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#1 Nov 12 2004 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Last night (Thursday night) I saw the same gilsellers farming the same goobbues in Zitah, while listening to reports of gilsellers camping NMs all over the place. After hearing that a gilseller was holding ownership of the morion worm to drive the AH price up on the tathlum, I lost my temper a bit. I called a GM immediately, even though everyone said they would just tell me there was nothing they can do about it and I would be banned if I called them more than once. I was contacted by a GM, who, after I told him how fed up I was, informed me that he plays FFXI on a different server and was also really irritated about the gilseller situation. His suggestion to me, which makes a whole lot of sense, was to bypass
the GMs. They don't hold the power in the game. He suggested we use the POL support system and get EVERYONE we know to send emails complaining about how the gilsellers ruin the game. Think of it as a petition. He said the POL support emails actually go to SE, whereas the GM calls end at the GMs. If we get enough people to send these emails, maybe they will take notice. PLEASE send an email, preferably one every day (even if it's just a copy of the same email each day) to let them know how much we hate these gilsellers. Things you can include in the email:

*Driving AH prices up so noone can afford the gear they need
*MPKing people with their pulls to ensure they can claim the NMs
*Holding ownership of NMs to keep others from getting the item
*Preventing other people from farming items to afford gear they will ACTUALLY USE
*Include any personal stories you can think of (hell, make one up, if you wish) on how these gilsellers ruin the game for you and your friends

You might even want to remind them that World of Warcraft is about to go gold, as well as mentioning the recent release of Everquest 2. If SE believes the gilsellers will cause them to lose more accounts than they are paying for, SE will be forced to do something. Afterall, MONEY is the problem for us, so let's show them that it could turn into THEIR problem, too!

The email support can be found after logging in to POL and selecting Final Fantasy XI. Go into "Service and Support", select Support, then "E-mail support". It will ask you what category you want the email classified as. I suggest putting it in as a "Problem report" to get it some much needed attention. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!
#2 Nov 12 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
I've had my share of dealing with gilsellers, its not so much the people who PLAY the game and sell gil that make me mad, its the ones who will camp the same thing 24/7 and will do anything they can to keep it that way for them.
I've noticed lsfallenangel and some other ls newb camping Goobues by Boyahde entrance for couple days 'straight', i'm sure if you do a /sea all ls, you'll see some the same 1-3 people still doing there.
Also, Logitech's gil seller LS that camps Amemit 24/7, I've known a couple people who used to farm Amemit as their only income, its now ruined.
Morion worm has also been claimed for a few hours so no one else has claimed, and I've noticed some person named 'Chinesegirl' that has been in Korroloka everytime i've searched and the last few times I've leveled jobs there.
Phantom worm isn't so often as camped, but once they roll in they like to MPK people who farm fairly and steal the worm if it goes gold, and they like to steal the Devil Manta from people who spend hours trying to fish it up for the drop.

Out of the people on Ragnarok logged in, I'm sure 5-10+% are gilsellers.

Make SE do something about these losers.
Complaint email sent.
#3 Nov 12 2004 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
Just because you are fighting for a good cause does not mean you can go about it in whatever manner you choose. Lieing about sitautions make us no more than what they are, fraudulent liars.
#4 Nov 13 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
Theres no lying going on here, this is all true. I am one of the people who are extremely fed up with the disgusting rise in prices, and I'm sure it's only gonna get worse if people don't do anything. In fact, if nothing is done, I'm leaving this game for Guild Wars. Hi Val by the way, its Etherea, once I gave V back her boots and hairpin, and went to buy my own, I saw the prices shot up twice as much as a month ago, made me quit THF altogether, now I'm doing SMN, and having fun, but if they don't fix this crap I'm leaving without looking back.
#5 Nov 13 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
I'm pretty sure Chinesgirl is a gil seller, she's ALWAYS either in Korroloka or Beadeaux. Also theres someone named Alife, a DRG always in Beadeaux, theres probably a huge amount of gil sellers on our server, like the Ls linkshell... Just wish SE would do something rather than sit there with their thumb up their bum.
#6 Nov 13 2004 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Well, I farm primarily in Upper Delkfutt's Tower, so I've come into contact with Joery, Nanalio, and Elvalva (all the same person I believe) many a time. Guess I'll just share a couple of stories.

I always claim Mimas before any of these poor saps can, it's not even fun anymore. One day last month, after killing Mimas, Nanalio sends me a tell: "you kill my mimas fack you". That was cool, I didn't care. A few seconds later, it's spammed onto my screen over and over and over and....over and over again. Joy. I called a GM and got Nanalio's *** thrown into prison for about 10 minutes while I assume he had a 1 on 1 chat with the GM.

Thinking back when I was first leveling PLD, I remember a friend of mine telling me of a Nanalio in the Toadstool cave at Ghelsba Outpost. He told me that Nanalio would always tell him "fack get out fack". Funny stuff.

Then just the other day on another adventure in Upper Delkbutt, Elvalva got his *** kicked by something and was near death, Joery sent me a tell asking for some cures. Had it been any one else, that would have been fine, I'd heal them up for sure. But since it was these gil selling *** hats, I replied "lmao no". Not more than a minute later, Joery started, I assume, insulting me in Chinese. Someone told me one of the words he said meant "dog". He said "Chenzen is chinaese" so I assume he was not only pissed about me not healing his other character, but also that I use the name of a Chinese hero as my character name. Bwahahaha. :D

Anyhoo, figured I'd share. o_o

Errr... I guess the moral of this story is that Nanalio calling Mimas his own really pissed me off. Otherwise I wouldn't have called a GM. It just shows the mindset of gil sellers, though. Sickening.

Edited, Sat Nov 13 01:47:22 2004 by MajorWood
#7 Nov 13 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Well now that logitech and crew have been raping amemit and started staying out of upper delk, there are those 3 or so gil sellers but there is also a new swarm of them appearing in middle and upper. Lvl 50/18 or lvl 50/17 people roaming around following people around. I got followed by one from lower delkfutt all the way to upper delkfut only for them to be about murdered by a jagd doll because they wanted the other one while I was killing mine. I'm about ready to just give up on any chance of the economy to get better really. 700k+ sniper's, 700k+ ochiudo's kote, etc etc. I farmed my *** off the entire summer for a haubergeon when I hit 59, the entire summer where I could've been leveling with friends and doing other fun stuff. Now I get to go back and farm up about the same amount of cash so I can be basically end game? ***** that, the only thing I'm willing to pay for at that price anymore is ochiudo's kote because they'd be a noticeable difference. Sniper's rings seriously didn't add much or any noticeable acc change so I don't see why I should have to buy them.
#8 Nov 13 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
The Hikes do Suck, But I'm just Leveling Cheaper Jobs Atm ^^ It will take some Rolled Bolders for me to get a Monster Signa, but hell, @ Least when I am Trying too while Farming, That's a nitch of % for 1 Non-Gil Seller to score :)
#9 Nov 13 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
I love FFXI, I really do, I play it tons. But, if it keeps going the way it is with all the gilsellers freely roaming around causing problems, ruining the market, and going against ToS with nothing being done, then the game will eventually just suck for all of us. Those who don't think gilsellers are a bad thing, then you have brain defects and need to see the doctor. If you're one to think "Who cares about a f*cking game, STFU", then you STFU and need not say anything, some of us actually love to spend our time on a video game.

SE just sent me a reply, I told them about a problem I had with a couple gil sellers.. their reply was a concern towards a technical matter which I didn't have, they have poor customer service and need to be shot. However, I won't give up hope and will continue to spam their email box til they are fed up as I hope many of you will . So what if it doesn't do anything, I'm still doing it.
#10 Nov 14 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Perhaps another option that could be taken and i will gladly be the one to see it through with everyones support.

If you want this to stop maybe the only option will be to hit Square Enix where it hurts, there wallet, we all know that part of the reason square enix does nothing is because with all the accounts that gil farmers possess they are making a fortune off of them

They feel that cancelling X amount of gil farmers accounts out weighs the amount of accounts that the average players will cancel. well maybe we have to put it a little more clearly for them,

My suggestion is send your Character names, server, and whether or not you will end up leaving vana diel because of this, at the bottom of this will be an email address, i will put all this information into a spread sheet and send it to them once a day, eventually they will have to do something

Also in your emails if you have any other suggestions please include them, i will gladly take any feedback i can get
#11 Nov 14 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
If gilsellers are not dealed with soon, then there really is not much to stick around for later.
I support your cause.

#13 Nov 16 2004 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I'd say the real solution to stop gil selling is to stop gil buying.
#14 Nov 17 2004 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
I'd say the real solution to stop gil selling is to stop gil buying.

Thats not really a solution... its just doing nothing about the gil selling issue. thats how i see it
#15 Nov 17 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
Actually Trichocyst is dead on.

To wit...

If no one was buying.....

There would be no one to sell to...thus the gil sellers go away since they have no market. No market = no income. No income = No interest and they leave.

The problem here is that its just like drug trafficing..there will ALWAYS be a market. And infact as with any market, if there are buyers, there will be sellers. if there are no buyers there won't be sellers. Its really simple.

Human nature, especially AMERICAN nature is to get what we want when we want it. And being what we are we want the BEST..or more specifically what we see as 'the best' so we find ways to get what we want, when we want it no matter what. Enter gil sellers...the see a market, people who want the best and don't want to they make it possible for them to have the desired instant gratification.. spend $20, get some leaping boots.....spend $100 get the peacock sitting around trying to steal the NM or farm for a month to get it.

Change that mindset and maybe you stand a chance of solving the 'problem'.

Adn if you think this is many credit cards (those over 17) do YOU have? Instant gratification is just a swipe away........
#16 Nov 18 2004 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
Well the main problem is theres a lot of buyers. How can you tell people to stop buying gil? These are the same people that have gamesharks and various other cheating devices. Of course these people are gonna buy gil cuz they cant be bothered to spend hours farming or camping NM's. To tell you the truth i almost can't either. I've camped the Valkurm Emporer maybe 10 times never once was i able to get grab it away from the million people that camp it.

It's really frustrating to make gil in this game and to date i still have not found a good reliable way to make constant gil by myself. I hope that i can get a good BCNM 40 sometime with the ranger that i am leveling now and hopefully i can pull out some good cash from it. Personally i have never bought gil nor do i ever plan on doing so. I refuse to contribute to the plague that is upon this game.

Basically it's something that won't ever be stopped because it's plain human nature to wanna have the best stuff. No one will wanna settle for less. Others know this and charge assloads for that "best stuff". These people also know they can sell that online currency for real money so they hog all the best money making drops 24/7. No one else is able to get this drop off of all the friggin ppl that are now camping these drop spots.

Personally i say just live without the best stuff then. If you can't afford those 2 sniper rings then fine so be it. I personally think it's the player behind character not the equipment he has. If you are excellent at doing your job then you are gonna get far in this game. So what if you can't afford these really un-neccesary(but really nice items) items it doesn't mean ur gonna automatically suck.

Take myself for instance. I personally dont have all the really expensive equipment that I would like to have as my paladin. Sure i'd love a dark staff, pigeon earrings, vermillion cloak. But theres no way ill ever be able to afford those. So what i do is find the best cheap alternatives. So you lose out on a little bit its not gonna be fatal or anything. So i have +6vit on my rings instead of +8. Does it hurt my gameplay?? not really. It all comes down to the player and thats my personal opionion.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 06:59:43 2004 by MuffHokage
#17 Nov 18 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
788 posts
Hey Val and Etherea! I think its a good start, Val. Unfortunately I don't think SE is overly concerned with the problem. Until they start to see a drastic decrease in customers, it probably doesn't bother them. After all, gil sellers continue to buy more and more accounts which means more money for SE. It really sucks for the honest players. ><
#18 Nov 19 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
Big ol' rate up for Muff.... (And I think we can all agree at least on the wording there!)

Glad to see that someone else 'gets it'. its human nature that people are trying to change here and its NEVER going to happen.

You have Four choices....

Farm Forever to get the items

Try to out pull the 24/7 campers

Accept that its the PLAYER not the million gil gear that makes the character

Suck it up and buy some gil

#19 Nov 19 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Grizzleox - The Big Lebowski is one of the best movies ever.
#20 Nov 19 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
788 posts
Queenie, I love you so much. ^^ The Big Lebowski is indeed one of the best movies ever and by far the best Coen Brothers movie ever! :)
#21 Jan 09 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Complaint email sent, very well said thread creator!
#22 Jan 09 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
78 posts
The ones that buy gil didnt have to camp for their items, thus havent felt the irritation and frustration of getting out of your bed for a pop and a gilseller is there... They don't understand cause they dont farm...

oh Rdmmeimei, Chinesegirl and some drg is always in Davoi camping for archers knife, though it seem useless now (havent checked lately) since price dropped from 40~k to 20~30k. And whatsoever they seem to be hella fast at voking... -.-' i camped it for several days and gave up and bought my archers abck then cause i just couldnt stand their faces no more..

^^ take care, oh and btw this is a pretty old thread but still gillsellers around -.- >.> move please -.-' lol
#23 Jan 09 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
heh when i told the gm all i see is people in gusgen standing by mining spawns, he told me that most people find it easier to just stand by one spawn rather then run all over but if i wanted him to check someone out he could. i told him that there were too many to check out they are at every spawn. he replied " well then they are probably a mining static party.

Smiley: disappointed

#24 Jan 15 2005 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
A static mining party? The GM honestly said that? Jeez. I don't know about everyone else, but I've never been in one of them anywhere, never mind Gusgen.

There are two potential answers to this conundrum.

1. The GMs aren't capable of working out that certain chars who are always at exactly the same mining point 24/7 and never move, even to defend themselves on the rare hilarious occasion they get aggroed, are bots.

2. They're well aware that these characters are bots but don't really care because whether it's ruining the game for honest players and breaking the ToS or not is irrelevant, as it's still money flowing into SE's already ample coffers.

Maybe I'm getting skeptical in my old age (21 next month), but I'm pretty sure which one my money's on.
#25 Jan 15 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
every time i go to gusgen, i see *pibont*, once in awhile hell change up his spot but he is there 24/7 and i have never seen him out of gusgen... /sea all pibont and i almost guarantee hes in gusgen. The GM basically told me that some sit at the same point because its easier but that he would investigate the player and that he could not disclose whether or not he was botting or not or some bs... Seems like gm's dont really have the power to do much.
#26 Jan 15 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Indeed. I mean, if I was a really evil person, I'd wait for Juggler Hetacomb to spawn, aggro it, run to the nearest gang of bots, Flash the NM and warp out of there, then Teleport Dem and get a chocobo back to Gusgen to see the chaos I'd caused, having /shouted to warn honest players to stay out of the particular area so no innocents were harmed in the process.

That's if I was evil of course.....

And I'm not for one second suggesting that anyone do that.

Not in the slightest.

Because that wouldn't be nice.
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