With the recent changing of the HNM schedule, it's been pointed out that DynamisCatAttack will more than likely no longer be holding Dynamis events.. That leaves ONE english speaking Dynamis LS on the entire server..
One LS that is not taking mebmers. At all, so myself and others have been informed by it's leader.
What am I to do? What are the countless others who are now left in the dust to do? Make our own LS? IT would be unwise to start our own, mainly because we're all blind to dynamis, and aside from onlin guides, have nothing to go by..
One million gil is a lot to waste to go into Dynamis Blind, with 64 people that most likely have never gone, don't you think?
Case in point: SOmething must be done.
What to do: We have options... Sure, we COULD start a blind linkshell, but who would ACTUALLY join that? Is anyone really that stupid?
We could also seek out people who HAVE GOOD experience with Dynamis, with leading dynamis events, or are confident that they CAN lead dynamis events, and have THEM head a new linkshell..
Of course, if someone were willing to do this, I would gladly put up the gil for the linkshell, and aid in finding new members, to their liking of course...
But other than that, are there any other suggestions? Or should I take the last option: Wait for that ONE linkshell to have an opening, so I can push and shove my way in? [Not that they're altogether all gung-ho about taking a dragoon.]
Either way, I'm willing to listen to these suggestions, I don't very well want to sit on my thumb, after all :D