wow... i just clicked clear form... >.<
so yeah, anyways, i feel ur pain i have two stories so bare with me ^^
lst story, i was heading to fort ghelshba and i saw a lvl 25war/mnk fighting random orcs, i figure he was doing the kazham key quest, so being the nice guy that i am, i offered to help him, in which he replied. "I'm going to get a Key too!"
i should have just said ok and walked away, but no.. i thought i'd rephrase my sentence. so after that i lead him to where the mobs that drop the key spawn, we got the drop after 4 kills, and then we said or goodbyes, err rather i said goodbye and thought he did to, then i went afk. i came back and he had been poking me saying what are u doing, i asked "do u need help getting out", he said his friends where coming. (at this pointed i hadn't realized that a.) he was lost, and b.) i was going to help his friends get keys *a lvl 25war/mnk and a lvl 35whm/blm*) so i realized what he wanted, and i said i'd help them. we traveled to the elevator in fort ghelshba, where we found them... *sigh* running around in a circle with about 20-30 orcs&tanx following them, so i started attacking what i could (only i was a 32drk/10nin, without poisonaga, i like to farm with two swords, it's fun don't ask..)then they jumped on the elevator, and went down then came back up but left some mobs down stairs, those mobs trained about 15-25 more orcs... i was like "this isn't happening to me..." so we killed them, and lived to talk aboutit. so i forgot i was with 3 chinese players, i jokingly said "any more mobs coming?" the guy said ok... i didnt understand that, but i didn't pay any attention to it. the the whm ran off... and 2 secs later the girl war ran off.. (different ways)the girl war trained another group of 25-30 orcs, and then died.. and i dunno where the whm went... anyways to cut it short i got them a key then spent 20mins trying to explain to them that they could only carry one key per person, then i got stuck on the elevator, (some one kept pulling the lever...) i wanted to die... *takes a deep breathe*
ok then the NM bots... i hate them, but here's what u do, (first off on our server darkwarrior, and darksword are bots. i'd watch them voke everything that spawned... they were working together, i think it was someone with two comps.) any was voke some weak mob in the area, (this works against war's voke and mnk's chi blast very well) if u can handle a strong mob that would be better.. anyways when it's close to the time the mob spawns, walk in front of the ppl boting.. and call for help lol they all voke and attack it, and if their using chi blast they have to wait 5min (i think) before they can recast it. just something fun to do to the bot ppl ^^
yay done