Casinos are not always harmless fun, Blag. =/ hate to differ, but there are some Casinos that are called "D/C Casinos" now in which, once you win (especially if you win big), the Casino manager force-disconnects and doesn't come back until you've forgotten about the entire thing. I had an LSmate that lost 20k like that, and while I wouldn't consider it a huge sum, I. Would. Cry. if I lost that much.
Maybe its only a small portion of the community that does this, but because there aren't really rules and guidelines that the casino managers HAVE to follow, people get screwed over in bad casinos. It's not comparable to Vegas casinos where strict guidelines are enforced; here if you win and your Casino operator D/Cs or refuses to pay you, its like "Too bad, so sad." Can't call the GMs really because YOU traded them the money w/o insurance. How are they to know what's really going on?
Moreover, the /blist isn't really to say that they're bad people, /BLIST!, its more like to cut out some of the spam in Jeuno so you just won't hear the Casino shouting anymore without turning off the whole damn shout filter. Its an excellent way to filter out a little of the screaming, and I've done it more than once. It's not like its a permanent /blist; as soon as I leave Jeuno the /blist is off. But boy, saves me a headache in Jeuno.
Anyway, I plan to abstain from casinos, not because I'm a tight *** as you put it, but because there's just no insurance that the Casino operator won't run off with my money. It's a fun idea if you have gil to throw away, but still a little on the shady side.