that it is their game and as long as they do not infringe on your enjoyment of the product, they have the right to play as they see fit. You have no right to tell anyone how to play their character, but you do have the right not to play with them, invite them along for whatever.

This is a game that is based on team (even BSTs have friends). No cookie cutter should be applied to anyone. For example would anyone here tell Bobdeez, that Galka Blm is a dumb idea? Or tell Morningstar that Elvaan mages are sorry. It’s character and drive that make people succeed in this game. Then integrity that takes you beyond and builds reputation, not your gear and not your level.

“I have more respect for a man that let’s me know where he stands, even if he’s wrong.”

I heard this some time back in college, I think. If you want to say something, then by all means say it. But face me, do not hide behind the curtain and merely point fingers and snicker. I encourage the debate and the right to disagree.

Come into the spotlight and let us see who you are and speak your mind. If you cannot do that, then keep your comment to yourself and let it go.

Edited, Fri Feb 18 12:16:48 2005 by OmegaManOne
#8 Feb 18 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default
/wave omegaman
#9 Feb 18 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
/hugs Omegaman

I disagree with you a bit, fearless leader, on that some cookie cutters should apply to everyone in-game.

For example:
1. people shouldn't buy gil
2. people shouldn't sell gil
3. people shouldn't bot
4. people shouldn't MPK other people


There are just some basic tenets in the game that shouldn't be violated, and some are implicit codes of conduct that shouldn't have to be stated.

If S-E wanted the game to be so easy that people could just buy gil for items, use voke/fish bots, and get whatever they wanted whether rank or gil, from their higher level friends, they wouldn't have bothered to design the game to be so difficult. They would just have an event day where gil rained from the sky, the rare/ex item for the vermies cloak dropped off rotten jams in the Horutoto Ruins, and the scorpions in the Maze of Shakrami gave people the venomous claw.

The fact is though, that this game IS that difficult, gil-wise, play-wise, quest-wise, and they're difficult to teach us something:

Things don't come easy in life; you work for what you want.

I know that S-E had ffxi founded on the basis of teamwork, (hell, almost everything in the game is unsoloable) but its on the hopeful foundation that everyone in the team will contribute.

And on the matter of /anon posts...if the point is valid, it really doesn't matter who's saying it, does it?

That's my view anyway.

Side Note: lol I'm not a leader in the ls :P just a lowly sackholder. The wheels and cogs of the ls would stop w/o Omega there =3.

Edited, Fri Feb 18 17:36:43 2005 by Insertcliche
#10 Feb 18 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
True you do have a point of it not being relavent but the least he could do is not be a coward and hide behind an anonymous name like i said if your going to get involved in a matter that doesn't really concern or affect you in any way shape or form the least you could do say who you are and have an adult conversation/discussion with aliza ingame and not attack her in post.
#11 Feb 18 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
I don't normally comment on threads like this but here goes.

Do what you want to do to remain happy, as long as you're not hurting others with your actions. Leech this BCNM (and while I'm not flaming you, you going as a level 58 WAR/NIN into this BCNM is leeching, no matter what way you cut it. You can't tank them, you can't even damage them that much, so what ARE you going to do in it?) if you want. That's your choice and it doesn't appear that you are harming anyone with your actions.

However, don't be surprised if people don't respect you afterwards. There may be some who support you, but others won't. That's life, everyone will have opinions, but don't for one second think that reputation means nothing. As well, don't automatically assume that people who call you a leech are simply jealous of you (if you were to secure a Venemous Claw). While there will undoubtedly be people who are, there are also others who aren't.

I guess in the end get what matters most to you: a shiny red Scorpion Harness by means like this (essentially a database entry...) or respect of people and community. Your choice really.
#12 Feb 18 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
Hmm...I never thought of it as cowardice really Yraec. I might have posted on /anon myself, if I had thought of it before posting (I was tired -_- late night early morning lol) simply because while I stand by everything I have said, do I really want the possibility of posters who disagree with my stance to send me /tells in-game insulting me, calling me "ugly" and "fat" and accusing me of being "some lonely middle-ager living in his mom's basement, trying to make his (or in my case, her) life seem better by forcing others to feel like they're more of a loser than he (she) is?"

The OP seems perfectly content to slander like that in-game as well as out.

There is a fine line between courage and stupidity...I'd suggest that FaceInTheCrowd opted not to be stupid.

Edit: /laugh >< Damn. Does this mean I'm stupid?

Edited, Fri Feb 18 23:59:53 2005 by Insertcliche
#13 Feb 19 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
I don't care about any of the points you people are bringing up.

The bottom line is, it was none of his business to begin with, and he only kept posting just to get on my nerves or blow off some steam, I don't care how much he thinks he knows (and I do believe he's got much more experience in the game than I do, but I couldn't care less if he's going to be a jerk about it.)

Let the stupid thread die, you're all jerks. As for Heziki.. You. Don't. Know. Me. You were almost NEVER in SC, and the only time you had any real contact with me was in an EF where I volunteered to tank in because no one would. How could you determine all those things you said about me from that? Leave me alone.
#14 Feb 19 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
Apparently he was successful at it, too..

BTW -- I'm the biggest jerk of 'em all. ^_^
#15 Feb 19 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
I stopped being in SC because of you! lol... You were the one that made me throw away pearl! hahaha
#16 Feb 19 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
After hearing about this thread I decided to post to the OP.

Since LS's were brought up. I know both Insertcliche and Omegaman am a sackholder in Omega's LS, a sackholder of Heziki's LS and knew of Aliza when I was a sacholder of WC and SC.

*All quotes used are from OP, Aliza*

Is this person just picking on me? Or is he criticizing everyone's posts? I got two insults already, and I honestly can't find any reason or purpose to his posts. He's probably just some lonely middle-ager living in his mom's basement, trying to make his life seem better by forcing others to feel like they're more of a loser than he is.

Does anyone know him?

- That right there shows you shouldn't assume anything i.e., lonely middle-ager living in his mom's basement. You asking shows you know nothing about this person like Insertcliche said previously. When you assume something, Aliza, you make an *** out of yourself and everyone that sees it knows it.

I don't care about any of the points you people are bringing up.

- The reason you don't care is due to the fact that everyone agrees that you're wrong. Had it been everyone saying you were right (which quite frankly I don't see possible after reading your mindless, idiotic, ranting, feeble-minded posts) isn't feasible. This also shows that you're a [bold]self-centered *****[/bold]. It appears all you care about is digitalized pixels of "armor".

The bottom line is, it was none of his business to begin with, and he only kept posting just to get on my nerves or blow off some steam, I don't care how much he thinks he knows (and I do believe he's got much more experience in the game than I do, but I couldn't care less if he's going to be a jerk about it.)

- Aliza this is a PUBLIC forum henceforth meaning anyone with an account CAN post an either possitive or negative post. This isn't "Aliza's Final Fantasy XI" nor is it "Aliza's Forum" where any disillusion's you have can run wild. The fact you publically got "bashed" you deserved it. What's better is the way you were bashed by FaceInTheCrowd then again by everyone else. To say that FaceInTheCrowd "I do believe he's got much more experience in the game than I do" then post that you believe that they're a newb, I fail to see if you're bi-polar, deliberately like to contradict yourself or if you yourself were making an attempt to make them look bad? From seeing their repeated posting I highly doubt its to blow off steam or to get on your nerves, I do believe it's to prove you wrong and to point out how lazy you are. And to prove you wrong I'm sure a pre-schooler would be fully capable of doing so after reading your posts and rebuttals.

Let the stupid thread die, you're all jerks. As for Heziki.. You. Don't. Know. Me. You were almost NEVER in SC, and the only time you had any real contact with me was in an EF where I volunteered to tank in because no one would. How could you determine all those things you said about me from that? Leave me alone.

As stated before PUBLIC forum allows for PUBLIC criticism. You think people are jerks because they disagree with you? Sorry to break it to you this is a game with real life people and what happens in the real world people WILL and DO occassionally disagree with you whether you like it or not. Perhaps Aliza you should go play with something more fitting for your IQ and mindset. Go back to playing with Barbie's at least then you can pretend you're right and they won't argue...

Heziki apparently knows you well enough even though you think it's not so. However, don't let your ego over inflate by that. Since it's not positive things he's heard. By the way Aliza I do know you and you know I know of you. Like I stated before I was a sack holder for SC. The pearl sack, Damitre, had told people, and myself personally, about you asking for hand outs or demanding Damitre bought you stuff. You also frequently asked for help which no one ever offered to help you due to your reputation in that ls. Towards the end you made your own ls because no one in SC could stand you and refused to help you. When I did find out you were quitting you honestly would be one of the few people that wouldn't be missed on this server or one of the people I would never care if they left.

- By the way Aliza you got served by Ragnarok's community and what you are more than likely too stupid (real safe assumption after reading your posts) to realize is your reputation on this server has now been severely tainted. Have a nice day ~

*Edited for minor wording readjustments*

Edited, Sun Feb 20 01:33:33 2005 by CrimsonHunter
#17 Feb 19 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
I do know Aliza kinda, we did a ballista together, she is pretty nice. However her "boyfriend" or whatever tetsume can go jump off a cliff.


I think leeching isnt part of the game. SE doesnt want people to leech stuff and its wrong to do. By leeching a high lvl BC fight all you did was bring another claw into the economy to raise the price on scorp even more.

Now to aliza's point of view.

You have nothing to do with these seals and rather leave them lying around in your moghouse you put them to use. Good for you. But the point is that they arent going anywhere. Why not wait until you are 70+ and can actually contribute to the BC fight. Because you are lazy, thats right, lazy. Did you even pay these people for helping you? I doubt it.

My guess is that you didnt even take the time to type thank you. Than(tab) (enter), like the rest of those !@#$% who use the autotranslator when they dont have to.

So in conclusion, you made an uh-oh. I dont agree with what you did but its your game and i do not pay for 14.99 a month to tell you how you are supposed to play.

/salute Aliza
/salute Ragnorak
/slap tetsume
#18 Feb 20 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Default
Alrighty then:
1.) Coldharted, just because you die to one weaponskill in ballista and get your sleep resisted like every damn time doesn't mean you have to hate me.... But if ya do, meh one less person i have to listen to.

2.) I don't appreciate any of you calling Aliza a leech: It's her ******* business, if she gets the help, wtf would you even care? It's not your time.

3.) As for this "FaceInTheCrowd", you'd better be in a really big crowd, because if i find your *** you wont have a face to crowd with....
#19 Feb 20 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
Just a little end-note on this little drama deal:

All of you who posted here are sad. Creating online drama is a sign you need to get out in the sun and meet a few more people and see a movie. Do something instead of recline on a computer chair and sit and type in paragraphs of wasted time. I would love to hear a good reason to why anyone would do this? This matter never concerned any of you in the first place, so why go sniffing for ****? None of you will ever meet in real life (oh you'd better hope not) so wtf do you carry on with this nonsense? One reason to why you should be doing this? Enlighten me. I don't see any other motives but to sit and "flame" a sweet girls thread on info about an item she wants. That's just sick, grow up, damn. Play the game, dont turn it into a damn "Days of our Lives" episode. If you can help, help. Don't post otherwise. You only want to make an *** of yourself for some unknown motive i dont think anyone would understand. As for this public ****, yea its public, but so is a bathroom, go if you only need to go, dont waste your time in there. I'm leaving it at this, and if any of you dumbasses reply to this that just proves my point. Have a wonderful day sitting on your fattening asses doing finger excercises on threads~! ^.~v
#20 Feb 20 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Just a little end-note on this little drama deal:

All of you who posted here are sad. Creating online drama is a sign you need to get out in the sun and meet a few more people and see a movie. Do something instead of recline on a computer chair and sit and type in paragraphs of wasted time. I would love to hear a good reason to why anyone would do this? This matter never concerned any of you in the first place, so why go sniffing for sh*t? None of you will ever meet in real life (oh you'd better hope not) so wtf do you carry on with this nonsense? One reason to why you should be doing this? Enlighten me. I don't see any other motives but to sit and "flame" a sweet girls thread on info about an item she wants. That's just sick, grow up, damn. Play the game, dont turn it into a damn "Days of our Lives" episode. If you can help, help. Don't post otherwise. You only want to make an *** of yourself for some unknown motive i dont think anyone would understand. As for this public sh*t, yea its public, but so is a bathroom, go if you only need to go, dont waste your time in there. I'm leaving it at this, and if any of you dumbasses reply to this that just proves my point. Have a wonderful day sitting on your fattening asses doing finger excercises on threads~! ^.~v

I think it is touching you care about her enough to defend her even if she was wrong. It shows you care however it does bring up the issue of co-dependancy.

Your idle threats and her use of childish insults, lead me to believe you are both barely old enough to vote. You are right to assume there are middle aged people playing this game, The population is largely comprised of older, working adults which may explain why they have little patience or tolerance for negative childlike behaviors.

If, in truth, Aliza is bothering people for handouts and never offering help, I can see where that would get annoying. Being female in a male dominated gaming community does not entitle one to handouts.

In regards to the Scorpian Harness, has she considered paying someone to make it? It might save her alot of gil and you both the stress - considering you have a violently reactive personality which again is another sign of youth and most unfortunatly a negative home environment.

Alize began the thread on a negative note, I can see her feelings were hurt, in a fair world people would not verbally abuse one another for difference of opinion and personality clashes. The world isn't perfect, if you insult someone, the best you can hope for is that they will ignore you.
I wouldn't be suprised if your hotheadedness made things more difficult for her. She needs to learn how to deal with these sort of things without reacting with name calling and other negative behaviors.

Think about it, who is going to want to help her now? They might have forgiven her name calling but now with you adding threats of violence, it will have an adverse reaction. Ragnarok may have alot of people but it's a small "world" - think 6 degrees of seperation. I personally wouldn't want to help someone I knew that would resort to name calling or threats just because they didn't get their way.

Give her time, cool off. if you care for her, stop making things difficult for her, go Farm with her...the easy way is not the best way. Or you could learn to craft and make it for her.

And yes, I do enjoy "finger excercises" ^^ So long as my editor sends the checks that is
#21 Feb 20 2005 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
Tetsume: Alrighty then:
1.) Coldharted, just because you die to one weaponskill in ballista and get your sleep resisted like every damn time doesn't mean you have to hate me.... But if ya do, meh one less person i have to listen to.

2.) I don't appreciate any of you calling Aliza a leech: It's her @#%^ing business, if she gets the help, wtf would you even care? It's not your time.

3.) As for this "FaceInTheCrowd", you'd better be in a really big crowd, because if i find your *** you wont have a face to crowd with....

So Aliza's online boyfriend comes to post on her behalf and save the day, how heroic (sarcasm used since you and Aliza are too stupid to catch that).

Regardless of you appreciating anyone calling Aliza a leech or not it's simple she is an absolutely worthless leech, not only that she proved her childish mentality through idiotic rebuttals. Your little online girlfriend should highly reconsider quitting. Since I am pretty sure the majority of Rag's server after seeing this post won't tolerate her leeching, pathetic, worthless self.

Now as to what you'd like to do with my face, it's real nice how you have balls online Tetsume. Everyone online can have "balls" and anyone can act like a bad *** too. I do, however, believe in the real world you'd lack the courage to back up your convictions.

Tetsume you prove to be just as mindless as Aliza. You two were meant for your online FFXI dating/cybering pathetic lives you have established for one another.

Originally this post was Aliza's half assed attempt to make me look bad. When what ended up happening is she made herself look bad. Ironic. Apparently Aliza the ONLY one that knows you and came to your defense is your of equal level of ignorance/stupidity digital boyfriend. To the both of you have fun in your pathetic digital, pixelized relationship.

By the way Aliza and Tetsume I am pretty sure it can be constituted that you and Tetsume are nerds for dating each other through a MMPORG such as FFXI.

Tetsume: Just a little end-note on this little drama deal:

All of you who posted here are sad. Creating online drama is a sign you need to get out in the sun and meet a few more people and see a movie. Do something instead of recline on a computer chair and sit and type in paragraphs of wasted time. I would love to hear a good reason to why anyone would do this? This matter never concerned any of you in the first place, so why go sniffing for sh*t? None of you will ever meet in real life (oh you'd better hope not) so wtf do you carry on with this nonsense? One reason to why you should be doing this? Enlighten me. I don't see any other motives but to sit and "flame" a sweet girls thread on info about an item she wants. That's just sick, grow up, damn. Play the game, dont turn it into a damn "Days of our Lives" episode. If you can help, help. Don't post otherwise. You only want to make an *** of yourself for some unknown motive i dont think anyone would understand. As for this public sh*t, yea its public, but so is a bathroom, go if you only need to go, dont waste your time in there. I'm leaving it at this, and if any of you dumbasses reply to this that just proves my point. Have a wonderful day sitting on your fattening asses doing finger excercises on threads~! ^.~v

Tetsume like Aliza the more you post the more stupid you look. Like stated previously by other people and myself this is a public forum. Since neither of you appear to know the meaning of it:

public >adjective 1 of, concerning, or available to the people as a whole.

forum >noun (pl. forums) 1 a meeting or medium for an exchange of views.

Now take some time and read thoroughly over those and try to comprehend the meaning of that. Then after that add the two words public and forum together. Thus allowing anyone open to post as they see fittingly.

Now as to the matter of having better stuff to do "you need to get out in the sun and meet a few more people and see a movie. Do something instead of recline on a computer chair and sit and type in paragraphs of wasted time" this coming from you who cybers with Aliza in a MMPORG. One word hypocrite. Tetsume try getting a life, getting a girlfriend in the real world and go back to school to attempt to work on your invalid perspective on things.

Edited, Sun Feb 20 04:48:34 2005 by FaceInTheCrowd
#22 Feb 20 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I am pretty sure it can be constituted that you and Tetsume are nerds for dating each other through a MMPORG such as FFXI.

OH, how you've ruined a word I was proud of!!!The horrors, the horrors...ok fine I claim the title "ARM CHAIR WARRIOR GEEK" heh
#23 Feb 20 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Default
Thanks for the dictionary tour, now here's a little help with the alphabet:

A.) If you wish to "try" and insult me, dont hide behind a false name you pansy, or are you afraid of a little "nerd"?
B.) All you do is contradict everyones info, glad you like to sit and analyze things.
C.) As for me "thinking" i have balls, you're the hypocrit in that statement. You hide behind a false name and talk a lot of ****, yet i dont see you backing any of this up. Hmmmm, don't know where you get off telling me i'm the one with no balls....
D.) I love how you waste your time here, its funny rather, seeing as you don't seem to be from this server (guess thats why you insult here, makes you feel secure).
E.) As for this whole idea of us cybering? Where would you get evidence of this? Sad thing is, you talk a lot of ****, and half of it doesn't have a basis to even being close to true.
F.) I'm sensing an anger here, did you have childhood problems, your mommy didn't play with you often? Maybe too often, eh? Maybe your dad beat you? Well /praise daddy.
G.) You never answered me why you post here. {/wait}
H.) Personally this is interesting to me, you're fun to play with. As you said, anyone can have "balls" online, you attempt to show your's a bit too much, perhaps you are a bit too afraid to go outside, if you're like this irl. You'd get your sorry *** beat down the sidewalk.
I.) I'll be awaiting your oh so important post. lol type my toy, type! Attempt to mock me, insult me from your little house, please your inflated head. {/laugh} That "balls" statement..... sad...
#24 Feb 20 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Tetsume, you take things way to seriously. Ok so people don't like your FFXi girlfriend - are you sure she is a she? plenty of males pretend to be females to get what they feel is better treatment aka favors *ahem* neoshinobe *ahem* - The entire world isn't going to like you, sometimes you deserve the dislike and sometimes you don't either way,bottom line is you just have to suck it up and deal with it.

IF this means so little to you, why do you persist in trying to "save face"? All this time you waste in making more people dislike you and Aliza, you could be helping your precious Aliza farm to get the Scorpian Harness that she so desperatly wants. If you really care about her as much as you proclaim, then you would find a way to get her that harness and stop wasting your breath on what is - pardon the vulgarity- a pissing contest. You don't like them, they don't like you and Aliza, who cares? Don't waste your time on those you dislike because thats time you could be spending with those you do.
#25 Feb 21 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
/wave insertcliche n' Cold

I would have more to say but this is way beyond my or most peoples interest at this point ^^

Edited, Mon Feb 21 10:00:33 2005 by Jimb
#26 Feb 21 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
Well after seeing all these conflict, i really dont want to step in, but the last few parts was really unfair to Tetsume. It was someone who started talking about cybering with Tetsume, then Coldharted who mentioned something about Tetsume to jump off cliff or something. I dont know what does Tetsume gotta do with all these. He's a high tempered dude (noticed that in few ballistas -_-"), even if it's me, seeing my name got dragged into these conflict and got bashed 'cause of my name in other's sig, i would come in standing on aliza's side no matter how bad her intention is, well maybe just for few of us.
As for Aliza's original thread, I think it's her own problem what she gonna do with her seals, and finding people to help is also her own problem. Proving her worthless to the BCNM isnt gonna change anything but to flame her; explain to her in a nicer way might not result like this. Everyone has self esteem, and i think it should be respected even if they're naive, and i dont think naive is a guilt.

Btw Aliza, posting another thread just to ashame Face is REALLY a bad idea, not to mention it result with opposite effect, but it proves that u want this conflict.
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