lolgaxe wrote:
I don't think Skye and Flower related in a family sense. For one their names are too stupidly obvious for it. I really don't want it to be stupid obvious like that.
Um... Her name is Raina, not Flower. She just likes to wear dresses with flowers on them. Of course, that makes the names technically even closer (RAINa and SKYe). Hmm...
I dismiss the low flying plane to comic/action movie logic, because if I didn't then I'd have to question why a spy plane from the super spy organization that was hand picked by Nick Fury, the ultra super spy, could be tracked by radar in the first place. Then blood would pour out of my nose, ears, and eyes and I'd probably be hospitalized for the aneurism that line of thought would assuredly cause.
And yet, both planes were shown flying super low over water in the episode. Might want to stock up on cotton balls to soak up all the blood.