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Is it wrong...?Follow

#1 Dec 21 2004 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
So just lately I have decided to no longer associate with people in this game with low integrity...

Just I recently dropped an Optical Hat party due to the fact a rude player was going and I didn't feel like assisting a complete *** in progressing in the game (Catherine). I dropped the Optical Hat party to go help a friend of mine with a NM in which I had no personal gain. Later on getting /tells saying they needed mages and asking if Catherine was the sole reason I dropped. People like that i.e, Catherine shouldn't be receiving help since those people like that only end up being a complete jackass to those helping them and no this hasn't happened on one occasion with this person either (previous avatar prime run). So ultimately I just didn't want to deal with this person being rude over the series of several Hakutaku spawns. Should I have stayed and dealt with them being rude or are my standards simply to high? Nothing personal to the others that needed it I just don't feel the need to help ******** out with anything, honestly if you needed me that badly it would have been just as easy to kick that person it wasnt anything personal since some of my friends too needed that ugly hat and were in that party.

Another LS I recently haven't equipped very much lately I left due to one member stealing 6.5 mil from another player (not in the LS) because I didn't want to be associated with thieves not only does it make me look unethical being in the same LS as them it makes that LS look bad as well. So I have pretty much been LS-less other than my friend LS where it's just about helping other LS members on a schedule.

It shouldn't be wrong to have high standards OR even standards for that matter but apparently to others the concept of that is flawed, then again they would rather help people whose only intention is to ***** people over, be rude, steal, etc (not listing names due to the fact that this list would be long)...

So I guess really overall my question is: Is it wrong to have any form of moral integrity in this game... Or is this all about personal gain and ******** over anybody and everybody you can to excel? If the answer is yes then perhaps my standards are too high or I am one of the few with integrity...?
#2 Dec 21 2004 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
#3 Dec 21 2004 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
151 posts
No, it's not wrong to believe in morals. Yes, intergrity still exists.
#4 Dec 21 2004 at 6:09 AM Rating: Excellent
311 posts
caught a screenshot of you earlier, morningstar.

Well, I have heard about Catherine's standars too and her attitude. Not to mention that I am also pearlsack in the LS Catherine sometimes is in. I just tend to not having any association with the person, even if I know if they have done anything wrong or not. I can tell how you feel because once I had partied with Catherine as well, and when something came up all we heard was 'gotta go bye", not even a second to respond and a warp / disband.

It's not wrong to hold onto common morals at all. I think having morals is what lets you keep with this game and continue to push up. If it were not for morals then some people wouldn't have been banned from it as well. You don't have to oblige to people you don't want to, it's your own life, man. No one's ideas > yours, they can only convince you.

take it easy.

PS, it was good you didn't go to the Hakutaku party because my ls friend Lemo went, and he said about 70% of the people who went died on the first run.

#5 Dec 21 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
58 posts
No hayachi it was 90% of the alliance... lemo is also a friend and I owe him for coming even if we all got dropped d first try(@#$ Optical hat) Now Morn i didnt know u post here :P I was wondering what happened to ya, but i guess now i know why and I understand completely! And yes moral integrity or what not, we all have somethin to stand by w/ for whatever reason, that s what keep us sane in this game. Did i mention that I hate that Opti.hat run?! :/
#6 Dec 21 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
you know, i think we all need to talk? (-.-)b
#7 Dec 21 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
58 posts
/wave to Xenger!
#8 Dec 21 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
/wave to Rahvin! (^.^)b
#9 Dec 21 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
42 posts
getting an alliance together without at least 1 person you dont like/hate is close to impossible, i try to give people the benefit of the doubt until they make an asshat out of themselves, and you know what? cathrine did her job and kept her mouth shut last night, and thats all that you can ask from someone like that. and bailing on your set for a childish grudge you have on someone is pretty selfish imo. but, no hard feelings, i respect your opinion. btw, she was only along to help, wtf would a rdm need an optical hat for?
#10 Dec 21 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
773 posts
The game can be frustrating enough just working to complete a Quest or a Mission. I honestly salute you for standing up and leaving a Party because someone was being an Asshat. I haven't been playing much, but when my GF and I go to XP, I will not spend more then 10 minutes in a Party where:

- Someone is fighting over Minute points
- Someone is telling the others how to play thier job (Not Advice, Demands)
- Or if I played with the Person previously, and see, that they still are a Crappy Player, who does not respond or Expand upon feedback.

Final is a Game, and when I play a game, I'm not looking for Drama or ********* I'm a simple person, and I Like a good simple, effective, tolerable party.

I'd sit for hours LFP, versus 15 minutes in an Asshat filled Deathwish Party :p
#11 Dec 21 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
403 posts
Sadly, it appears that morals as well as values such as respect and integrity are some things that are largely lacking in a lot of MMORPGs.

People tend to be more bold, even brazen in their attitudes towards others, with the mask of anonymity.

However, I just like to point out that 'ashylarry''s point is somewhat parallel to my own thoughts. Was the RDM there for a hat? Or was she merely along to help? Was the reported 90% mortality rate due to her inability during the fight? Also, I'd assume that you were originally going along to help friends acquite their hats. Bailing on them because of one person you dislike seems... rather contradictory to the point you are trying to push across.

On the whole, I'd like to agree that values are still very important in a game, and for some people it may be difficult to remember that the other avatars in-game represent other real people.

However, as pointed out above, different people/cultures may have very different takes on the issue. I'm asian, and the way we are brought up, if I have a brother in the raiding party, and he wants me there with him, I will be there to the very end. If he wants me to suicidally rush the NM with just the two of us, I will warn him, but will continue if he insists.

In a western society, that might be seen as being suicidal/stupid/foolhardy, but to us, that is integrity. I think it's all to do with perspective.

p.s. Airing dirty laundry in public is... not very polite. Perhaps you should have left names out. ^.^a
#12 Dec 21 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
So I guess really overall my question is: Is it wrong to have any form of moral integrity in this game... Or is this all about personal gain and ******** over anybody and everybody you can to excel? If the answer is yes then perhaps my standards are too high or I am one of the few with integrity...?

“To thy own self be true.”

My Shakespeare is a bit rusty, but one of the best lines in Hamlet. (Polonius <sp> speaking to his son before he leaves)

To answer your question, I will commit a faux pas and ask a few questions of my own. PLEASE NOTE, this is not a rant only an observation.

Why is it people in this game have very little sense of community? Did SE really jack up when at level 10 forced you to join parties (Bst excluded) to level, Kazham keys at 25, the hell of rank 5, need I even say G1?

Or is it at a certain level when you must separate from the herd and become “uber, leet, or whatever.”

How is it, one can shout in Jueno for skill up/ key parties, you offer to join only to be told you can’t because you need a key also and people helping don’t want to get another.

What makes a good player? What makes a bad player? What makes a good linkshell and a bad one?

Are the images we see on screen projections of our psyche or what we want to ourselves to believe we are?


Is it wrong to have any form of moral integrity in this game?“To thy own self be true.”

Is this all about personal gain and ******** over anybody and everybody you can to excel? “To thy own self be true.”

I am one of the few with integrity...? “To thy own self be true.”

In summary, we all strive to accomplish our goals in this game. Our individual goals what ever they may be. We have made and lost friends along the way. We have grown together and some have died together. But in the end you are who you are.

I am one of the few with integrity...? No Morning, No, you are not. Your one of the many. And never compromise.

“To thy own self be true.”

Edited, Tue Dec 21 14:07:21 2004 by OmegaManOne
#13 Dec 21 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
My buddy Raistlyn is in that picture! :)
#14 Dec 21 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
669 posts
And bobdeez is it too ^_^. The craziest SMN I've ever played with.
#15 Dec 21 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
PS, it was good you didn't go to the Hakutaku party because my ls friend Lemo went, and he said about 70% of the people who went died on the first run. -gaidensensei

lol that wasn't even the issue. Death wasn't a big deal if it did happen and I took an xp hit. PS: Nice screenshot you got of me pulling off a failed ES - Silence lol. Odd you knew the person in that Hakutaku party then end up seeing me for another NM later. This game is a small world like IRL.

getting an alliance together without at least 1 person you dont like/hate is close to impossible, i try to give people the benefit of the doubt until they make an asshat out of themselves, and you know what? cathrine did her job and kept her mouth shut last night, and thats all that you can ask from someone like that. and bailing on your set for a childish grudge you have on someone is pretty selfish imo. but, no hard feelings, i respect your opinion. btw, she was only along to help, wtf would a rdm need an optical hat for? -ashylarry

I'm sorry to say unless I have been extremely lucky I have had people in all my allliances where disliking wasn't an issue. As far as Catherine being there only to help I too would have been there only to help. Bailing on my set for a childish reason isn't even it, what it came down to is that by choice I don't want to associate with rude *** people. Droopyelephant was in that party, I am pretty sure I made it very clear to the set that I owe him a lot (saying that they get most of my gear/gil when I quit) and I didn't rejoin knowing he was in there and needed an optical hat also. Grann also asked me to join and at that point I decided ok fine I'll go just drop Catherine. Also I am sure had I stayed that person would have started being a ***** like usual (in which case I really didn't need to put up with it). This posting wasn't just in an attempt to talk about Catherine either, if you saw I also mentioned leaving an LS (just not equiping it lately) due to someone stealing 6.5million gil from another player, buying all of particular items at the AH and raising the price by 50% markup at least as well as knowing people in IGE and being able to get gil at discounts. I just never mentioned their names out of respect for the sack holder of that LS. Last comment on a RDM needing an Optical Hat, I have seen several BLMs and RDM's with them...

I'm asian, and the way we are brought up, if I have a brother in the raiding party, and he wants me there with him, I will be there to the very end. If he wants me to suicidally rush the NM with just the two of us, I will warn him, but will continue if he insists. -ChemoshPrime

Ugh I am Asian as well. The NM that I dropped to go assist with (rather than go for Hakutaku) they were almost all JP as well. They were all incredibly polite (and people wonder why I prefer JP parties >.> )

To everyone else that felt what I did was right thank you. Especially Omegaman. It's come to the point where people's (not saying all but this is after all what this topic is about)ethics have become irrelevant. If it is wrong to some of you that I am making this choice, so be it, it is after all my choice as to what I intend to do in this game. If having moral integrity, standards, and ethics is wrong then maybe I just shouldn't play anymore for having a flawed concept...

This is ultimately what it comes down to:
Then count the stars and the ten million woes, Just you and the universe judging each other, We never knew that we'd get caught up, Stuck in the teenage waste...

PS: Bobdeezz is a bad *** SMN and BLM!!

/em points and waves @ Raistlyn

Edited, Tue Dec 21 20:16:49 2004 by CrimsonHunter
#16 Dec 22 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
first of all...
/wave queeniexb lol :P how u been?

anyway, about the whole issue, yeh i /nod with u on that. morals regardless if its a game or not, if it shud be taken seriously or not, should be there. thats where all the respect comes from. i dont think we would all want to play with people who dont give a hoot about the next person now would we?

as for the part where u left the pt, i agree with some here who pointed out bailing on the pt because of 1 individual.. i know u disliked that player but shud that be a good enough reason to victimize the other people organizing the thing? maybe in my case its not, id still go and try my best to ignore. thats just me.. im not saying ur wrong.. im just pondering on the decision u made. hey we all have our ways right? but maybe u could have made a better choice? dont know *shrug*

i just hope we can all avoid instances where we dislike other people.. its kinda sad we get all pissed inside virtual reality.. seems to be depressing as well. i know people are still affected by emotions whether virtual or not.. but i mean its just a game? right?

So I guess really overall my question is: Is it wrong to have any form of moral integrity in this game... Or is this all about personal gain and ******** over anybody and everybody you can to excel? If the answer is yes then perhaps my standards are too high or I am one of the few with integrity...?

if it was about personal game.. id quit. i hate players who think only of themselves.. i dont think ur standards are too high, i think they are just right. keep the moral integrity, we need more people with it who actually care. ;)
#17 Dec 22 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
458 posts
Hi Alsarius! Well, I quit the game. Yay, more linkshell drama.
#18 Dec 22 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
I agree with CrimsonHunter on just about everything in this post. I even have an interesting story about Cathrine myself but I won't go into that. I know who he was talking about when it comes to the 6.5 million gil thief and I'm glad his LS booted him after. Now, when I say I agree I am saying that I will never play with a person that has done me or anyone else wrong... never. These people include the "asshats" and what I like to call the Three Little Piggies.

The first little piggy is a gilseller. These guys usually travel in parties and camp the good NM's. Some of them farm cuttings or whatever gives good gil. Do not be fooled though, there are people that are gilsellers that you would not even expect. The person mentioned above who stole the gil knows the guy at IGE by first name and has boasted about getting discounts. The problem with these guys is that they usually have an advantage due to the fact that they group up while the rest of us camp NM's solo. With the new wider range on certain NM's this poses as a problem. Not only that but they sell our gil and create economical hardships that wouldn't normally exist without them. ex: extraordinarily difficult for a MNK to camp his Ochiodo's Kote with 4-5 gilsellers camping it regularly and selling the item for much more than it used to cost. The upside is that anyone that can beat them to the NM and get drop can sell it for quite a bit as well. This leads me to the second little piggy...

The second little piggy is the gilbuyer. The gilbuyer is the lazy @$$ who doesn't want to farm for their money. These people fuel the gilsellers and only add to the problems. You have seen these people and probably play with then without even knowing it. Whatever you do though you should not go around accusing people of being gilbuyers without some proof. Not everyone that magically comes up on items is a gilbuyer and it's not fair to persecute people that have good gear. Personally I think the gilbuyers are the worst of the three piggies because they give the gilsellers purpose.

The third little piggy is the dishonest piggy. This little piggie sits in Jeuno with a mule selling shehei at 5k a pice or arrows at 2k a piece. The dishonest piggy will steal 6.5 million gil from someone and say it's right because the person supposedly bought the gil, even though at one time the piggy sold gil themselves. Maybe this person even sells stuff to their own mules to change the prices of items (which in some cases is acceptable but not all). This person may also qualify for the first two piggies as well... you never know. However, the dishonest piggy is easiest to spot and for some reason is also the most tolerated of the three.

What I think we should do as honest players is become the Big Bad Wolf. We need to chew these guys up and spit them out. No more tolerance. No more sympathy. These people are here to ruin our game and get ahead for themselves in any way possible. If you know these piggies report them to your local linkshell. Don't support their gaming. If you do I may have to think up a fourth piggy just for you. That is if the "asshats" have not taken that position already. So please... have some standards and integrity, and enforce them. It won't hurt to leave a party... just don't let them leave town before you do. And make sure you explain clearly why you left. If the party doesn't reject the piggies and bring you back then you are better off anyways.
#19 Dec 22 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
#20 Dec 22 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
1,410 posts
The third little piggy is the dishonest piggy. This little piggie sits in Jeuno with a mule selling shehei at 5k a pice or arrows at 2k a piece.
This is probably the only part of your detailed and insightful comment with which I disagree. (Bias: I'm planning to walk a mule to Jeuno soon -- prism powders ahoy! -- the better to sell some hard-to-move-elsewhere items.) No one is forced to buy anything, anywhere, from a bazaar or from the AH. If the price is too high, don't buy it -- and there are essentially no naive "n00bs" in Jeuno in any event.

Personal example: it's maddening to me (as I trust it would be to you) that Darksteel Bolt Heads have inflated in San d'Oria from 18,000 several weeks ago to 27,000 or more this morning. At 22-23k, I hit the break-even point ... but I bought them up to 26k anyway because few other (cheaper) items are "skill up" eligible for me in Carpentry right now. I'm FURIOUS that the single seller of these bolt heads is price-gouging ... but it's his right in a free market. Personally, if I were he, I would instead keep the price a little lower, to avoid infuriating people into deciding, "THAT's it ... I'm going to raise my crafting skill and make these heads mySELF from now on, to avoid this sort of gouging!!"
#21 Dec 22 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
I think MJS obviously missed the point of what Anonymous was trying to say. Shehei... it sells for about 6k per stack now. There are some mules that sell 1 shehei for 5k (to make it look like a deal) making the price for a stack of shehei about 500k. If you think that's good you just made the list as the third piggy.
#22 Dec 22 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
1,410 posts
I think MJS obviously missed the point of what Anonymous was trying to say. Shehei... it sells for about 6k per stack now. There are some mules that sell 1 shehei for 5k (to make it look like a deal) making the price for a stack of shehei about 500k
Ah, I see now. I don't deal in those items so I didn't understand. You're saying that these "piggies" are hoping that buyers, used to buying stacks at the AH instead of single items as in bazaars, will be fooled into paying far too much. Yes, that is rather nasty.

But again, although that's something I would never do -- hell, it's counterproductive, at least if you hope to bazaar with a given character repeatedly and build a good reputation for bargains, as I do -- still this is pretty darn far afield from gil buying and gil selling. Caveat emptor. (So sweet of you to throw those you're-a-piggy-too insults-if-I-dare-disagree-with-you, though.)
#23 Dec 22 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Jeez... I only meant that you would be a piggy if you did that. See how I said, "If you think that's good..."? Whatever...
#24 Dec 22 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
hmm... just remember that this is only a game. something that is made up. NOT real life. doesnt anyone remember that little warning that pops up before you enter the world of vanadiel? you know, the one at the beginning of the FFXI viewer. the one that says, Please dont let this ruin your life, work, school, friends, family, etc etc. well, it was something like that, but you guys get the point. Its only a game! (-.-)b
#25 Dec 22 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
58 posts
doesnt anyone remember that little warning that pops up before you enter the world of vanadiel? you know, the one at the beginning of the FFXI viewer. the one that says, Please dont let this ruin your life, work, school, friends, family, etc etc. well, it was something like that, but you guys get the point. Its only a game! (-.-)b

Err... Too late fer me! :/
#26 Dec 22 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
oh please bombadil dont defend cathrine simply because shes in your same ls or was at one point, the fact is shes one of the most stuck up rdms in our server shes childish and ******* way to much, many times i replaced her in parties because she left them without any warning just a simple bye something came up and a warp like somebody mentioned. She might be good at her job but the fact remains that shes a ***** and you know it, then again you yourself are stuck up and think your a gift to ragnarok like if you were that great of a paladin. Personally she needs to grow up and stop being such a drama queen. I'm sure if she wasn't a rdm they would have simply kicked her and Crimson could have stayed, but since people favor us simply because we can refresh they didn't. This is why many sucky and trashy rdms make it to level 75 simply because they can refresh and pt's let them leech xp, and i'm surprised she shut her big mouth because she always has something to say and ***** about. Its a shame she didn't leave in the server migration it would have saved many of us from headaches. As for crimson i dont blame you for leaving at all i to avoid being near people that i dislike or dislike me simply because i wish to avoid drama and people know i dont hold my tongue. So if you find yourself in this situation again just ask them to remove the person if all she/he is doing is helping if they truly value your help and time then they will if not then to hell with them let them get somebody else.
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