The BST LS is named EIsuium, it started up in place of Solomateria which split up due to unfortunate circumstances. Contact me (Fouzt) in the game or other sack-holders, (Pandaemonium-leader), (Freedoom), and their are some others that i cant quite remember.
We are looking for members who are serious about bst and will use it as main LS most of the time (because a lot of the higher lvl bsts switch over to their Hardcore LS's for bigtime events). We are trying to fill the LS with people constantly to make it mroe enjoyable and allow for more help with questions regarding our incredibly demanding job. It is still new and we are trying to rebuild what Solomateria proved was so strong.
If you know of any other bsts who have not heard let them know and i will meet with them as well, hope to see you soon ^^.