Okay, I can't put links inside a spoiler tag (well, I can, but they show up anyway) and I'm going to be linking a few songs from this week's episode, so I'm going to put a space in here, and if you scroll down, caveat emptor. They're just some Itunes downloads of the songs, including solo versions of the duet linked above. No plot information.
Songs below!
Including the titles, because I'm too damn lazy to come up with nifty little hints.
A follow-up: the last song was GREAT. I'm glad Artie and what's-her-stutter finally got a little screen time. I love Artie's voice, auto-tuning and all on low notes. Best quote of the night: "But I want to be very clear - I still have the use of my *****." Seeing the softer side of Sue was nice as well.
Next week's episode looks promising... and a little disturbing. But hey, a song from Sting! And looks like the wife finally comes back into the picture.
Spoilers added for West Coasters.
Also, for anyone unfamiliar with The Guild, Vork is the one in green with the sword. I highly recommend watching the web series for any online gaming enthusiasts.
Ignoring the thrown note, Rachel's song sounded much better than Kurt's. She has a richer voice and his sounded reedy.
True. Still, had I not spent my high school years as good friends with a truly amazing counter-tenor, the fact that any post-pubescent male could sing that high with any sort of tonal quality would be highly impressive.
Now I find myself wishing I could hear Casey Stratton do a cover of that song, if only for comparison's sake.
Yeah I liked Rachel's solo better as well. Don't get me wrong, Curt sounded amazing, but Joph is completely right that her voice is much richer and his sounded a bit strained.
I was a bit disappointed in this episode in that from the previews from three weeks ago, it looked like they were going to drop the bomb about Quinn's baby daddy, and then that didn't end up happening. I'm getting to the point where I'm really liking Puck and not liking Finn much at all. I feel bad for Finn in some respects, as Quinn was really ****** to him this episode, but he really does need to man up and stop whining so god damn much.
I skipped the last few posts because I haven't seen last night's episode yet, but I wanted to point this out and say that I agree with most of the choices.
I skipped the last few posts because I haven't seen last night's episode yet, but I wanted to point this out and say that I agree with most of the choices.
I was a bit disappointed in this episode in that from the previews from three weeks ago, it looked like they were going to drop the bomb about Quinn's baby daddy, and then that didn't end up happening.
The preview from three weeks ago was more of a fall season preview, rather than a specific episode preview. From what I understand, that particular scene will be happening in the next week or two.
I'm getting to the point where I'm really liking Puck and not liking Finn much at all. I feel bad for Finn in some respects, as Quinn was really ****** to him this episode, but he really does need to man up and stop whining so god damn much.
Well, yeah, except that she's ******** at him to man up and be the babydaddy when she knows good and well he's NOT the babydaddy, which means she's basically making his life hell for absolutely no good reason, not only by dumping a bunch of undeserved responsibility on him, but also by being such an utter cow to him. Every time I start to think I could actually like Quinn, I keep bumping up against this fact. I mean, why not just admit the truth, especially in light of the fact that Puck is more than happy to do what she's demanding Finn do instead? Why? To save her image? Sweetie, that ship has long since sailed.
Don't get me wrong, Finn's dumb as a brick, but he's sweet and well-intentioned and doesn't deserve to be played this way.
Oh I totally agree that Quinn is in the wrong for the way she's treating him. I just don't like it when people whine excessively, even if their whining is justifiable, it gets on my nerves. >.> To be honest I think I'd rather see Puck together with either Quinn or Rachel (although Rachel would be preferred, because that was just adorable). Even though Rachel is kind of annoying and a prima donna, I really like her as a character and I think she deserves better than Finn.
Oh I totally agree that Quinn is in the wrong for the way she's treating him. I just don't like it when people whine excessively, even if their whining is justifiable, it gets on my nerves. >.> To be honest I think I'd rather see Puck together with either Quinn or Rachel (although Rachel would be preferred, because that was just adorable). Even though Rachel is kind of annoying and a prima donna, I really like her as a character and I think she deserves better than Finn.
I way over-identify with Rachel, because personality-wise, she's basically the same as I was in high school, except that she has a better voice (I was good, but not that good.) Pretty and talented girl that people find obnoxious because she's a bit weird and under-socialized and just tries too damn hard.
I don't think she's so much a prima donna as she is just ignorant of what's socially acceptable (probably because she's been isolated and relatively friendless) and she's been pushed to be very competitive and raised with very demanding expectations. I mean, it was really only hit on the fly-by in the pilot, but let's look at her backstory:
Her dads screened surrogates based on looks and intelligence. These guys were not just interested in a child to love just for the sake of having a family; they wanted a prodigy.
She was put into dancing and voice lessons from a very young age, to quote the show "anything to give me that competitive edge." This is no doubt the source of her being under-socialized. Not only was the time she should have spent developing social skills otherwise occupied, but the emphasis on competition alienated her from her peers.
Really, Rachel is a pretty tragic character when you begin to analyze her, and it's not really her fault. She's the victim of stage-parents, and she doesn't even know it.
At any rate, I agree to an extent about Finn. I'm not grokking him as leading man material at all. Not only is his voice mediocre, but he's dumb--which is never sexy--and he's wishy-washy (also not sexy.) Puck's hubba-hubba sexy, but I can't 'ship for him with anyone other than Quinn because he's the father of her baby and that's where he needs to be. Actually, I haven't yet found anyone to truly ship for on this show; except maybe Kurt. I want Kurt to find a love interest and get over his crush on Finn.
At any rate, I agree to an extent about Finn. I'm not grokking him as leading man material at all. Not only is his voice mediocre, but he's dumb--which is never sexy--and he's wishy-washy (also not sexy.) Puck's hubba-hubba sexy, but I can't 'ship for him with anyone other than Quinn because he's the father of her baby and that's where he needs to be. Actually, I haven't yet found anyone to truly ship for on this show; except maybe Kurt. I want Kurt to find a love interest and get over his crush on Finn.
No love for Artie? He's my favorite male character vocally, and he's also pretty likable.
Not that I could see him getting with Rachel or Quinn, but I've enjoyed his character more than the others so far, despite him seeming to have less screen time.
At any rate, I agree to an extent about Finn. I'm not grokking him as leading man material at all. Not only is his voice mediocre, but he's dumb--which is never sexy--and he's wishy-washy (also not sexy.) Puck's hubba-hubba sexy, but I can't 'ship for him with anyone other than Quinn because he's the father of her baby and that's where he needs to be. Actually, I haven't yet found anyone to truly ship for on this show; except maybe Kurt. I want Kurt to find a love interest and get over his crush on Finn.
No love for Artie? He's my favorite male character vocally, and he's also pretty likable.
I adore Artie, and I love his voice, but I think he's probably really in the right place with his character, or nearly so. His value lies in throwing out these witty one-liners, such as telling Puck, "You know, you're really more helpful when you don't contribute" in "Vitamin D." I wouldn't mind him being a LITTLE more prominent, but I don't want to see him become a lead, because then I think we'd lose some of what makes his rare lines such gems. He's that quiet guy you don't see coming until he zings you.
"Proud Mary" "Endless Love" "I'll Stand By You" "Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl" "Crush" "(You're) Having My Baby" "Lean on Me" "Don't Make Me Over" "Imagine" "True Colors" "Jump" "Smile" (Lily Allen) "Smile" (Charlie Chaplin) "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" "Don't Rain on My Parade" "You Can't Always Get What You Want" "My Life Would Suck Without You"
I admit to being a bit confused. My understand was that Quinn would be singing Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach" in an upcoming episode and it would be on the soundtrack, but I guess not.
At any rate, I agree to an extent about Finn. I'm not grokking him as leading man material at all. Not only is his voice mediocre, but he's dumb--which is never sexy--and he's wishy-washy (also not sexy.) Puck's hubba-hubba sexy, but I can't 'ship for him with anyone other than Quinn because he's the father of her baby and that's where he needs to be. Actually, I haven't yet found anyone to truly ship for on this show; except maybe Kurt. I want Kurt to find a love interest and get over his crush on Finn.
No love for Artie? He's my favorite male character vocally, and he's also pretty likable.
I adore Artie, and I love his voice, but I think he's probably really in the right place with his character, or nearly so. His value lies in throwing out these witty one-liners, such as telling Puck, "You know, you're really more helpful when you don't contribute" in "Vitamin D." I wouldn't mind him being a LITTLE more prominent, but I don't want to see him become a lead, because then I think we'd lose some of what makes his rare lines such gems. He's that quiet guy you don't see coming until he zings you.
He was likable for me until Wednesdays episode. I really didn't like the way things ended with Tina. I can understand him being upset with her for the stutter thing, but I also sympathize with her for getting caught in that huge lie that wouldn't go away. I just think it's incredibly ****** up that he wouldn't want to be with her anymore because she ISN'T handicapped. That's as messed up as not wanting to be with someone because they are handicapped.
This week's songs are up at Itunes. Looks like there's going to be A LOT of music this week.
I'm going to just call the links song1, song2, etc, but if you hover over them you will see the song title (in other words, technically a spoiler) so hover at your own risk.
Song1Yippee! I've been wanting Schue and Rachel to do a duet since the show began, not because I ship for them (ew, icky!) but because they really have the best two voices on the show. Too bad it's such a schmaltzy song. Song2 Song3Hrmm, Finn does a decent job of it at parts, other parts are painful. Song4Song5Puck? Datchoo?
There! Hopefully this is an acceptable compromise to the problem of spoiler tags not being effective over links.
He was likable for me until Wednesdays episode. I really didn't like the way things ended with Tina. I can understand him being upset with her for the stutter thing, but I also sympathize with her for getting caught in that huge lie that wouldn't go away. I just think it's incredibly @#%^ed up that he wouldn't want to be with her anymore because she ISN'T handicapped. That's as messed up as not wanting to be with someone because they are handicapped.
I can see him being put off at first. He really did think they had an important bit of common ground to share. But if he doesn't adapt and get over it, then yeah, I'll agree with you.
This episode had a bit too much seriousness for my tastes, but overall it was a good one.
I was serious, but it had plenty of moments where I LOLed too. And Finn ended up almost making me cry when he was singing to the ultrasound video. Not sure I really like Mercedes advice to Puck, though.
Also, best comedic performance of the night has to go to Emma. Her reactions during Will's mashup had me in hysterics.
I thought the teacher's wife's rationalization for havign Rachel clean their house was hysterical.
"I might as well get something out of (High school girls having a crush on the teacher) this too!"
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin
Also, best comedic performance of the night has to go to Emma. Her reactions during Will's mashup had me in hysterics.
Edited, Nov 19th 2009 12:23am by Ambrya
Yeah that whole clip was freaking hysterical. I loved it! My bf gripes about me watching the show every week, but he was laughing pretty hard during this episode too. I pointed that out to him and said that even though he teases me about it, he still enjoys the show too and he just gave me this look like "Yeah, whatever... you're right but I don't want to admit it." It was pretty amusing.