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Promyvion Runs For Great JusticeFollow

#1 Jan 11 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
I paid $60 for Promathia (both PC and PS2), and I'd like to get my money's worth out of them.

The problem: I'm a THF/NIN, and many simple-minded people think you MUST HAVE Rangers to do your damage dealing. So very wrong.

Yes, I am a THF/NIN, but I have a scary gun. I shoot stuff with my gun. Sure I don't have Barrage or Eagle Eye Shot, but I have capped Marksmanship (for level 30 at least), as well as a plethora of +R. Acc. equipment (including a pair of Archer's Knives). Before the patch, I was part of a successful Promyvion-Dem run, where I easily smacked Strays around for 100hp per bullet. For the boss, I was the only non-magic user in my particular group who had a Ranged Attack, and although it took us a couple minutes longer, we still took out the boss without any incident. I'm not saying I was the uber damage dealer, but it was noticible.

Yeah, yeah, I know Holla and Mea are harder than Dem...but that doesn't take away from the fact that I still earn my keep in a Promy group, even if I'm not a true Ranger.

Alas, it seems the only way to find a Promy group is to organize one is there anyone else interested in helping this Taru get to Lufaise Meadows? Pwease? For da Childwen?
#2 Jan 11 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
I've done promy so many times I know them by heart (2/11 on holla -_-) We also have one more member of our linkshell wo needs to do promy-mea. Then we can alll work on mission 2.
If you want, you can give me a tell sometime( /tell Minona, or Tiyha) and we can arrange a date.

The more people we have in the safehold, the more people we can look to for help :P
#3 Jan 12 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
Thank you Minona! There are a few others in my LS that also desire to complete the level 30 promy runs, so I'll send you a tell.

Tavnazia must be overloaded with RNGs by needs more THFs!
#4 Jan 12 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
We need more mages in tavnazia >.<
Finding a good one for mission 2 is tough.
#5 Jan 16 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
I never got a /tell from you.. Did you wanna maybe do it today?
#6 Jan 16 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
I have a BLM handy I could help with =D If you can do it tonight say about 10CST I can help for sure^^

Gimme a /tell in game if interested
#7 Jan 27 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
ive finished all 3 promyvions, and i'm very much looking to try out the aqueducts, but its extremely hard finding people who are able to. i'm blm/whm and looking to do this if any one else can and is interested, i at least wanna get those subligarias for those jse rare/ex lvl 50 gear quest. let me know send a message to Kalavos
#8 Jan 27 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
do you have a day set in mind?
have you already done it?
does anyone want to do this? if so i have a WHM32/BLM16
#9 Jan 27 2005 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
I saw you in the spire of holla and mea the other day, but you never said if you beat them or not. If you havent I'm free tomorrow. ^^
#10 Jan 28 2005 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
Again, I can help tommorrow at 10 P.M. CST(8 West coast, 9 mountains, 11 east coast). Same for Saturday.

BLM 30 ready and waiting
#11 Jan 28 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
After spending two straight days forming 4 unsuccessful Promyvion-Holla parties, it drove me too crazy to try to form a party myself, plus I was nearly broke. Bullets are expensive.

I began to doubt myself, so I started levelling RNG, thinking maybe it was in fact my THF/NIN that was to blame for the failed attempts. I've gotten to level 13, and I find that I don't particularly enjoy playing as a RNG, although the dunes are probably more to blame for that than the job itself.

I don't know that I want to try it again until I get RNG to level 30. I don't know that being a RNG will make a difference.

Anyway, enough whining. I don't know that I have the patience to try and form a holla party myself, but if anyone else is forming a party and has an extra spot that needs to be filled, look me up and send me a tell if I'm online. Other than Monday evenings (maybe) I'm usually not too busy to change what I'm doing.

In the mean time I'll keep pluggin' away at RNG.
#12 Jan 28 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Honestly, I prefer having a rng when I do these runs, not for the damage dealing, but more for being able to locate the receptacles. If you go with an alliance, only one party needs a ranger. Also, if you know a ranger who completed them, they could help get you to the spire and then drop and not do the fight. Just knowing where the things are located makes life a little easier. It's not a must though.

I'm a smn, I've completed them, but I will go again if someone needs them. I can come as smn, blm or whm. I kept most of my gear for these so I could help other friends through them.
#13 Jan 28 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
Also Eek, I was in a hurry alst night to a party, along with having like 3 convos along with yours, but here is the rest of my tips for beating it.

We got the server record by the way.

We got a party of Whm, Rng, Rng, Rng, War/Nin, War/Nin
(You could be the rng with your theif, not a big diffrence)

The Tanks got at least a half dozen Hi potions, a dozen Holy Waters, Echo Drops, and of course poison potions. They were the stars of this bcnm, not the rngs.

The rangers were not required to have anything really but poison postions in case it got to close to them. and holy waters.

The White mage got the usual Yag drinks, ehi ether and reraise scroll, a holy water and poison potion too in case of a mistake.

Everyone buffs up inside, except the tanks who will need protect, shell and a bar spell each, for the trinary absorbsion.

The room is designed in a big square of sorts with 3 cement platforms in each compass point around the room(North West, East)

Each ranger stand on one, and shoots, not engages, no ws, just shoot.

The mage will stand on the entry way, and quickly escape if ANY tank dies, the rangers should be safe the entire time.
This way you can retry.

The tanks will provoke back and forth like a, usual normal party, but without using a weapon skill.

At about 80%, everyone uses poison potions, and continues as normal.

*If a tanks protect, shell, or dummy barspell wears off, they say exactly which one it is and the mage quickly runs a bit closer inside and applies the single target buff, which is a very fast cast time. and doesn't reuire them to be in harms way.*

At 50% health of the wrecker, The tanks will activate Mighty Strikes, but continue tanking as normal. As will the rangers.
This should increase the damage output, and keep the hate for the upcoming part. They should also prepare for the Wrecker's special attacks.

Around 20%-Continue tanking and shooting as before but tanks will now weaponskill with the 300% tp they will probably have. Rangers will still~ continue as normal. Mage will do what they do best.

**The most important thing of all is to keep your 3 buffs up on the tank. They must keep the wrecker busy at all times**

10% you are home free to do whatever. The Wrecker will pretty much be dead with 3 eagle eye shots, barrages whatever. But we didnt even use any of that.

Only the tanks renkied once the whole time. and their HP barely went into the yellow. This bcnm was one that took us 12 tries, and when we once, we just stayed calm and collected the whole time, we didnt try to make it stylish with 3 eagle eyes, astrals flows and whatever, we just reacted to what the wrecker did and stayed as normal.

Hope that helped you, I think our time was 5:30 or something.
Call me if you need me ^^
#14 Jan 28 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
Yeah Tif, RNGs are good for locating MRs. I've actually been through it without a RNG though. I pretty much know the layout by heart, so I know where the MRs spawn. Sure, sometimes there aren't MRs at the spawn points, but other than the 2nd floor avoiding aggro isn't a big problem. RNGs do make the part of getting to the spire go a lot quicker, however.

Wow, that's awesome Min. It almost makes me want to give it a try after I eat lunch. Thanks for the tips! ^_^

See y'all online!
#15 Feb 02 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
Thanks to a nearly successful holla run with Cummy, Jhes, Prem, Neojoe, and Kiritha, I now know the key to Promyvion-Holla, and our next run (starting today at 4:30pm CST) will be successful without a doubt.


Everyone in the group, without exception, must have a psychoanima and a hysteroanima.

Our group consists of:

WHM/BLM (or /SMN, I can't remember)
THF/RNG (me, could also be /NIN if desired)
WAR/NIN (we may need a new tank, I dunno if Neojoe is interested in another try with us ^_^;)

This is a variation on Minona's awesome plan, which would've won for us yesterday if we'd had one more hysteroanima. ^_^

The battle opens with Shiva attacking first. This gives everyone time to get into position without the wreaker moving from the center of the room. Once Shiva is dead, the RNGs are on the platforms on either side of the arena, and the mages are on the steps. The WAR goes in and does his thing, and from there, psychoanimas are tossed every 30-40 seconds. The RNGs just use straight up ranged attacks. All mages cure the tank when needed (no nukes from the BLM).

At 60% the WAR uses Mighty Strikes.

At 50% the SMN uses Astral Flow and Diamond Dust. AFTER Diamond Dust, RNGs open up with weapon skills, BLM uses nukes sparingly.

After the first Diamond Dust hits, hysteroanimas begin to get tossed every 30-40 seconds. BLM uses nukes more frequently, but still in moderation. After 2nd Diamond Dust (which will hit because the hystero prevents Shadow Spread), RNG uses 2hr, BLM spams nukes and that's the end of the battle.

The most important thing is Psychoanimas from 100%-50%, Hysteroanimas from 50% til dead. Really, as long as everyone has both those anima, your party can be made up of pretty much anything. We had 4 psychoanimas and 1 hysteroanima, and our group got it down to the point where Shiva was charging a Diamond Dust that would've killed the wreaker, except hysteroanima wore off just then. Had we had one more hystero, we would've beaten him.

Why this anima idea didn't occur to me until after 7 failed attempts, I have no idea. ^_^

Anyway, 4:30pm CST is when we're gathering together to first farm the required anima for everyone, then to finally beat this thing. Come to Lower Jeuno and cheer us on if you wish! If you can possibly be our tank, that'd be cool too. Just make sure you have a sizeable chunk of time available, 'cause farming the recollections could take awhile.

EDIT: I remember that Mithra RNGs name now. ^_^;

Edited, Thu Feb 3 12:30:12 2005 by Eekiki
#16 Feb 03 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
Well, I didn't get a chance to go.

As we were farming our recollections, the big Asia packet loss thing hit, and I was kicked out of POL for an hour. >_<

By the time I finally got back on, my group had understandably replaced me.

I had everything I needed to finally finish this, and some damn hacker kid screwed me over. /fume

So, it's back to shouting in Jeuno. If you are forming a Holla group at any time, please look me up. I have a psychoanima and a hysteroanima, and with my Treasure Hunter and a couple quick farming expeditions to Holla and Dem, we can get these for everyone and lay the smack down on the Wreaper's candy *** at last.

Cummy has agreed to join me this weekend if I haven't finished it by then. He's a very nice person.
#17 Feb 04 2005 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
Thanks to the best efforts of Goron, Ahiyam, Boobee, Youngwun, and Cuzja (some of whose names may be misspelled thanks to my awful short-term memory), I am now exploring Lufaise Meadows.

I wish I could individually thank all the people I've met during this long and difficult mission, but not only do I not remember all of their names, the list would simply be too long. There are a few key names I'd like to thank.

Takhisis - For showing me (several times) exactly what not to do against Memory Receptacles during my very first Promyvion run. -_-

Reinaa - For letting me join the party on my first successful Promyvion run at Dem, even though I was a THF/NIN without much Promy experience.

Cummy - A super-nice BLM who also trusted me enough to invite me along a couple times.

Minona - Who gave me the plan which finally won Holla for my group. And also would always offer support whenever I sent her a /tell. ^_^

Let me tell you, zoning into Lufaise meadows felt like I'd just bought the game again. I had no idea where to go, and all kinds of giants and big rhinoceri walkin' around. So cool.

And Lufaise is such a cool looking zone, too, with that giant cliff overlooking a forest. Very well designed.

I also like the quest to obtain the map for Tavnazia. It requires you to run all over the safehold, basically aquainting you with the layout of the place before you're given the map.

Anyway, CoP chapter 1 is finally complete! So now, I'll say if anyone forming a group to run through Chapter 2 wants a THF, send me a /tell. ^_^

Thanks again to everyone who helped me accomplish this.
#18 Feb 04 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
If you need a ranger for the next mission, I'm there. :P
I liked Phominia Aqueducts far better than the pain that was the Promys.
Wait till you see Riverne Site A #01 O_O

oh btw don't change your new title XD (it's dead body)
#19 Feb 04 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
Eek, you silly nut. >.> Mendoza and I are doing a Promy run through Mea and hopefully Holla afterward this Sunday (hopefully both, but might only be one) .. I sent an open invite to all you QSers through Callisti. ^_^ Come join us and have some fun. ^_^
#20 Feb 06 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
I recommend doing holla first. Get it out of the way because it sucks.

I think Mea is the funnest Promyvion area. It looks the coolest, and the boss is more challenging then Dem's boss, but not the insanity that is the Wreaker.

I believe Calli is finishing Mea with the MildSeven LS, as one last outing with them before he retires at the end of the month. /cry

Since today is my birthday, I may not be on until late, and I have a set pt meeting tonight, so as much as I enjoy Promyvion runs (>.>), I'm probably not going to be able to make it today.
#21 Feb 06 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
Happy {Birthday}!
#22 Feb 06 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
Thank you! ^_^
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