Any books you've been reading where you could almost taste the details and wished to see certain events in the book unfold with the latest special effects and actors? Ever read a book and imagined certain characters to be certain celebrities from movies?
After having read the Age of the Five trilogy (fantasy) by Trudi Canavan, I realized that the books would be absolutely perfect on screen. All those special effects, the landscape, the characters. Almost made me want to be a director just so I could see it happen (though I'd probably make an Uwe Boll-ish terribad product).
Also, Insomnia by Stephen King is one of my all-time favorite books (one of the few I've read more than once) and every time I read it, I see certain celebrities as the characters in the book. I've heard rumors that they're making a film, but has nothing on it yet.
So, have you read any books lately where you found yourself wanting to see the movie - even if it didn't exist (yet)?