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TSHoT goes public!Follow

#1 Nov 15 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
I was talking to the LS the other day, after a particularly spammy few minutes in Lower Jeuno. Everyone and their uncle seemed to need help with something or another. I thought, as a HNM LS, we've easily got the manpower to help out, so I pitched the idea to the LS, and they responded favorably.

So at this time, I'm pleased to announce that TSHoT will offer assistance with many of the more difficult/irritating tasks around Vanadiel. Here's how it works:

You need help, and can't seem to get it no matter what you try. To request our aid, follow this basic procedure:

1.) /befriend Lalryn
2.) Once I've accepted (might take a bit, I'm not always at the keyboard) send me a POL msg detailing what you need help with, and all pertinent info: requested time, what assets you can provide, location of the quest, etc.

*Tells will be ignored, apply ONLY through POL msg*

***Example: I'm Lalryn, I need help with BRD AF3 in Monastic Cavern, NM Ghost. I can provide a 70 WHM to assist, and I'll make silent oils & prism powder for everyone for under cost. I'm looking to go Saturday, 11/20/04, sometime between 1pm and 4pm****

3.) TSHoT will not:

-Powerlevel you
-Hold your hand through an easily soloable ordeal (e.g. G3)
-Do BCNM runs for you

4.) TSHoT will:

-Assist with AF Hunts (as time permits)
-Assist with WS NM kills
-Assist with Level Cap quests
-Assist with Zilart/National Missions (CoP in the future prob.)
-Assist with skillups (as there is need in the LS)

Keep in mind that requests will be answered as we have time when we're not busy. We will help; but you must be patient. Furthermore, if your request is denied, it's nothing personal - we might just be running into a busy time, and I don't want to string you along promising help we won't be able to give right away, is all. I promise that I will reply to requests as quickly and as honestly as I can.

Compensation: This is totally up to you. If you want to offer the members who help you something, feel free, but there's no charge for our services.

This is designed to help the people who are struggling find the help they need, so they can enjoy the game. I remember all too well struggling to find help, and now if we can help, so be it.

Good luck in your travels.

#2 Nov 15 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Sounds like a good idea. Would be nice to have a little spare help on some things when the ls members can't fit it into their schedule.
#3 Nov 15 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Here here! *raises a glass*

Makes me proud ta be Spoony #2 :)
#4 Nov 15 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
That is very nice of you and your ls. It's nice that people can remember what it was like to be struggling to get through something and not having anyone to go with.
#5 Nov 15 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
That's cool ^_^ At least some high levels remember what they had to go through when trying to do those things themselves and are willing to help others out. There honestly oftimes seems to be a lack of willingness to help anyone unless there is a reward and I salute you for being willing to help!
#6 Nov 15 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
kinda off topic but are you guys doing any recruiting? also, very nice idea, would bring your LS to legendary status if all goes according to plan.

edit* >< just saw you other post, sorry

Edited, Mon Nov 15 16:43:24 2004 by ashylarry
#7 Nov 15 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Berry nice idea, however you might want to add

-we will not let you leech avatars.

>.> I can't count the times that people apparently do /sea all 70-75 and /t randomly....either that or they pick on me when I'm 70smn >.>
#8 Nov 15 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Great Idea!
I may be knocking for help with shadowlord :P
#9 Nov 16 2004 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I would imagine that higher level summoners get the avatar tells moreso then most players, since most know it's possible and apparently think it's downright easy for higher level summoners to solo the fights, with the exception of fenrir.
#10 Nov 16 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
As far as avatars go, hey, gives us an excuse to go run those dumb things...we've been talking about Fenrir for awhile, but we've been dragging our feet actually getting the whispers >< too many other things to do. We heard that Faust has been saying nasty things about us, how we never come visit, so we've been making it a point to murder him much to do! Furthermore, if nothing else, free 10k from those avatars!

Only had one request so far, a Beadeaux coffer key, which I'm pleased to report was handled within minutes! *is filled with feelings of pride at having quite possibly the awesomest group of folks to work with, mad, mad props to you all!* (sorry for the boast, just absolutely love these folks, and would do pretty much anything for any of them!) :D

Does make a good point though, but just about Fenrir. If you want help with the puppy, have to find someone else, as we haven't even gotten around to doing that yet XD. Other than that, s'all good.

Anyway, cheers :)

Edited, Tue Nov 16 12:15:09 2004 by Lalryn
#11 Nov 16 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Sorry side note:
Reli! NOW I know why you keep waving to me! HAHA hi there!

Sorry, back to original topic. You guys are awesome for doing this. I hope and pray that you get quality missions to go on and that it turns out to be a positive experiance for your ls. I might be hitting you guys up since I have a couple AF coffer keys that are just BEGGING to pop some chests. :)
#12 Nov 16 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Lal, while I'm not that high of a level (only 55), if your group ever needs a person to fill in for any of these things, just hit me up if it's something I can be of help to and not a hinderance.

But yeah, if you guys are willing to do avatar battles, expect to hear from me when I get a little higher and start attempting the whispers if I can't round up enough of my friends willing to go.
#13 Nov 16 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Thanks Tif! :) I'll keep it in mind.

The only problems I foresee with avatars will be finding folks who don't have the specific whispers...most of us have at least some of them saved up for the puppy. But hey, if we can, we'll help out as best we can - only thing I'd ask is that applicants for avatar help be at least lv65, so you're not just standing there while we do the work XD. We assist, we don't babysit. Other than that, hope to hear from more folks in the future. The members said they had a good time in Beadeaux, and one broke her latents for Savage Blade at the same time.

#14 Nov 16 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I don't blame you for putting a minimum level on helping with those battles. But it's definately nice to know that when the time comes, if I can't manage to get 5 others through my ls, I won't have to stand in Jueno and beg. <3
#15 Nov 16 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
Sounds like fun. I'm on the same nature as you guys, if you need help with something let me know, if I dont have anything going on I'll be more than happy to help out. Mostly I just get asked to kill AF mobs or coffer key hunts but its all good.

Im workin on fenrir presently. GOt all whispers but titan and guarda. If you guys feel like doing those I'm down.

Im currently looking for a lil assistance killing Ose for his assault jerkin and doing ZM 4.

Ive got a few people around level 67 that would help but it seems hard to get a full pt together to do either. I may send you guys a /tell to see what your schedule is.
#16 Nov 16 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
evil double post

Edited, Tue Nov 16 14:04:49 2004 by ballinsoldier
#17 Nov 16 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
One thing I've been wondering that hopefully Lalryn or someone else doing HNM stuff could answer is...

Would a Taru Pally have a place in endgame? I've been told by some that we wouldn't and by others if I had the skill and determination to get that high that we would. So just wondering what people doing HNM stuff think about that?

I've been wanting to level Pally again and am torn btwn doing it with my Taru or leveling my Elvaan more and doing it with him.
#18 Nov 16 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I've heard taru pld are like backline healers =P

I personally have only seen one taru PLD tank a hnm(simurgh; i could tank him. D:) so my opinion is based more off of "the squared opinion" than actual experince. I'd go with Elvaan because of the +VIT and higher HP.
#19 Nov 16 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
i think this is the most positive thing i have ever seen done on this server. /clap rate up.

Another thing...set pts? im sure some HNMers are looking to start low lvl sets. Just a thought.
#20 Nov 17 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Ok, some further clarification:

This is set up mostly to be a way for folks to get help with advancement stuff (AF, Missions, Limit Breaks, Avatars, etc).

I've received a bunch of requests for stuff like carby mitts...that's just not going to happen, and is unfair and borderline exploitive to ask for. The system is designed to assist folks who don't have tons of resources to suppliment their advancement through crucial spots in the game, not to try and get us to give you high powered "luxury" gear.

This especially goes for folks who view this as a way to get these kinds of items early and easily, w/o putting in the time and effort others go through to get them, or as a way to get around having to actually establish your own friendships and alliances to get what you want. We're not here to enable players to forget about self reliance...we're here as a hand to lift up those who truly need assistance. That said, we don't mind a NM camp now and then...just don't expect us to be your crutch.

(Note: If you want to request a NM camp, make sure you've got an accurate time of death in hand, just for courtesy's sake...we're a busy group. Thanks.)

Sorry if this post is a little harsh; I'm just disappointed that it only took 2 days to feel that some are looking to exploit our goodwill. To those of you who are asking us to help in accord with the spirit of the organization, feel free to continue doing so, and you will be assisted to the best of our abilities, and as much as time permits.

Take care, and good luck.
#21 Nov 17 2004 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Would a Taru Pally have a place in endgame?

Frankly, I love Taru PLDs. They don't have the VIT or HP of the other races, but if you're a skilled spellcaster able to time things out well, you can tank along with the best of them, and last longer on your own and generate more hate than the other races, thanks to your insane MP.

Being a Taru PLD in endgame, however, is a big challenge. I really wouldn't foresee a Taru tanking a god, unless he's completely decked out in koenig/kaiser, earth staff, defending ring, etc, and even then only if the En-spell has been dispelled. We just don't have enough HP to do it safely (of course a double attack + stomp + breath attack in rapid succession from Genbu will kill just about anyone). Other than that, I could easily see a Taru tanking any of the trigger NMs with tremendous success. It really, in my opinion, would deal more with your support than your race. If you've got a few good stunners to insure that your cures aren't always interrupted, and a good rdm and brd to keep your MP flowing, I wouldn't foresee a problem. I think folks just shy away from Taru PLDs because they see a Taru and immediately think "2 hits and he's dead", when this simply isn't the truth. I'd honestly like to see how a Taru 75PLD would fare against something like Mother if you do hit 75, and we're still in business, might snag you for an the name of science, of course ;)

Anyway, just my 2 cents.
#22 Nov 17 2004 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
396 posts
Sucks to hear that people are coming with these really insane requests. I hope that this does not make you drop this because it's really great of you to offer your help like this.

Just as Tiffie, I offer my help too whenever you're in need of an extra hand.
#23 Nov 17 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I dunno if I could actually level a Taru Pld knowing I wouldn't be able to tank the gods... Not much point in leveling all that way to not be able to do the crowning achievement of Paladindom. Heck, I'd be happy to tank it for two minutes and die... At least I could say I did it

I doubt that I will do it just cause I know how people think and would immediately discount the fact that I could do much either in a pt or in a HNM sence. As I've gotten the "You'll be useless" thing from the vast majority I've talked to, and while it would be great to show them otherwise, I'd have to find the few who would let me. Something I'll have to decide...
#24 Nov 18 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Just a *bump* trying to make sure the word gets out. Do us a favor and spread the word yourselves - I know a few social ls leaders have seen this; forward it to your members...just make sure they go about asking in the prescribed method, cuz I don't want 6.02x10^23 tells, and neither would Avogadro, were he still alive ><.

And Tdizzle, we're trying bud >< scheduling has been awful these past few days...we're barely getting our own quotas done. You're top on the list of requests, so keep bugging me!
#25 Nov 19 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
No Prob whenever you get a spare time slot let me know. I'm at your mercy for the demise of Ose. I'll keep pestering my friends in the meantime and maybe I'll convince them that Ose has been holding on to my Jerkin much too long.
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