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#1 Feb 15 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
177 posts
Ok, I guess this will be my first time ranting on here, but I think what I have to say is important.
Sunday night I along with a few others went to do the Rank 10 Sandy BCNM fight. While we were waiting a party of lvl 50 or so's came out all dead but 1. They had been doing the Rank 6 mission. The poor melee that was the only surviver asked nicely if one of the whms could raise 2 their whm. That is all he asked for, not for the to raise the whole party, just the whm. The alliance I was with proceeded to call this poor party a bunch of noobs and told them to go back to valk. The whm that was with us did raise the party's whm, but was very rude about it and told them to stfu. I sent a /tell to the whm and to the melee and told them that I was very sorry about how they were acting, and that they did not speak for me.
The whm then later asked me if by chance since we were waiting, if we could help him get his AF body which invold a NM fight. Being that most of us were lvl 70+ I knew we could, but all said no. This poor whm is not a member of a high lvl LS and did not know any high lvls to help him. I managed to talk him out of soloing it and told him that I was very sorry, that if I could fight it alone I would, but being a rdm taru only lvl 70, that there was a chance he and I would die and I didnt want to risk it for either of us.
I want to know, when did ppl get to the point that just because they are lvl 70+ that they are too good to help others? Do they not remember when they were lvl 50 something looking for coffers or needing help with the limit breakers? I was very disappointed with the ppl I was with, and it saddens me to think that so many ppl are so mean on our server.
We could have helped him, it was like a 5 min fight and we would have been done, but no, instead they went around killing stuff while we waited instead of helping a poor whm.
I just hope that all that was invold realize that one day you will be lvling lower jobs and you might need a raise or help, and some of the ppl that asked you for help will remember what was said to them and how rude you acted. I just hope that they are nicer to you than you were to them.
End of my little rant, rate me how you want. =(
#2 Feb 15 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
^ last few lines very well said.

Yes that was very very wrong of your alliance. With that many high levels and I'm sure you had a whm with a raise III so if anyone died in that NM fight 200xp would not kill anyone. I am glad to see you stood up and send a sorry to that party. Yes people can be very very rude in this game.

"As you get higher in levels you think you God and look down upon the lower levels like they don't know what they are doing. All of us were there at one time or another"..honestly I am still there at level 62.

I was starting to get that way at a point round christmas time...I would do nothing but level level level and wouldn't care about what I got done...It was G-1, G-2 and boom back to leveling...When I started going back after my coffers I started to make friends, very good friends and started to ask more questions. I even got a 75 drk mentor out of it (thanks Biggy) who will always answer my questions no matter if he is in Dynamis...Ryath as well being a new 75 pld.

For example Ryath just hit 75 a week ago..knowing he could lose that and delevel but he went ahead and tanked Ranger Tiger AF fight and two Rdm hats for our LS. It was an awesome site. For the longest time Ryath has been the highest in our LS outside of a few 60's mages but none that could do the damage that we do now...we now currently have over 30+ level 60+ people in the LS. sorry off topic.

So I have learned as you get higher give back to the lower levels because some day they will be up there with you and you will be leveling a second job and need their help. "What goes around comes around"

Also I tend to keep events and helping out with everyone else outside LS for the weekends that way many of my LS can come with me. But during the week it is time for me to get my stuff done (i.e., Leveling, rank runs, AF runs, G-1 runs, and helping out LS members or Friends).

Again every server will have it's Computer Tuff Guys/gals. They don't care if they hurt someones' feelings or not. But hey what comes around comes around.

Also I'll rate you up for being a great player..I personally would have left that alliance...because there would be other rank 10 runs.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 12:30:08 2005 by UNCTGTG

Edited, Tue Feb 15 12:32:55 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#3 Feb 15 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
396 posts
I'm sorry you had to associate with such morons Wiccatu. I guess that what should have been a fun event and a great accomplishment was tarnishe by these idiots.

The risk of having to surround myself with people like this is one of the reasons I had no intention of joining any kind of HNM LS until someone I know RL asked me. I haven't joined yet but I might if they let me in :P.

It may only be my imagination but it seems as if a lot of people 70+ seem to start to think that they, by achieving this is better than lower level people. Really now, calling pepople noobs just because they almost failed(?) a BCNM is really low. And as for the "go back to valk" comment, heh to be honest I wish I could sometimes, maybe not Valkurm but at least the Maze. For me, the best days of this game was the first time I levelled in the Maze and then moved on to Valkurm.

I know that there are a lot of really nice highlevel people on Ragnarok and I hope that they will be the ones that set the example for the rest of us.
#4 Feb 15 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
Aye, it's sad really how a great player can cave into elitism like that :/ I mean seriuosly, how much effort does it take to cast Raise II on someone? I can understand getting annoyed if you're a whm running through Valk or something and your chat gets spammed with raise requests but in the situation you described that was really **** of the high lvl whm. SE made this game so that the focus would be on partying with others rather than soloing.... but yet it seems like most of the community hates everyone else in it except for their little ls cliques.

I can't do much at my current lvls but I always try to help out where ever I can. If I have nothing pressing to do and someone is looking for members to fight the dragon for rank 3, I'll go fight the dragon with them. If someone lower than me is trying to get through a dangerous zone to them and asks for protection, I'll do my best help them through. I'm also a 47 cook so sometimes when I'm in a party I'll give out food that I have cooked up.... not the greatest foods but they are better than using nothing.

Ah well, I added to your rant with some of my own, lol. I think a good chunk of players need to learn how to lighten up and enjoy the game.
#5 Feb 15 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
sorry for posting alot...but like the person said two posts above me...the best times for me have been leveling in the dunes...some of the long solo missions gets quite boring.

Now helping people is my #2 objective.
#1 objective's is level 75, getting my set to 75, getting relic scythe. But my #1's can't ever be acheived without #2's.

Leveling in my set and helping others is now my new favorite hobby.

^ hey but your giving back and helping out your party.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 12:39:28 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#6 Feb 15 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Thank you UNCTGTG, and of course, thank you Khasim, one of my favorite rdms on this server :) Atleast you two give me hope that there are some higher lvls that remember what it was like for all of us at lower lvls.
I am luck to be in a great LS that pretty much helps ppl out when they can. I will not lie, we are busy with LS things, but I know that alot have helped others, especially lower lvls if they had the time and they could.
The reason I did not leave the alliance was because I was not only there for me, but for the one who had organized the rank 10 run. She was AFK during all of this, and I had told her that I would help. She is also a really great person who has not let the fact that she is a lvl 75 blm get to her head. She makes these rank runs every weekend for ppl she has never met just so that they can be rank 10.
Her along with others like you two give me hope, and I pray that the ones lower in lvl than us will not follow the example lead by the jerks on our server, but instead remember what it was like and how they felt when they found their first coffer, or what it was like to hear Maat say "your new limit is lvl 55".
#7 Feb 15 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Have you ever been running by in a lower level zone and all of a sudden people wave at you or something, and you have no idea who they are....this happened to me in qufim the other day when I was doing a rank 4 run. I get a tell and hey your that guy that helped my friend with AF-1. Also I posted a couple days ago that anyone needing help with G-1 paper runs please tell me..Last night alone I got 4 tells and I did 7 runs for paper on Saturday alone. I couldn't do it last night but I always give them a time or round a time when I can do it for them.

Also the RDM AF-hat fight I was talking about we had the 75pld and bout 9+ level 60's in our LS going with two being rdm. But the nice thing was another rdm ran by and asked what we were doing and we said Ranger AF and rdm af fights...we was like can I do my Rdm AF if I go with u to the Ranger AF....we were like sure...all in all nice thing was he brought his ranger friend that needed his AF too and a 71 war as well. yes we did own it. To this day I am friends with this rdm. We could be doing totally different things and I get a tell from him all the time.

Also doing G-2 this past weekend I made 4 new friends that we talk on a daily basis now.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 13:04:03 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#8 Feb 15 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
lol..yeah, its always nice to have someone just wave to you, and you are like to I know you? And they reply with, you were nice enough to help me with my, AF, or coffer, or G mission. =) Right now I have someone that says hello to me everytime she sees me, and Im too embarrassed to ask If I know her or not >.>
#9 Feb 15 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
You know, so many times I've wandered over to IGE, card in hand, thinking "I'll just buy a 75 PLD...not tell anyone and then anytime someone on the LS needs something insanely hard, or someone somewhere needs an NM fight for their AF..or anything of the sort... I'd just load him up...and go do it."

Not for any other reason than to be able to say.. OK....this is when we are doing WHM AF...and I'm tanking and any WHM who is X level or higher and needs it...come on. or any other job for that matter.

Something seems to happen when people hit 70ish, they become elitists and annoying. They forget, that once upon a time they too were a level 1 nothing with no sub, gil or clue.
#10 Feb 15 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
It's very upsetting knowing that people act like us. I don't know of one person who got to where they were without the help of another, whether that other be of the same level as them or higher.

A game like this requires that we work together. That is what drew me to it. I'll be the first to admit, it does get old on days I just want to get on and do my thing to sign onto a screen of purple asking when I can do this, that or the other thing. But at the same time, it's also kind of nice finally being the one asked to help instead of the one asking for help.

I'm only 63 and I still have a long way to go. But I hope that those who I have become friends with and myself will still find time to help people when we can. To me at least, that was the appeal of getting to a decent level, being able to help more people.
#11 Feb 15 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
It is truly sad when people forget the difficulty that we all had to go thru in the lower levels. I'm not quite high level myself yet (just broke thru G1 last month after having the game for more than 1 year), but I always keep in mind the challenges that I encountered rising the ranks.

Everytime I run thru that tunnel in Valkurn Dunes, when some lv10-15s are standing around to wait for the sand bats to get cleared, I'd try to clear it for them even if I'm on a chocobo. I know how frustrating it is to be so helpless to some stupid bats.

I have escorted several new lv20s to Jeuno to do their chocobo quest and experience their first reactions to the great city. (Definitely priceless)

I try and help as many people seeking help for their subjob quest items or Kazham Keys.

Heck, I even gave some new people a few of my old gear just to help out.

And maybe thru Karma, I have been fortunate to find wonderful help in the challenges that I face myself in my current level (Genkais, AFs, parties). Made wonderful new friends. Was able to accomplish things I never thought I'd be able to do. It might be karma, it might be the four-leaf mandragora bud I've been carrying around with me. Doesn't really matter... I remember my past and by remembering, I am inspired to help others.
#12 Feb 16 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
I am so glad that there are a few of us that are willing to help.^^ Hopefully some of the others on this server will have a change of heart and will get off of their high horses and help ppl when they can.
I know that if a lvl 75 sam and a 75 blm are willing to help others, along with a few others I know, then so should everyone else.
Thank you again to all that replied. =)☺
#13 Feb 16 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Hello there,
Ah man, the op had me seething that some people can act like that.

I was talking to one of my LS mates the other night about players getting elitest...even though im only lvl 52 i thought it would be easier to find nicer players at higher least some people on this forum have shown that there are some truely nice people around still.

I remember when i was low lvl and hardly getting any help because mostly everyone else was new and had no idear what they were doing...makes me wonder how the split between the good and the bad came to be, at what point did some people change and not care about other people ?

I always look at it as this. If you dont help others your only hurting yourself in the long run. The whm you help now may save your *** 6 months down the line , the player you dont help(unless they are complete asshats) may wonder what the point is and leave....fewer players at higher lvls with nice gear etc will result in problems with partys later on.
Or if a player sees this behaviour from higher lvls they might just think thats the way to be later on...

It helps no one.

Myself i do what i can, from shouting in dunes if anyone needs sub job items to hanging around jungle saving peps from gob trains when im not busy.
Im only 52 so there is not much i can do to help others yet...but i like showing people that not everyone around can be a complete jerk, and if it makes only one of the people i have helped help someone else in the future..then i know that i did the right thing.

....sorry for the long post :)

#14 Feb 16 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Excellent

I never post in these forums, but this post got me so worked up....

Anyway, just like to further add that, to those who have helped others, even if it was just once or for a minute - your help will never have been in vain or be forgotten. Every little action makes a big difference, whether good or bad.

You may not remember the person you helped, but the person on the other end will definitely remember you. The same goes for if you treat them like dirt... if you blow someone off and are rude to them, you can be sure that they will never forget it. You can also be sure their friends will know of it too. (how many times have you heard someone in your LS complain about someone else?)

So please, let's encourage each other to help build up the community. Stop hatin', start participatin' =P Afterall, that's what this game is all about huh? Logging on to a great community of friends and strangers alike.

ps, Khasim, thanks for helping to Raise my PLD friend kadesh, who so valiantly sacraficed his life so that I could get my crest for G3. That was a few months ago, but I still remember that friendly act and I thank you for being so nice about it.

See? People don't forget good deeds done for them (that was the only time I've met Khasim, and I still remember him for it!) =)

#15 Feb 16 2005 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
hey Jono nice to see ya on the board. Oh and from me Jono is an awesome higher level person. Most of his friends that I have met have also been very helpful.

Oh by the way if your still in need of your AF-Helmet let me know..>I have a high level beastmaster that will solo him then we'll just have to go kill him with like 1/3 life left. So it will be cake. a party of 60+ can take him down with the beast.
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#16 Feb 17 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
those ppl should know that what goes around comes around.. i know lvl 70 is fun but helping low lvl's in fun too.. I would of left that alliance right away and made sure my other high lvl friends knew what they just said and did..
#17 Feb 17 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
381 posts
I've apologized for pt's I've been in quite a bit. People keep asking me why I rarely level and things like that are what make me stay away from seeking (besides having horrible luck).

As the game gets older and older, more and more jerk offs will get higher and higher in level and I can vouch with experience from fellow ls members and former ls members...sometimes those people that level insanely fast and have no will to help other people out are the people that got off easy and bought tons of gil or were power leveled through such things as rank6 battle and the such.

Out of the handful of pts I've had lately, atleast one person in the party was a total prick and it always had to be over some stupid detail or belitting someone which I find sad. Might be why some of the people I know in the last week have started selling their gear and quitting the game.
#18 Feb 17 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Good
158 posts
Amen acid...
#19 Feb 17 2005 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
158 posts
Amen acid...
And id like to add a rant of my own. Tonight i was helping someone in one of the linkshells im in. I was trying to find him a giddeus key. I went with a friend once to get mine, but other than that i had never been. I ran around for an hour and a half. I asked one of the guys that was running around killing everything for some blown off I notice a 57 pld running around i ask her. Blown off again....she went stole a kill from me. >< Finally after while i asked Tramatized. Still was too busy but at least gave me a pos to go by. At the 2 hour mark i gave up. But i think would it have been so hard to just invite this poor whm that waited on me for 2 hours... to just go to sleep and come back tommorrow ?
#20 Feb 17 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
Heh, yeah, Giddeus is a bit weird. You have to fall down a hole in the tunnels somewhere to be able to get to the good hunting grounds for third tier gudos. If you guys want the help of a 32 thf, let me know. Treasure Hunter should hopefully net the whm the key in short enough time. I'll be able to get on around 6pm est hopefully but let me know through here if you want me to tag along or not, I'd come on sooner but I'm stuck at work till that time ^^;;
#21 Feb 17 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
If you still need help with the Giddeus thing, send Tif a tell tomorrow and I can get it for your friend. I farm back there a lot and I swear those keys drop more then anything I've ever seen for me back there.

As far as people who I dislike cause of the way they act in my party, I make a note and let whoever is building the party through a tell that I'm not comfy with that person and usually just leave it at that. Since it's one of my friends always building, it works out well. I can overlook most things. People have bad nights. I know I had a few snippy moments this week that I'm not entirely proud of. Fortunately, most of those were towards people who know I'm not normally like that and are understanding why I'm a little short.

I have been known to leave parties before if some of the people were overboard with their attitude towards other players.
#22 Feb 18 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
12,846 posts
even lvl 75s need help. I ran around helping a friend of a friend get their Ranger AF for their mule, they have a 75 whm main. I ended up making a Linkshell to help people out and so far it has worked out quite well, everyone gets along and has alot of fun doing AF, Ranks, Job quests etc.
What goes around comes around. I believe in Karma...
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