Before I start, let me apologize for this thread... I just need to rant somewhere badly..
It's been a total nightmare trying to party and level up my whm in these two zones. I've died so many times due to incompetence by a party member(s) that's it's well beyond just making me annoyed. It's like this latest wave of players are totally clueless on how to play their job and the bulk of them seem to be Warriors. In Valkurm I remeber partying with a war around lvl 15 who still had armor and weapons from around lvl 7. I asked him what he was thinking and he replied with xD. And then just the other day I'm in a party in Qufim with 3 warriors. Not a single one of them knew how to use to provoke properly. Whenever the monster came after me they would voke it, instead all 3 would run over and continue fighting it where I was. I had to scream at them to voke it away from me, and that's when they finally did. But of course I died after a while and just decided to leave the party, sick of them. The leader then has the nerve to start shouting that I'm a noob and I don't know how to play a whm x.O I swear if I could see these people in RL I'd punch them in the face. And then there are also the exp moochers who decide to go idle at random times while we're all still fighting. No one can seem to pull without linking a hundred different mobs. It's just chaos out there..
But anyways.. I'm almost done with Qufim. I'm at lvl 23 with only a little to go to 24. I'm hoping that the jungle will be better... I'm so sick of getting killed in these noob parties. I'm not saying I'm a great player, my highest job is only a lvl 30 thief, but I know how to play the damn jobs correctly. I'm sick and tired of this new wave of players who think they're awesome but yet don't know what the hell they're doing. Arrrrrggghhhhhh!!
I feel a bit better now.... sorry again for ranting.