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Stupid/Funny death storiesFollow

#1 Nov 12 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
We all hate dying, but it happens, so why not make light of it some. I know we all have some really stupid ones. I have more then I can count actually, but the latest happened last night. Had it not gotten 2 others in my party killed (I'm still so so so so so sorry for that btw) it would have been more amusing to me. But as sorry as I am, I can't not laugh about it.

We were in the tree going to camp and since I'm aggro queen with crawlers, I decided I'd sneak myself. Being the lazy bum I am til we actually get going, I had my controller laying in my lap and I opened up the palette to cast sneak on myself just as my dog decides he wants attention. He put his head in my lap, hit the controller and casted silence on an onion, who immediately got a few of it's closest friends together to gang up on me. I tried to back away from the party and told them to let me die, hoping they wouldn't get hate, but, well, that didn't work out too well. Most made it to zone, 2 others didn't. :( The worst was trying to explain what happened to cause that little mess.
#2 Nov 12 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Interesting, my cat, who is normally antisocial, demands attention at the most inopportune times as well. She has been responsible for more deaths than I can count.
#3 Nov 12 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
It gets worse if I try to play on ps2 instead of pc. The other dog loves to stand in front of the tv and bark at me so I can't see what's going on. I've died a few times farming like that.
#4 Nov 12 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
Even counting last night's incident, I think I still hold the crown for the dumbest death in our linkshell.

We were going to fight the SAM AF2 NM in Labyrinth of Onzozo (the big bird, I forget its name). It didn't take us long to find out that six level 52s had about a zero chance of victory, so we started dropping one by one. I was the third one to die, but lucky me, I had Reraise on! But something was said in the chat window that I missed, and it looked important.... So in an ill-conceived effort to scroll the chat window back up, I end up accidentally Reraising myself. Perfect timing too, since I get to stand there like an idiot while the big bird pecks the last two members of our party to death.

So now while everyone's asking me what happened, here comes the big bad bird again. It walks up right in front of me and just stands there. I'm thinking to myself, "OK, maybe it doesn't see me, maybe it'll just ignore me and go on about it's business...." For about ten seconds I'm just frozen in place, didn't move, didn't cast, didn't type, nothing. Finally big bird breaks the tension with a casual little peck that sends me down to the floor in a crumpled heap once again. Two deaths for the price of one!

On a brighter note, I'd like to thank the WHM (forgot her name too) who not only came by and Raise II'd everyone, but helped us beat the bird the second time around as well.
#5 Nov 12 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
That reraise is always more trouble than it's worth it seems lol

Anyways, my stupid death happened when our white mage aggroed a water elemental in the crawler's nest. After exchanging a few blows with it, we knew victory would go to the elemental, but we had no blm to escape us, and the whm was low on mp, and being the leader, tells us to {run away} instead of healing for a bit longer.

So everyone flees except for me, I had stopped after they aggroed a soldier crawler, so I knew it was over.
As expected, everyone barely survives/dies and we are all talking about it for a few minutes, until I realize that I had hit the elemental a few times. The only thing I could think of besides running through the soldier train which was most likely coming back was to log out, so I do.

Everything's looking good until I cycle around and see [water elemental]

15 ~~
10 ~~~
5 seconds ~
then it finaly bonks me and I die.
If only I had another second... -_-
#6 Nov 12 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
Heh, I caused a funny death to what I think was someone's fishing bot on the ferry btw Selby and Mhaura. It was totally unintentional, btw ^^ The bot must've been a really low level and the only armor they had was the fishing clothes.

A seamonk had appeared and I decided to try my luck against it as a 30thf/15rng. It showed up next to where most of the people fish, on those stairs along the side. As it was about to die, it did one of those area attack moves it has and gave quite a few people damage and ended up killing the bot ^^ Checking the log, I saw it got hit for about 90 hp while everyone else had taken something around 30-40 damage ^^;;
#7 Nov 12 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Sek, yeah that was priceless. :D :D And let's not forget the Sea Horror death. When we were pirate hunting on the ferry and you made a sea horror joke and he spawned on you and me like an idiot tried to pull it off of you to save you and we both died.
#8 Nov 12 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Considering 2 members of my party have posted death stories I might as well make a post as well.

Tifa's and Sek's death = classic, they made me completely forget dying while taking a screenshot of Guivre.
#9 Nov 12 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
You do have some of the most comedic deaths.

Oh the night before last had another good one. Instead of using my warp scroll I had offered to show a party member the way out of Kuftal since they didn't have a map. On the way to the exit sneak started to wear at the worst possible spot and because of a wind elemental, I was unable to recast. I told the person which way to run and broke out my instant warp scroll hoping to get out of there as soon as possible. But those scrolls aren't so instant and as the animation was appearing a few crabs took a few hits and I showed up in Port Jueno dead with everyone asking what happened. :D
#10 Nov 12 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
i went over to a huge ram and /poked it when i was a nub XD

stupid bloodtear
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#11 Nov 12 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to give a quick /wave to OOSG, they are good people.

I have a story:

Another one involving Guivre... As a thief I was the puller in Kuftal, with my party residing in the large chamber where amemet spawns. Guivre came running down from the upper ramp but I was able to make it away before the ******* saw me. I inform my party and change camps to another side of the room so that Guivre's sight radius/walking path wouldn't interfere. So camp is all set, I go out to pull. I go the opposite way of Guivre, obviously, as he was trouncing around in the opposite tunnel. I go up one of the ramps to pull a crab. OF COURSE, just as I pull the crab, my party tells me Guivre is on his way back. I run back down the ramp after my pull, and sure enough I'm staring face to face with Guivre booking up the ramp. There was no way to avoid this aggro. I tried out Hide as I had heard Guivre was only sight-based, but I had already pulled the crab (which is sound based) which cancelled my Hide. So I pop on flee and make a run for the zone. My flee runs out right in the middle of a bunch of crabs (and I had already had 5 crabs aggro from earlier). Perfect Dodge! I'm trying everything I can, and time just seems to keep getting slower. Way before the zone, the crabs/Guivre/Ghost and whatever else pick my bones clean. Some BLM had to tractor me 7 times to get me to a safe area ^^. Fun stuff that Guivre. Number one goal at high level... get that brown bastid back.
#12 Nov 12 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Back before I knew what nm's were at a whopping level 4 or 5 blm, I ran into Spiney. Thought impossible to guage was a bug of some sort and attacked anyway. Umm, yeah, that was a quick trip back to Windy.
#13 Nov 12 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
oops laggy made me double post. Sorry bout that.

Edited, Fri Nov 12 15:54:03 2004 by Tiffie
#14 Nov 12 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
I logged on after taking some Nyqui, and Decided that Camping Deadly Dodo w/ my 42 Monk was a Pimp Idea. I Bought 2 Xpotions, and an Icarus Wing. I Blew my Wing, Potions, 2-Hr, and a Slew of TP Fury ;)

I Took ~ 30% off, Died, and a 74 Blm Finished the Job. 2000 Dmg Later, Dodo Took ****, and I got a Raise <3

Right before I Pulled the NM, I was warned by My LS about how much HP it had, But I still Decided to give it some Hurt. Fun / Stupid Death Moment :)
#15 Nov 12 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
lol..I was running through La theine one day with my lvl 31 whm at the time, saw a ram. I decided that I could take on this big beast easily, and was doing alright, but I realized that I had not lvl'd my staff any so I had no Weapon skill and I had run out of mp from healing myself and trying to nuke the hell out of it. Needless to say, I disengaged and ran for my little see a little taru screaming for help while running from a ram was funny indeed. I had my LS roleing on the floor. The sad thing was, I ran the wrong way from the zone >.>
Sadly, this time when Wiccy ran, Wiccy didnt live.....
lol I can say I have taken revenge on the evil ram and I now have a weapon skill on my staff^^
#16 Nov 12 2004 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
396 posts
I don't have that many funny death stories even though I die a lot. As a rdm that's almost a part of the job description. I always try to solo this or that just to see if I can and just assume I will survive because I have Chainspell + Warp if things go wrong. Then I forget I subbed thf...... Sometimes things really goes wrong even with blm sub though, like the time when I had the fantastic idea to solo some Anticans. The first ones were DC and pretty easy to beat so I found an EM to see if that was more of a challenge. Anyway, a short while into the battle it used some move...something-something wave. When stoneskin dropped and I tried to recast....didn't work. I had completely forgotten about Jamming Wave and that it silences you. A short run followed by a quick death later I hp'ed and bought some Echo Drops.

Also, basically everytime I've died from an NM I've been pretty sure I would die so I have none of these "oh **************** it hit me for <insane damage>"-moments.
#17 Nov 17 2004 at 1:40 AM Rating: Default
133 posts
Not really funny but a lot of fun:

My mule is a level 4 WHM Taru. I got really bored one day and decided to just kill my poor little mule as much as possible. I even turned it into a show in Bastok Markets.

/sh Come watch the amazing TaruTaru Midgetman die right before your eyes!
/sh The show will begin in one minute @ the fountain in Bastok Markets.

I actually had about 30 people that came to watch the first few times. After like 7 deaths I was starting to get people to pay me to watch me die. But there was a couple problems, 2 people were there and tried keeping me alive and the poison potion would not kill me fast enough (wasting a lot of my gil I might add). So I improvised... Venom Potions one drink and I was dead and this time with an added bonus, I de-leveled! I couldnt stop laughing, I immediately respawned, ran out to get my level back, and got it in like 2 kills. I ran through Bastok Mines, Port, and Market /shouting the same thing but added that I would de-level right before everyone's eyes in town.

It was a success! I had about 50 people that came to watch me. I lost about 15k gil doing it all, but it was worth it. I think I will do it again soon.
#18 Nov 17 2004 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
lol! ^^ hmm...stupidest (but not worst) moment: chocoboing back from jeuno to san'doria to level woodworking and this too weak wind elemental come floating by, wind being one of the primary crystals needed for synthing.

Cliche was poor.
Cliche was greedy.
Cliche got off her chocobo to Dia it...

...and realize she had 0 weaponry equipped. ;_; the pixie mace had been left back in her Moghouse for her moogle to wash the mob blood off of.

So there I was, doing a bad imitation of a monk and I got off one Banish I...until the elemental silenced me. So like a smart 3/4 dead mithra, I benedictioned, disengaged and ran my *** off ^^;;

.....except...(as if that wasn't bad enough) la theine is notorious for having ravines...and only ONE exit out of each one...which I could not find.

Too bad, so sad, staggered and died ^^;;

Edited, Wed Nov 17 05:13:51 2004 by Insertcliche
#19 Nov 17 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Elementals can be very humbling even in the too weak stage if you aren't prepared.

I remember when I first started hunting them on my summoner. To survive I'd have to do some of the the stupidest things and it could take me up to 20 minutes to kill one. :D I would summon an avatar, make it attack, do a blood pact, then run like crazy to the other side of the zone. Wait for me to run out of mp or for the avatar to die, rest and resummon when the thing got in site. Fortunately, these things move slow and you can get a decent amount of mp back, but unfortunately, at lower levels, it can often require 2 or 3 trips across the zone. But yeah, after a death or two with my method, I learned to make sure where I waited was by a zone line. :D Even the best laid plans can get someone killed. ;)
#20 Nov 17 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I got one that i think is ok. i was a lvl 30 blm/wht and i needed to do blind moby for a quest. Its lvl 25 so i said what the hey a few thunders a few blizards no prob. so i get into the mines and i start the path and then when im in the home stretch a bandersnack pops im like o crap cuz i check it and its a T. if anyone has not been a mage before let me tell u now MAGES CAN NOT TAKE T's so i try it and it kills me. but i had instant reraise on so i let everything go away then raise myself. i heal myself quickly so the ghouls dont attack and find a nice corner of the room blind moby is to hide and wait for weekness to wear off. well it wore off and i didnt have any mp to cure myself and just then to add to my pleasure the sirens go off and of course the smiking smit or whatever appears and argos me. i run and because im not healed everything starts argoing me. i made one key mistake i ran the wrong way instead of runing left to the zone i ran right deeper in the cave and right into about 3 more bandersnatches and 6 ghouls so needless to say i died. this was the second time i died AND i dlvled bringing me to 29 wich really sukked cuz me and my friend were going to do the pld quest together that afternoon. XD >.<
#21 Nov 17 2004 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I now hunt those nm's for revenge. I was doing the upgrade sword quest on dark and went in for the final part. A friend of mine was with me, but was low on mp from the whole sneak casting and fighting ghouls for someone else's skull. So when we get to the spot, there is that ghost just sitting in the pond. Well it aggrod, and the whm bolts to zone cause he doesn't have the mp to fight him. I figure, now is my chance and I go complete the quest and start heading out to zone and end up getting pummeled by him on his way back home. I kind of felt bad for who was getting the skull though. They got killed during all of this because as the whm was zoning one of the ghosts, someone else was zoning another.
#22 Nov 17 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
458 posts
Since I have only had to use flee once in an actual attempt to flee from smoething, I haven't really been clear on how it works. I got invited to a party in Kuftal the other night and even though I was geared up to go fishing I figured "what the heck, why not?" I've only been there once before, and didn't remember where it was, just that we didn't stay long. Well, foolish me, I changed equips, made sure to remember my mithkabobs, forgot my silent oil. Rats. Party met in Jeuno, and when we left, I realized we had no whm or blm so I had no way of getting back home. Double rats.
The party was... interesting, but fun. The other party next to us was totally cool with us being RIGHT ON TOP of them. But sadly, it didn't last more than a couple of hours. The people who remembered their scrolls of warp took off, leaving the rest of us to figure out how to get back. I ran into a couple parties and not a single one had a blm to warp me out. I stepped outside and asked people there. No warp. I checked my map. Rabao isn't too far, I can just flee over there! So I hit my flee macro and off I went. Suddenly my screen starts shaking like a massive earthquake and right when flee wears off, all I see is:
"QueeniexB is hit for 84 points of damage."
"QueeniexB is hit for 156 points of damage."
The Desert Manticore scores a critical hit!
"QueeniexB is hit for 240 points of damage."
"QueeniexB is hit for 90 points of damage."
"QueeniexB is hit for 153 points of damage."
"QueeniexB is hit for 164 points of damage."
"QueeniexB is hit for 143 points of damage."
"QueeniexB is defeated by the Desert Manticore."
"Return to Home Point?"
You bet your sweet *** I returned to my Home Point, I didn't want any witnesses to my Manticore train.
Lessons learned that night:
*You do not need a whm OR a blm to kill robber crabs at levels 52-53.
*Don't forget to bring your own sneak and invis if you don't know where you are going.
*Bring a scroll of warp in case there's no whm or blm (this was a new thing for me).
*Don't guess you can find your own way back without a map.
*Wait for someone who can warp you home.
*Flee still aggroes everything you run past (This was my fatal error in judgement.).
*You cannot outflee 3 Desert Manticores.

Needless to say, I came away that night with about 600 more xp than when I arrived, but at least my party was nice enough to let me lot on the coffer key for my AF. Thank you party!
#23 Nov 17 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Almost everyone 52+ knows of this guy or had a run-in with him in Kuftal...
To start out, I was having a pretty good day. Had hit lvl 57 in a pickup pt, had made some gil that day, and was on my way to Terrigan to fight some crabs.
Things seemed normal once I zoned into kuftal. I throw up a sneak oil and head down the tunnel. I run past the area with the Haunts, and just hit the area right before you go down to where people fight Robber Crabs.
I cross where the tunnel splits off to the left and goes down into where the sabotenders dwell. BAM! I get hit by something and sneak wears. There's no crabs around me.. I turn around and I see Guivre for the first time. That sucker snuck up behind me through the left tunnel as I was running and pounded me like I was a prison inmate :'(

3 hits... and this: SUPRISE PUNK!
#24 Nov 17 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Sorry Queenie. XD We've fixed the party set up since then, we just need a RDM now... (52-53 :P)

Edited, Wed Nov 17 12:28:42 2004 by Raveneo
#25 Nov 17 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
No worries Rave, I still had fun. Anytime you want to party, just let me know. And throw me a quick reminder to come prepared next time. ^.~
#26 Nov 17 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
got another one. ^^

We all remember valkurm, the veritable graveyard of n00bs, semi-n00bies, and pissed off dead experienced players that cuss out the n00bs. You know, valkurm, where the motto is either "Can I have a raise PLEASE!?" or "GODDAMN <insert expletive> N00BS!"

Yes, in my first venture into the land of the dead as a lvl 11 whm, I was pleased because as soon as I got on the BOAT, I had already recieved three party invites so I think, "This can't be so bad..."

Before I get there, I've already died because of a fun-filled tango with pirates (I swear, as a low level whm, they were on EVERY damn ship I took!) so I get raised by a kindly wandering black mage (yes it WAS a blm -.- I'm not going insane!) and went out to party!


...NOT so good....

The party leader was pretty experienced but the puller was not. When you hear "Does anyone need a magic skull here?" from your puller when you've just barely hit lvl 12, you know that's a bad thing. Especially when your level 70 blm brother (well, he was about 63 at the time...) had said to you before you had ever entered valkurm, "Now Cliche...ghouls are bad. Very bad. So are bogies. Stay away from them. I'll get your items for you...don't touch the undead. They're evil and bad and will kill you dead in one shot."

But I, naive fool that I am, think that everyone has recieved previous warning of the evil undead, and say to myself "He [the puller] couldn't possibly...he WOULDN'T...."

And there runs our puller who had not only tried to make happy with a ghoul, but an aggroed gobby. Promptly, our party leader says "Run."

So this little mithra tossed off a cure in the puller's direction, tucked her tail between her legs, and ran as if all of Hell's Angels were after her, which, for all intents and purposes they were.

So I'm nearing the gate, only in the yellow HP, thinking "Ok. Not so bad...I'm going to make it." and as soon as I enter the gates....

5 gobbies turned around and I swear to the heavens, they GRINNED at me. You could almost see one of them sharpen his KNIFE -_-.

I actually did make it to zone point, but only to stagger, let out a resigned "ugh..." and fall dead at the feet of a high level RDM in AF in mhaura. It experience. ^^;
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