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Am I the only one not happy with prices?Follow

#1 Oct 25 2004 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I mean look at the haubergeon and sniper rings.
Haubergeon used to be: 1 million gil
Haubergeon now is going: 1.75-1.8 million gil

Sniper's Ring used to be: 360,000
Now they are going for: 630,000

I know items must be farmed so people can craft them, but what is the deal with the prices just going higher and higher. My accuracy is good now that I was able to get a haubergeon for a good price before the recent jump in prices, but I was kinda looking at getting sniper's rings just to make people happy since I have good accuracy now and doubt 5 accuracy is gonna boost me more than 1% better hit percent.

I'm not gonna point fingers at why this is all happening because I don't want to put all the blame on the usual suspects and I'm completely surprised that people are actually willing to buy some of the stuff at such a high price -_-. I know I won't be buying a sniper's ring off the auction house unless I actually am able to farm up an archer's ring to counter balance the deep bite into my pocket.

The game was not meant to have items just handed to me, I know this but when I have to farm 620k for ochiudo's kote, 1.2 million for a pair of sniper's rings, and other items that people tend to expect me to have even though some aren't truely needed, I don't think I should have to farm for the next 6 months or so just to be able to buy the stuff. And yes I could try camping the nm or rare spawns for the items, but i seriously don't have that much time and sanity to spare to stare at a screen while I have 30 other projects for my classes to handle.

I don't know, I'm jsut wondering if anyone else has truely noticed how much our prices are jumping in a relatively short amount of time. The prices I quoted were before and during summer.
#2 Oct 25 2004 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
3,564 posts
It's hard to deal with indeed when the things you want to sell drop in price, yet the things you want to buy keep raising. Unfortunately there isn't really anything that you can do about it. We control the supply and we control the demand. As long as people keep paying for the inflated prices others will keep selling at those prices. Just farm, bid low, and pray.
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

Naiyah | B.Elf | 85 Rogue | Stormscale
Doubleday | B.Elf | 85 Paladin | Stormscale

#3 Oct 25 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
That's all I ever do any more lol. Bid in hopes of getting something for atleast a reasonable price. Just getting frustrated that I see stuff just going higher and higher in price while the money I bring in is becoming more and more worthless. Took me 4 months of laid back farming in between projects to get teh cash for a haubergeon...I just don't feel like spending every minute in game doing that damn boring and i get left behind in levels compared to my friends.

Damn you college and your tons of projects that serve no purpose -_-.
#4 Oct 25 2004 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
312 posts
The biggest problem your seeing with the more popular items like Sniper Rings is from the same people (mostly gilsellsers) camping the drops such as archers rings, archer knives, etc.

If one person/group of people is controlling the supply of the item, they can slowly creep up the price and people will buy because they need it for their job
#5 Oct 25 2004 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
Just to play devil's advocate...

If the prices of these things were to drop, how many people would we hear "Damn gil sellers and noobs are undercutting prices! How can I make any money now?" from?

That said, I hate inflated prices too. ^_^;
#6 Oct 25 2004 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
A few ppl and myself in a party I was in yesterday were talking about how the price of certain things had dropped big time and others had gone up. The WHM and myself were talking about how unhappy we were that some of our items were not selling and that the price on them had been undercutted big time.
#7 Oct 25 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I just went from the need to want mentality of a lot of my high priced items. I found alternate items to use in most cases or decided to wait out the inflated prices on others.

Case in point, I went with electrum rings instead of astrals. This saved me a lot of gil. Sure, I had to wait until level 40 to use them, but with food and other equipment, I was able to boost my mp at lower levels just fine.

Elemental staves go all over the place in price. I was able to get my dark and light for right around 100k and my ice for 39k. The others I would love to have, but I'll buy them as they hit their low points. I am a 51 summoner and I still don't have the austere set. I bought the hat since that is the last af piece I'll get and I'll buy them backwards. I won't need the gloves since I was lucky enough to get carby mitts. I know in some cases the austere robe is much better then my af, but in the long run, I can still do my job just as effectively with my af until I can either afford the austere robe or it drops in price. Sorry, just can't afford 450k+.

Another thing we do is loan equipment between linkshell members. If I'm not leveling a mage job, I'll be the first to loan my rings. Someone in the ls loaned me their astrals until I could afford to get mine and someone else let me try out their light staff so I could have fun with free carby. We just sort of pass the stuff around when we aren't using it to help offset the costs of our jobs, especially if someone is leveling a job as their sub.

I will never turn someone down in my party for not having the best equipment. It's expensive and if they are a good player, the equipment isn't going to make enough of a difference anyway. Sure, it's nice when you get a good player with that equipment, but honestly, I can't expect someone to have the best when I can't afford the best for my job.
#8 Oct 25 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Yeah, prices are currently going crazy. Leaping boots from 260-330+k now. Astrals at 200k, and monster signa down to 150k I think it was, but I was at least 100k cheaper than the 300k+ it used to be. I guess I'll get my signa afterall, which makes me happy ^_^
#9 Oct 25 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
I won't need the gloves since I was lucky enough to get carby mitts.

I know about a dozen summoners who ust decided to hate you for life Tif.

But on a serious note....

I LOVE overpaying for things. It's why I own 5 Porsches, a case of Napolean Brandy and six race horses. Becaues I just love throwing money around. Call me cooky..but that's ust me.

Say..anyone know where I can find a website that sells US dollars? I need some.....

Edited, Mon Oct 25 15:52:19 2004 by airamis
#10 Oct 25 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
air, I had a very, very good friend and super sweet girl and some of her friends (one who has since become one of my favorite people in the game for other reasons) take me for my birthday. I hope when I hit 75, I'll be able to do the same for others.

But that's just it, if you work with your friends, you can usually find a way around the over pricing. That's just an extreme case.
#11 Oct 25 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
Hmmm for my last Birthday my other have took me to a hockey game and sprung for glass seats right on the ice. Not sure which one of us got the better deal :)

Now I'm sad.... no Hockey :(
#12 Oct 25 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
I'm guessing that the prices are just normal. I am a ranger after all and I kinda expected the prices to be a litttle over the top lol.
I'm really dreading level 55 and beyond though,because that 7 million gil eurytos bow will be begging for a new owner from the AH window... -_-
#13 Oct 25 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Ignore my pricing on the signa. But I know it's cheaper than is used to be. Which makes me a happy Bard ^^
#14 Oct 25 2004 at 8:46 PM Rating: Excellent
311 posts
don't you remember when scorpion harness used to be 3.4 million?
I saved up to 1 million then the price decides to jump up to 5 million.
I save up to 2 million then the price decides to jump up to 6 million.

#15 Oct 25 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
besides Snipers ive noticed an increase of Leaping Boot/Emporer Hairpin Prices. Back (like 3months) they were both in the 200k range. Now both are hovering around 320k. Outrageous. AH is my least favorite thing about the game since people play it to their advantages and take greed over consideration.
#16 Oct 25 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
It's not that people are willing to pay the prices-- They just have no choice. If no one will party with you because you lack a piece that is 200k+ overpriced, they won't care. You're expected to have it.

It's a hard life, and I learned the lesson the hard way. Just keep pushing, keep farming, keep crafting, grit your teeth and bare it. There's nothing that can be done. Just pray for a miricle.
#17 Oct 26 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
But that's where we need to make the change. Having people accept people in their party for not having the overpriced equipment. Quite frankly, my equipment is crap. I'm still mainly on rse at 52 as I make the switch over to AF. The only thing nice I have is my 3 staves. And nobody has not invited me because of that. We all have to make the decision at a point in time where we want to spend our gil. There is so much to get and not enough of time to farm. I say let's stop demanding people have the best so they don't feel they have to pay the over inflated prices, and I have a feeling that the prices will start to drop.
#18 Oct 26 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
So true Tiff, but we are humans, and we strive to be the best.
That's what brings the game down to me.
#19 Oct 27 2004 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
But being the best doesn't mean having the best equipment. I'd much rather play with someone who knows how to do their job and only has passable equipment then someone who doesn't know what they are doing and has the best, which I've run into quite a bit.
#20 Oct 27 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
8,747 posts
Tiffie wrote:
But that's where we need to make the change. Having people accept people in their party for not having the overpriced equipment. Quite frankly, my equipment is crap. I'm still mainly on rse at 52 as I make the switch over to AF. The only thing nice I have is my 3 staves. And nobody has not invited me because of that. We all have to make the decision at a point in time where we want to spend our gil. There is so much to get and not enough of time to farm. I say let's stop demanding people have the best so they don't feel they have to pay the over inflated prices, and I have a feeling that the prices will start to drop.

You're also a summoner thought right Tif? I think I partied with you at one point... get to my point.

Having crap equip with different jobs can have different results.
- A dark without sniper rings no one invites. "I'm sorry, you're gimped and won't be able to hit."
- A blm without all the elemental staves? Who cares as long as it can MB. "Do you have freeze?" "Yes." "ok!"
- A bard without anything? "OMG WTF WE HAV BRD LOLZ UR MOM!!!! WOOT!" "I have no clothes" "We don't care!"

Being "gimped" as a melee is much more disastrous than being "gimped" as a mage. I've played both classes and thats just the way it is, sadly.

Back to the OT:

It does suck that the prices are getting out of hand. I remember back in the day when I first was leveling monk Ochiudo's Kote were like 300k. Now they're around 650k. Its horrible. Granted...I made money off selling them...but still! I don't know what the cause is...gil sellers? Maybe, but us regular folks are jacking up prices too.

I mean, as I said I sold something I bought for 300k for twice that. I don't sell gil. But I'm not going to put something up at the AH for 300k LESS than its "worth" atm.
#21 Oct 27 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
458 posts
How often has this happened to you...?

Standing at AH: "Let's see.... my next weapon is 130K. Ok, I'm going to go farm 130K worth of stuff, and when I get back you are MINE!"
One week later...
Back at AH: "Woohoo! Got my 130K, time for that weapon. Wait... what the? OMG it's 150K. Crap, now to farm another 20K."
Day or two later...
Back at the AH: "Please drop in price... PLEASE drop in price... OMG. None in stock and history is at 180K. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Yeah it sucks. But what can ya do? If there are only a couple in stock and the price has been jacked up that high, you have nobody to blame but the idiots who actually paid the price. If you just wait a day or two, the weapon will get sent back to their mog and they will come check pricing and see why it didn't sell. Then maybe you only end up overpaying by 10K instead of 50K like I did. These days, I would accept a party member's excuse of "I'm waiting for the price to drop" for not having a current piece of equipment. (As long as they aren't constantly using the excuse for everything.)
#22 Oct 27 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
I know how that is all to well Queenie... I've been waiting forever to buy onikiri, and the last selling price was 170k... i bid up to 200k and still didnt get it. I said ***** it and someone bought it the next day for 200k. whoever was selling it dropped the price.. and now there's none in stock /cry

But yeah, I will have it soon enough!!!
#23 Oct 27 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Yes, smn is my main job these days. For awhile, trying to get money for decent equipment for my smn, I didn't have the gil to lvl my whm for a sub and actually used blm for the longest time because my set was cool with it. I was able to get away with that for awhile, but now where we are fighting, I just can't. And I've decided not having the best of everything is fine as long as I can do my job the way I need to.

If someone says they can't afford something, I am understanding to it. As long as the necessities are up to date (most used spells, decent weapons, good armor for tanking), I will not ever even bring up a person's equipment.

I now have a rule, if it's not something I can use until 75 and it's a jacked up price, I'm not going to buy it. Probably a bad one, but I can't see going broke for 10 levels, unless if I know I can get my money back. And if in those 10 levels something that I can use until 75 is going to become available, I tend to just wait it out and use the gil towards things that will help me more in the long run then the short.

I understand most of the over inflated prices are on long run equipment. But if we weren't so stuck up to people having it, then they wouldn't be forced to pay the over inflated prices, and then maybe the prices would drop to where they could afford it. Then everyone wins. And if you constantly play with the same people, it doesn't hurt to help them aquire the gil by group farming or bcnms or garrisons and split profits from sales so everyone can get the best.
#24 Nov 13 2004 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Maaaaan, I had my eye on the Admiral's Shield for awhile. I thought to myself, "250-300k?(I believe) No prob! :D" So off I go on my merry lil way farming away in Upper Delkbutt. After some much needed gil infusing from Bastok rank 7 to 9 missions, and a bit of farming, I return to the AH window with 310k to my name.

One in stock.

You were not able to buy the Admiral's Shield for 300,000 G.

Hmmmmm ok.

You were not able to buy the Admiral's Shield for 301,000 G.


You were not able to buy the Admiral's Shield for 305,000 G.


You were not able to buy the Admiral's shield for 310,000 G.

So off I go to Upper Delkbutt for another couple days. I get some nice hauls and after all the dust settles and everything's sold I'm at 410k. w00t! I can get my damn dirty HQ shield!

*browses AH....*


The last Admiral's Shield was sold the day before, for 350,000 G. Being 17k to Lv69, I opted to buy the General's Shield (88k, not too shabby), and it was a good choice. There hasn't been an Admiral's Shield in stock since and I'm now just aboot Lv70. Saving up for my Ocean Sash, now. I need another 63k before I have 450,000 G, which was the last selling price I believe.

Anyway, that's my lil price story.

On a side note, Acid is teh h00r I says! TEH h00r!!!!!111one
#25 Nov 13 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
figured I'd just update the price a little:
sniper's are 700-800k now lol
haub has dropped a little

I don't really care who is making the prices go up but it kinda makes me wonder why people are still willing to pay the price they are for the rings. The only thing I can think of is that people make such a big freaking deal about it that they think it's a 100% necessity rather than a luxury. That or they want to be the most elite person on the server. I'm saving up for an ochiudo's kote before I pay for a sniper ring...both about the same price...I'd like to try getting the kote myself from the nm but I've tried camping it and I can never seem to outpull anyone.

Someone in linkshell said about the only way to fix the inflation of prices would be if something happened like a mass duping of items or something. And it's looking like that's basically the only way it'd happen, and it'd probably ruin the game for quite a few people too.

*looks to majorwood* numero uno ugly hume!
#26 Nov 15 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
So why don't we try to find a way to get similar effects off of these high priced items with other items and maybe food. I mean I'll let a drk into my party without the sniper rings and have partied with plenty who didn't have them and could still hit. They just made up for the lack of those rings with other things. Sure, it wasn't as good, but it was good enough to get the job done.
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