Since it seems the thread has a nice "What anime you first watched" conversation going as well as the main one, I'll respond to that first: I watched some Robotech on VHS when I was a kid, but I remember none of it.
As for the lists in the OP, while I can't speak to the first list, the second list seems a bit off to me.
10 anime you probably ought to have watched because they had a large impact on US anime fandom.
I mean, how many of those shows have actually had a large impact on the US anime fandom?
Also, I feel Astro Boy should be included on the "cultural influence on Japan" list as I believe it predates even Hello Kitty as ****************************** yes on the Astro boy thing. wrote:
Astro Boy is historically significant as the first full-length anime series to be broadcast in Japan, and the first to be distributed in the USA. (Manga Calendar was broadcast earlier in Japan, but had episodes that were 3-5 minutes long.) It is also, perhaps, the first true anime, as it had an ongoing plot, a staple of the term as used today.
In addition, it popularized something else that sticks with anime to this day.
[quote]A less ancient Ur-example: the 1963 opening for Astro Boy, the first Anime Theme Song.
Leaving it off a list of animes that have influenced the anime culture seems to be a glaring mistake to me.