Saw the first Twilight movie with my little sister one day when nothing else was going at the cinema. One thing we both really liked was the muted and understated colouration of the whole movie compared to most Hollywood teen movies, that come across as hyper-coloured and full of plastic people. The Twilight schoolchildren seemed refreshingly real by comparison, sensibly and realistically clothed, and there seemed to be a really solid cast of new young actors among them all.
To all of you posters who disparage the good looks of Edward (or Jake) I bet you are all straight men. OF COURSE you can't see why girls and women of all ages are going weak-kneed over them. You're straight. Edward and Jake's visual signals don't register on your hormonal buttons. You are just going to have to trust that beauty is real beauty in the eye of the beholder.
I'm not interested in reading the books. I've been told the writing isn't very good, and I'm put off by stories that the author is Mormon, and her religion has strongly influenced her story writing. Apparently she has said that a theme of the books is a message to teenagers of restraint over sex, over "not doing it". I gather that Edward resisting making a Bella a vampire is part of that "not doing it" theme.
I was surprised by the whole sparkle thing in the movie, it's so far from vampire cannon, but I was enjoying too many other things about the movie to be bothered by it too much. It wasn't a surprise that later I also read that the author didn't know about much vampire cannon - not even about them having special eye-teeth fangs. So her vampires had strong crushing jaws that opened up blood to drink with the entire set of teeth. She had some vampire basics: blood drinkers, immortal, can make more of themselves, strong and heightened senses. But she had been exposed to so little vampire media that there was a heap she left out without feeling a need to explain away as human myths about vampires, plus of course the notorious sparklies, which seemed as good as any for sun-phobia, since she didn't know about the whole flaming death thing.
I too love True Blood, the Sookie Stackhouse books, the Anita Blake books, especially 1-9, and I highly recommend the TV series Being Human, which also breaks the sunlight-vampire cannon, but has the most darling gorgeous Ghost-Vampire-Warewolf friendship threesome. Yum. Even with hokey werewolf effects Being Human has great plotting.