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Falling Skies S4Follow

#1 Jun 23 2014 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
That started up yesterday. I didn't really know until my DVR started recording it.

Remember how the humans used to walk for weeks on end down the road and the aliens hunting them magically never attacked them? Well, that changed this season. Only took 4 seasons for the aliens to learn they can attack humans when they are running away!

Anyway, evil aliens have moved away from trying to kill everyone and implant children with biological devices to turn them into monsters, and have started spreading propaganda and brainwashing children. Human/Alien hybrid daughter is a weird cult leader now and still growing up very quickly.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#2 Jun 23 2014 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Honestly, my issue isn't necessarily with this seasons story line (at least what it looks like it's going to be), but with the fact that they wrote themselves into a corner with regard to the alien actions last season, and now "poof!" it's just gone. Last season, the bad guys were literally building a system to exterminate all the humans on the planet. What changed? If the good aliens left, giving them sufficient control on Earth to do what they're doing, then why bother doing it? It's kinda hard to imagine that a galaxy spanning alien race is this disorganized in its planning.

Basically, the aliens choices look like they have nothing to do with any sort of logic or reason and everything to do with what "cool idea" some writer came up with absent any consideration of how that fits with the cool idea they ran with before this one came along. And that's exactly the kind of poor writing that ruins sci-fi IMO. Maybe they'll come up with some kind of rational explanation, but I'm not holding my breath on how believable it'll be. I suppose it's possible that they've decided that Lexi represents something important enough to save humanity for? Dunno. But then that means that the events of the last season were really kind of meaningless since the aliens knew about her the whole time (well, about half the season anyway, if we assume her hybrid nature was an actual accident and not planned all along). So why'd they continue trying to wipe out all the humans? Again, I'm kinda left with the only thing that changed was that this is a new season and the writers came up with a new story arc and didn't really care if it made sense. It's like "Ok. Last season, the big threat was a giant series of energy beams that would wipe out all humanity. How about this season the aliens decide to put the adults in ghettos while the children are put in re-education camps? We'll even make them wear uniforms that ensure the audience can't miss the **** reference. This will be so cool!".

And that's not counting the introduction of the sci-fi series killer (the "star child"). I'm not holding out much hope for the series lasting past this season. Never know though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#3 Jun 26 2014 at 5:55 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
You remembered more than me. Every season, it takes me 2-3 episodes to figure out what's going on because they never seem to start where they leave off the season before. And the impression I'm getting for this season is that it's going to be a lot about Creepy Asian Hybrid Baby, which is now a blonde teenager in just 4 months.
#4 Jul 07 2014 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Well. Last nights episode confirmed that Lexi's "condition" was intentional. Which still leaves us with the question of why they proceeded with the original plot. I suppose you could consider this a contingency or something, but that's a lot of planning for failure going on there IMO. At least they're not going full bore with the whole "magic child saves the day" bit. Well, at least not yet.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#5 Jul 07 2014 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I don't know if you saw the preview for the next episode, but looks like Weaver's daughter is a skitter now? And she's following the group (or specifically, him). Looks like she might be one of the better skitter warriors they were making from the adults. So much for them being superior and less prone to rebelling.

And so much for the aliens being smarter with the start of the season. They finally attack and fence in the rebelling humans with their airships. Multiple fences, all over the country. Humans cut the power line to the fence. Aliens: "@#%^, they shut off one of our fences... now what do we do?"

I think Lexi's a fake savior designed by the aliens as means to control the rebels that will go rogue and become a true savior a la Matrix.

Edited, Jul 7th 2014 9:59pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#6 Jul 07 2014 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
TirithRR wrote:
So much for the aliens being smarter with the start of the season. They finally attack and fence in the rebelling humans with their airships. Multiple fences, all over the country. Humans cut the power line to the fence. Aliens: "@#%^, they shut off one of our fences... now what do we do?"

I enjoyed the "break out" sequence. Good clean fun storytelling, with the requisite bits (Old man falls behind and is killed. Selfish guy rises to the occasion to save the day. Yadda yadda). But at the end of it all, I was like "Wait a minute! That's all they had to do?". Um... Couldn't anyone have just blown up the damn tether at any point? I get the whole "need a distraction to climb over the fence in the magic suit" bit. But... isn't that a terrible security method? You're rounding up people who have been part of an armed resistance movement for years now. You know there's no way to catch everyone. In fact, your whole system assumes that some will remain free and cause trouble (that is presumably the whole point of the re-education camps for the kids). This is a worldwide system of ghettos. Are you seriously suggesting it never occurred to a single person who was outside the ghetto to just blow up the tether so that those inside could escape? Hell. The alien guy was right outside the damn fence talking to Mason. He's like "sorry, can't help you". All they needed him to do was shoot the tether with one of his energy weapons at say midnight tomorrow and the exact same escape plan would have worked. Except without the need to do things like lure all the skitters away, or the drama of someone having to climb over the fence, or... Oh yeah. Drama for drama's sake.


I mean, you didn't even need a friendly alien to help out. Any random group of people with some explosives (like say all those people who weren't caught initially) could have done it. I get that they needed to do a whole sequence of "stuck in a ghetto" for some reason, but this was just weak writing. There are any number of better obstacles to put in their path than what they came up with. I swear that writers are just getting dumber and dumber.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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