Ever since Solomateria broke up, we have been forming a new BST LS for about a month. We have collected many of the Bsts already but are looking for Bsts both new and old to join up and form the backbone of this new LS.
The name is EIsium, Looking for members serious about becoming BST. Originally we were only accepting 35 and up, but now have extended our doors to newer bsts looking for a main LS in which they can develop and fine-tune the skillz of this difficult but exiting job. It is importent for this LS to have as many people on at the same time as possible. I cannot stress the Strength-In-Numbers idea enough for BSTs.
If interested, contact me in the game (Fouzt) or any other other sack-holders (Pandaemonium-leader), (Freedoom), ect. Automatic entry to any originally from Solomateria. even if your character was erased and you had to start a new one XD (Its happened before, gotta support our brothaz). Hope to see you soon ^^.